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Status Updates posted by HappyRs

  1. packing!!!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. EllaC


      Pupicei, Aleksa! Zbor placut si sa ne auzim cu bine! De asemenea, petrecere frumoasa dupa cununie!

    3. HappyRs


      merci!!! so happy to be in my baby's arms again! am vazut ca ai primit mesaj ca ti-au trimis dosarul la VSC! Felicitari! abia stept sa primesti NOA1 si sa inceapa asteptarea oficiala :D. Kisses!

    4. EllaC


      Thank you for being here, thank you for your support. Sunt foarte fericita ca in curand se va incheia cu toata asteptarea asta si vom fi impreuna. Vreau acasa, noua mea casa!! :D Hugs and kisses!

  2. yep, yep, yep! keep me posted please :P

  3. one more week...

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. EllaC


      Ah, era sa uit: Las Vegas, nene :))) Trebuie sa mergem, Atlantic City e iarasi aproape, deci nu se pune ca ajungem usor. Gata, tac... vorbesc prea mult. :D

    3. Love is patient

      Love is patient

      Am fost la Atlantic City mai demult, superrr!! Sunshine, in NY poti veni si la mine, iar cand merg in Philly vin la tine!! Ce fain e si reciproca treaba!! Trimite-mi id tau de mess daca vrei sa pastram legatura!! :)

    4. EllaC


      @Love is patient: God, eu abia acum am vazut ce ai postat aici. :D Sunt intru totul de acord cu tine. ;))

  4. that would be just too cool!!! My flight lands in Chicago (coming from London) at 3.25 pm, local time. What would be the odds for us to be even on the same flight? :D

  5. 9 days!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr&Mrs.Boo


      ty sunt happyyyyyy multumesc:*:* mai e un pic si merg la boo:X:X:X:

    3. Love is patient

      Love is patient


    4. HappyRs


      multumesc mult! da, nu vrem decat sa fim impreuna in sfarsit ;-). Mult suces in continuare, sa ajungem cu totii langa partenerii nostri...

  6. I love watching the countdown on my signature. Tik-tok...13 days left!

  7. wow, I just read the Consulate review. Were there people denied On Aug. 17? I know I left the Consulate early, but I didn't think anyone would get denied :-/.

  8. wonderful news lately! Congrats Lore&Dusty and Bhebe for being approved this week! May it be a smooth journey from now on and you'll be with your loved ones soon!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. EllaC


      M-am emotionat... ce sa mai spun, Lore, multumesc pentru cuvintele frumoase! Ma bucur sa vad si astfel de oameni cu suflet bun. Pupicei pt amandoua!

    3. HappyRs


      Sunshine, you're back! 1 Sept. se apropie ;-)

    4. lady_bug


      hi alexa..just wanna asko few question hope its ok with u..first how to contact a congressperson my husband is in maryland usa..its been 5 months but then wwe hvn't reciv noa2..help pls..tnx so much...

  9. hey guys, what's new?

  10. I'm bummed to hear about so many divorces...Sometimes, things didn't work out and that's fine...but I'm sad to hear about people manipulating and using the love of their partners for a GC! Uncanny!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. EllaC


      aaa, am prins aici o fereastra, sunt prin bucuresti. am gasit un wireless si am zis sa vad ce se mai intampla pe aici. In rest, tot cu logodnicul. Ne plimbam, munte, mare, oras...

    3. HappyRs


      sunshibe, pai aia e problema...testele acolo au fost ok si nu m-au overcharged at all...oaba a venit "the doctor", care se spune ca e cel cu autorizatie de la ambasada. el ne-a trimis la orl si dermatologie pe toti :-(...ceea ce m-a cam enervat, dar nu vroiam sa ma pun rau cu el :-/

    4. HappyRs


      sa va distrati!!! ;-)

  11. hello! da, examenul medical l-am platit la Bio-medica (atentie, ca mai mult ca sigur vor incerca sa-ti gaseasca si boli pe care nu le ai, numai ca sa platesti mai mult; toti am patit-o :-( ). Taxa pentru viza e 350 USD 9sau echivalentul in lei) si se plateste la casieria ambasadei. Sa-i ai la tine la interviu, pentru ca pre-screenerul iti va spune cand s-o achiti.

  12. tomorrow you'll see and hug your baby!!! yay!

  13. cred ca esti tare fericita ca esti cu iubitul tau zilele astea. Have lots of fun!

