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Posts posted by VeraVimes

  1. I have seen many people say it took a few weeks for their visa to arrive in the mail, even though they were told a week. Mine arrived exactly a week after my interview, it had been "issued" the day before I got it.

    My guess is your embassy is busy at the moment and they haven't gotten round to issuing (i.e. printing) it yet. But call them, by all means. It's good to let them know you're still alive and capable of being a pain in the ####...

  2. Sorry to hijack this thread, but do you also file for advance parole when you file for the green card?

    Yes, Advance Parole, the EAD and the AOS can all be sent in at the same time. The good news is, that way you only have to pay for AOS...

    Rahloocuh, GOOD LUCK at Chicago! If my interview next week goes well I'll be following in your footsteps about a month later, fingers crossed for both of us! :thumbs:

  3. If like Vanessa&Tony have said, China does not allow dual nationality, then she more or less forfeits her Chinese citizenship when she takes US citizenship.

    The land of my birth is the same - by taking citizenship elsewhere, I forfeit my Dutch citizenship, and if I try to enter Holland with my Dutch passport while in possession of US citizenship, I will be accused of fraud. I am thinking about not taking US citizenship because I really don't want to lose my Dutch citizenship. But maybe more research is needed by you and your beloved?

    I didn't realize this applied to Dutch citizens as well. I have dual nationality - Dutch and British - so I figured I wouldn't tempt fate and try to get a third. Permanent resident seems like a good enough deal. If anything, I know Holland is a safe place that I'd always want to be able to get back to...

  4. Hello all, since I travelled to the States a few weeks ago for the second time during this process, I thought I'd give an update. The first time I entered was last August (the whole story is somewhere in this topic). Our petition had been sent in a month or so earlier, so we were at the stage on NOA1-NOA2. I told the officer I was staying with my fiance, yes, he was a US citizen, we were in the K1 process. That was all he needed, he let me through.

    I went through Chicago O'Hare at the end of December. I was one of the first at customs (it was obviously a slow day). Since we were now at the stage where we had an interview date and were nearing the end of the process, I was a little nervous they would make an issue out of it. I told the officer I was here to visit my fiance... and he launched into a chatty conversation about how I seemed too young to be getting married, how many times he'd been married, was I sure I wanted to marry this man (it didn't seem like he was interrogating me, just that he was bored and wanted to chat). I had brought the I-129f forms and interview letter with me, but he waved me on without asking any other questions.

    All in all, I have to say that traveling to the US while on the K1 train has been painless, even though I never had proper ties to my home country (no job, no lease, no school enrollment). It's terrifying to do, but as long as you're honest and confident that you know you don't plan to misbehave, go for it!

  5. Congratulations :dance: ,Im very happy for you!!

    I hope so much we´ll hear something soon. But I think we´ll get an RFE because we just sent pictures as evidence that we met in person, nothing else.

    Will at least the RFE show online at USCIS, or could it happen that we´ll just recieve that, as well in the mail?

    Thank you! I do feel very lucky, I was one of a wave of approvals. I can't imagine how frustrated you must be feeling now! As far as the touches go, I think it's best to assume the USCIS is sporadic about updating its website. Don't get me wrong, I checked my status two or three times a day before, but if you don't see a change, don't lose heart. It could just be that their system was acting up and they simply mailed you your NOA2 or (God forbid! I've got my fingers crossed for you!) the RFE. Good luck to you!

  6. Hey im also waiting from the 12th though ours has not been touched since july 21st :( If there is no change on uscis site how do you know if you have been touched?

    Just to let you know, my NOA1 was dated July 12 and has since been approved (on November 18th). I received one touch on the USCIS website, also on July 21st. I signed up for emails, but I didn't receive anything from them. I didn't know we were approved until the hard copy came in the mail on November 23rd. So just so you don't lose faith, it's entirely possible for you to be approved without hearing anything at all from the USCIS (other than the hard copy in the mail).

