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Status Updates posted by HappyRs

  1. It's official: our case is at the Embassy! Waiting for packet 3 now!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. EllaC


      Mergi la Biomedica, e ieftin, iti da in aceeasi zi si sunt foarte draguti cei de acolo. Toate prietenele mele au fost acolo. :P

    3. HappyRs


      aha! auzisem eu ca e mai ieftin, dar citisem si niste reviews mai proaste din 2008 si 2009...si acum eram in cumpana. merci pt pont ;)

    4. adi&daniel


      multumesc mult,aleksa

  2. OMG!!! My fiance just called! WE got the NOA2!!! he just received it in the mail, but it is dated July 19! Woohoooo!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kikay K

      Kikay K

      Congrats! 66 days is so nice to look at! LOL! :-)

    3. adi&daniel


      congrats aleksa :)

    4. HappyRs


      thank you, guys! I am still walking on air! Good luck , my fellow VJs...We'll all be reunited soon with our loved ones...

  3. hey guys! haven't seen you around for a while! everything ok, I hope...

  4. getting anxious! come on CSC! may July be my month too!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. HappyRs


      super! tu si sunshine sunteti la o aruncatura de bat una de alta... Nebraska e la cateva mii de km distanta...:-(

    3. EllaC


      Suna bine sa ne intalnim toate! Eu o sa fiu in Thorndale, PA. La vreo 290 si ceva de mile de Zelienople. Stam la vreo 40mi de Philly, vreo 50-60 km.

    4. EllaC


      Lore&Dusty sunt pe partea vestica a statului, dar nu e ca si cand am fi la nu stiu cate state distanta, ne putem intalni. :)

  5. 2 whole months since NOA1...We're getting there...Staying positive...

  6. am vazut ca cei din Texas se misca destul de repede; unii au primit noa2 la doar o luna dupa ce au aplicat; chiar citisem un caz asemanator cu al vostru: au primit noa 1 f tarziu si apoi au primit noa 2 la doar 3 saptamani dupa. Asa ca...exista speranta!

    eu sunt ok...mi-e dor de al meu, dar stiu ca nu poate sa mai dureze mult. am asteptat atata timp, acum suntem pe ultimele sute ...

  7. so many speedy approvals in Vermont lately...Come on, CSC!!! Make us happy!

    1. HappyRs


      P.S: Yayyy for the Dutch!!!

    2. Mr&Mrs.Boo


      ty very much my dear.

  8. hey guys! cred ca trebuie sa primiti noa1 in curand, nu? bafta!!!

  9. saying goodbye for now :(

    1. MalaysianGirl


      It's okay, you'll see each other again! :)

  10. ahh, ce dragutz din partea ta! Am avionul in seara asta...Mai am doar 2 ore de stat cu el :(. sper ca timpul deasteptare sa zboare si sa primim noa2 cat mai repede ;). missed being around ;)

  11. - with my baby for another 7 days!

  12. thanks a lot, lore&dusty!

  13. buna Lore! Bine ai venit pe site-ul VJ si felicitari pentru logodna! noi am aplicat I-129f in mai si asteptam rabdatori NOA2. Completeaza-ti timeline-ul, pentru ca datele introduse de tine vor fi de ajutor si celor ce vor incepe procesul dupa noi...Wish you a smooth journey ;)

  14. hi! Buna! I don't know if this profile is updated by the US petitioner or by the Romanian beneficiary, but i just wanted to wish you good luck with the entire process. Our timelines are pretty similar... Bafta!

  15. ...seeing my love again soon!

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