  14. hey, just dropping by to thank you for the message and wish you guys best of luck at the upcoming interview ;)

  15. Congrats! I met your Nico yesterday, we embraced and congratulated one another. We purchased the tickets as well! So happy! Have a wonderful life together!

  16. APPROVED!!! This stage is finally OVER! Thank you for everything, my dear VJ friends!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. HappyRs


      ce frumos! sa va distrati, ca meritati ;-). Noi vom fi in Omaha, Nebraska...Any chance the fiti in zona? :-/

    3. adi&daniel


      noi vom fi in wisconsin,aproape de madison.

    4. Mr&Mrs.Boo


      buna citeam un post care zicea ca la ambasada din Londra se plateste visa aplication la interviu tu ai platit ceva in afara de medical?ms mult pup cum stai cu pregatirile?

  17. I am at the office, freaking out and waiting to leave for my interview at noon! Aghhhh!!!

    1. Mr&Mrs.Boo


      totul o sa fie bn stai linistita:)

    2. Terry&Tigger


      come on, girl, tell us the good news!!

    3. HappyRs


      APPROVED!!! Yayy! Got the visa!!! Thank you all for your support! I cannot tell you guys how much you've helped!

      P.S.:will write a review soon ;)

  18. 2 days left!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. EllaC


      Keep us posted. I'm so nervous :) I'm also confident and I know it will be ok. It has to be. It's your right to be happy. I'm somehow in your situation regarding the B-2 visa. :P

    3. EllaC


      And tomorrow's the day... the day you'll get your K-1!

    4. HappyRs


      merci mult pt incurajari! ma doare stomacul de emotii, dar sper sa va dau vesti bune mai pe seara! :)

  19. hey guys! I have my interview on the same day as you...Kinda freaking out :-/

  20. OK, so it's set! Visa interview on Aug. 17!!! Shaking in my boots... :-/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EllaC
    3. adi&daniel


      iti tin pumnii aleks :)

    4. HappyRs


      merci mult! will need all your positive thoughts...

  21. hey Lore...missing you around! sunt sigura ca ceremonia voastra a fost super si acum petreceti cat mai mult timp impreuna! felicitari!

  22. OMG!!! Just got an email from the Embassy, telling me I am scheduled for the interview on Aug 17!! But I am not ready yet! :-/

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. kptaylor


      Congrats on the interview! My Nico will be there, too, as you saw on our profile. She'll have her three kids with her. Don't be nervous, everything sounds like Bucharest is a nice place to interview. Not too many negative comments outside the wait time.

    3. HappyRs


      hey, thanks for ur nice words! I am a bit nervous, but I hope to be able to give my Nico some good news soon. Good luck to you too, guys! I am sure I will see your Nico on the 17th; there won't be many of us there ;)

    4. Sweet Dove

      Sweet Dove

      THANKS to say at me to be strong.. yehey Our RFE sending this week.. Thank GOD and thank to you too..

  23. woohooo!!! Congrats!!!

  24. packet 3 sent off to the embassy...Sa fie cu noroc!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HappyRs


      that's so cool! thank you and good luck to you too! I see you set your interview already...So exciting! I'm thinking Aug 23 would be a good day for me and my baby...

    3. adi&daniel


      sa dea domnul!:)soon u will fly to ur baby,thats so wonderful!!

    4. HappyRs


      abia astept! tocmai ce am incheiat o (noua) runda de skype si suntem foarte entuziasmati. cred ca si dosarul vostru se pregateste sa plece de la NVC deja ;). Sa ne tii la curent :P...

  25. finally got packet 3...but I'm a bit confused, so I'm going to contact the immigrant visa unit at the Embassy...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HappyRs


      daaa...am primit pachetul in 2 saptamani de la noa2 ;). puteam sa-l trimit inapoi la ambasada deja, dar astept documentele originale de la puiul meu, asa ca voi amana pt o saptamana...

    3. adi&daniel


      ce documente originale ti-a trimis?...multumesc anticipat

    4. HappyRs


      a trimis certified copies ale deciziilor de divort, certificatul de nastere, I-134 care trebuie semnat in cerneala albastra (sa se vada ca e original), o noua scrisoare de intentie datata mai aproape de interviu...cam astea ar fi. Le-a trimis prin posta normala, pt ca FedEx mi s-au parut prea scumpi, dar sunt sigura ca vor ajunge la timp aici ;)

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