  7. I'm very pleased you've broached this subject, Tero. We are very privileged to have this website and forum, as it is a wealth of information and emotional support at a time when things in life are uncertain and difficult. Many posts to the forum are extremely personal and fragile, perhaps things we would usually not tell a stranger, but things only people going through the same process can understand.

    In this age of detachment we often forget there are people on the other end of the internet, real people to whom their problems are devastating. If you can't help a person with their issue, and don't feel able to give them a supporting word, zip your lip and move on to a different subject. As you say, we are all adults, we are responsible for our choices and endeavors, let's all treat each other with the respect we deserve.

  8. Maybe you posted more somewhere else but you seem pretty relaxed about it. Permit me to be excited for you.


    :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

    Thank you! I am really happy, but unfortunately my SO was kinda cranky because his phone had exploded or something, and he was swamped with work, and he only had 5 minutes to talk and tell me... So my balloon was somewhat deflated. Holy bananas, though, I got my NOA2! The one I've been waiting for. Maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet...

    Wait, I know what'll make me feel better...

    :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:


    Aaaaaah, that's good...

  9. hey guys, my noa2 was nov 17th, nvc got it in the system at 8pm last night (nov 22) and they had it sent off to london about 3 hours ago (nov 23rd)...talk about things goin fast, it's like from snail speed to omgIblinkedandmissedit.

    they told me that they don't have my fiance's email logged, even though i had it on the paperwork, but that if i call DOS and give it to them then they can email him the info instead of mailing it, so maybe check on that? could save a few weeks easy, no?

    Holy ****! That's exactly how I feel, first it was s-l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-w.......... Nowmovingatthespeedoflight!!! I'm going to make myself wait until Monday to call, though, since I'll be at my aunt's house and she has free international calls... Holy moley! I gotta get my #### into gear!

  10. argh vera,youre seriously lucky for the gift of positivity.

    Seems it paid off, I just got off the phone with Jimmy... NOA2 date November 18th!

    Oooooh, I feel terrible leaving you behind, but take comfort in the fact that I haven't had a touch since July 21st. Their website is clearly entirely untrustworthy. I am focusing all my positivity on yours being in that backlog of mail your fiance will be getting any day now. If there is anybody on here that deserves it, it's you. I will make it come by pure will power!

  11. exactly,im just worried because what if they sent an RFE to japan before he changed his address?even tho he reported change of address the second day he got to the states.

    That would suck mightily, but I'm sure you are simply psyching yourself out. I am always afraid my letters will get lost in the mail, because I write the address with a fountain pen, so I'm sure the envelope will get wet and the ink will run and become illegible, and my love note or birthday present will get tossed in the trash.

    It's only when I say that out loud that I realise how unlikely it is.

    I'm projecting that our files are on some adjudicator's desk, underneath one or two other files, and he's working through them, going on a coffee break, coming back, picking up your file, flipping through it, doing the background check which comes out clean... Checks his list, fills in APPROVED in their system, and throws it in the mail bag.

    Believe it with me!

  12. SO doesnt have access to phones,he doesnt have a cells and since his base is a VERY small one ( he is the only one living in the barracks ) with nearly no phones.im gonna ask him to try calling today tho,im getting really worried

    Don't be too worried, I haven't received mine either. Seems we're the last two standing! I thought our background check may take a little longer, since my SO had three divorce certificates to send in, one of which dates back to 1978, so it may take them a bit to check those out. Still, we can't be much behind.

    It is very weird that the July approvals basically started at week 2, what happened to those first week appliers?

  13. Thanks

    Iv been on there everyday every chance im at the computer and it just seems to never want to move off the 07/21/2010 i think it will be stuck on there forever it seems

    Ohhh, I know! That *@^&%ing 7/21/2010 will be the death of me! Since there were 3 approvals for July 12 or later on Friday, I'm hoping you and I will simply get a huge surprise on the snail mail front... A girl can dream!

  14. Thanks so much! You don't know how much what you said helped. I have come to lean on the support my VJ buddies. You guys are great.:D

    I know, without you folks keeping my spirits up, I'd be eating the curtains by now! But I have a good feeling about these touches. It's got to arrive next week. Just think, our NOA2s could be lying in a post office somewhere right now, or rumbling around in the back of a van on their way from California to our states... Ooooh please please please! A new week starts soon!

  15. We were touched twice in two days and I am terrified that we may get an RFE. I think it's because of the two touches in two days. I mean if we get one, we will work on it but the thought of more delays is killing me. :wacko:

    No! Think positive! The first touch was them picking up the file to do the background check, the second one was them putting it in the mail. We're going to receive our NOA2s at the same time, and continue forward in tandem.

    Don't doubt me, biotch!

  16. I wasn't touched, I was fondled and it felt good. Whoo hoo!!!!!! Let's hope we don't get an RFE. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

    Congratulations! I see you're streaking ahead of me... But it's all for the greater good. Except now it's the damn weekend and nothing will happen, no touches, no mail, no NOA2s, grrrr!

    I never thought I'd see the day when the weekend inspired gloom and impatience in me. CSC is messing with my head! Touch me!

  17. i have been checking xxxx times daily if ours was touched........

    until i decided to take a 10 day escapade.....

    just arrived few hours ago and ......

    I GOT TOUCHED !!!!

    NOA 1 = june 24

    touched = nov 17....

    but status remains "initial review".....

    i am nervously excited !!!!!

    Congratulations! It does seem they got their asses into gear on the 16th and 17th... I'm gonna be curious next Tuesday and Wednesday to see if there are any pleasant surprises in the mail for you touchees. Fingers crossed the holiday doesn't get in the way.

  18. I can't stop staring at it... help me


    Holy Mother! That's so EXCITING!!!!! You see, they always wait until you're at the brink of despair... Ahahahahaha, I'm so happy for you! It's pretty surreal that things are tentatively moving along for us Julies, man, it just makes my day (and i just woke up and am still under the covers, so it's a great start.)

  19. I am so lonely it's killing me. I just need a glimmer of hope. Anything.

    WHY is it that just when I get excited because there are quite a few approvals coming in, they stop and leave us with nothing for a week. Just one approval a day would do the trick. Proof that things are still moving. I have no doubt that CSC are approving people every day, but if only we could see it... If only there were a collective online timeline for K1 filers, instead of just our little bunch.

    I am so ready to see a July approval that isn't expedited, but I'm not even sure that's going to be happening this week.

  20. DOn't be nervous! You aren't going to be at a high fraud consulate, and as far as I know, age difference for the Netherlands is not a big deal. You'll do great. My fiance is 7 years older than I am, and I really doubt it will even come up as a question! Seriously, don't fret over it.

    That's a great attitude to have over your consulate. Time will fly once you receive NOA2.

    PS - just a random fact, but my grandfather served Canada in WW2 over in the Netherlands :)

    Haha, thanks, I try not to be nervous. I would almost forget that our relationship is truly bonafide, so it shouldn't be that hard to prove. In any case, all you can do is gather all the necessary and seemingly unnecessary documents you can lay your hands on and hope for the best. My parents emigrated to Holland from England (pre-EU, so about as difficult as this is for us), and consulates and immigration officers do make it as difficult as possible. That's their job. You have to prove you are totally committed and persistent, so that's what I'm counting on.

    Random fact for you: my aunt married a Canadian and lived in Toronto for several years. I remember visiting when I was about 8, going to a national reserve and sinking waist-deep in snow. A childhood dream come true!

    And, just to join in, I'm also seeing my fiance around the same time as you and gap1. (I am totally spoilt, because he only left last Tuesday after visiting me here). It's our first big holiday together, New Year's Eve, I'm almost too excited about that!

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