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Posts posted by choongchoong

  1. Guys, I had my interview this morning and right now a decision hasn't been made but it went EXTREMELY WELL!! (sorry for the long post):

    The appointment was at 10:30am and we got there at 10:00am. Went through security, these guys were awesome, they made jokes with us and then wished us luck. We got in to the office, checked in, and dropped the interview letter into a slip by the door and waited. We were called at exactly 10:30 but a nice and pleasant lady.

    She asked us how we were doing and then we got into her office she told us that we had to stand up because she's going to swear us in, raise our right hand and then say you'll tell the truth.

    Once that was done we got seated, she asked us for our IDs, actually i think maybe we gave the ID's before swearing in but i can't remember.

    WE gave our drivers licenses and she photocopied them.

    Then she said she's going to go through the application to make sure she has everything correct. She started with my husband, verified his name, date of birth, place of birth, address, social security number. Then she asked him when we got married and where.

    Then she asked me the same questions.

    After that she went through the questions of espionage, terrorism, weapons, communism etc. (all the questions i answered 'no' to on the application.

    It was funny because when she came to the question about espionage I almost BURST OUT LAUGHING (I tried to hold it in and instead made a strange noise) becasue I started imagining James Bond movies... :blink: , well the interviewing officer thought i was confused and said ' you know what that means right? espionage?'

    and i said 'yes, like spying?' and she said yes and i finally answered 'no, no espionage'. anyway I got serious again and we continued.

    After that, she asked me AGAIN what date we got married, then she asked me if I have any children anywhere in the world. and i said no. Then there was a pause, and my husband kind of chuckled and i looked at him and jokingly asked him what about him, and he says 'She asked you, not me!' So I knew he was joking, he's very silly like that so i pretended to gasp, and then he laughed and the interviewing officer laughed and said no that question was for me and not him. :rofl:

    Anyway, then she asked us if we have any documents of joint assets etc, we gave her our health, vehicle insurance, mortgage document, life insurance beneficiary stuff. Then she asked us if we have a joint bank account which we do have but somehow i forgot to include that document. She told us that everything else we submitted was good but she's going to have us submit that to her also. Then she told us that the Medical report wasn't filled out completely by the doctor so we'll have to take that back to him and have him correct it. We asked if we'd have to drive all the way back to USCIS but she gave us the address and told us we have 30 days to mail everything. Then she said once she has that she'd be able to make a decision whether to approve our case.

    Then she printed off the removal of conditions stuff and gave it to me and explained it.

    After that she asked if we had any questions, and my husband just confirmed again what we need to send in, bank stuff and corrected medical report.

    Then it occurred to me that she never asked to see pictures!! so I said 'well, what about our albums? don't you want to see pictures? So she started laughing and my husband too, he told her 'she's just excited to show it to everybody'

    And the lady was so sweet she said 'ok yes, let me see them' and then she looked at them and said they were nice and then said 'ok let me take a few'. so she took about 3 pictures, scanned them and put them back in.

    Then that was it!!

    It was actually really fun. I was expecting it to be soooo different (yes we watched the movie 'the proposal').

    So basically she didn't ask us any questions about how we met, how we got engaged, nothing. Just the questions on the application forms and that was it!

    So anyway I went back to the doctor right after the interview and came home for the bank documents, and sent everything by overnight mail so it should get there by 12pm tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get the decision soon!!

    to all the other April Filers, PLEASE do not be nervous for the interview, there is absolutely nothing to be worried about, I would say make sure you have your documents together, the most important thing seemed to be co-mingling of financial assets so MAKE SURe you have a joint bank account. Good luck to everybody else, I hope all the rest interviews go smoothly and everyone who doesn't have the interview letter yet I hope you get it soon!!!

    p.s my husband just asked me if I was typing to my 'invisible friends' i.e you guys :lol:

    Sounds like you are most likely almost there. Good luck all the way to the end.

    I think we should have a party together. :rofl:

  2. If celtics will win tonight. RONDO would be the MVP! :thumbs:

    You are in SF. I love SF! I like the weather. All year is just in the sixties. :star:

    Oh~My Rondo definitely deserves to get MVP!!!

    This winter in sf was unusually cold..like below 40 sometime. I know it's nothing compare to east coast but hey~it was really cold for us. LOL~~~

  3. choongchoong CONGRATS!!! That is so wonderful!

    So this package was just a copy of the additional things you brought with you?

    Waiting for the D-Day is the worse. Waiting for the letter telling you the D-day is just as bad :P


    there are additional evidences that you didn't submit, make copy and ready for IO.

    Waiting is sucks but coming soon though.

    Thanks for warm support. I'm sure you guys will get it done.



    They have live streaming. Go Right now!

  4. Congrats hon... We are so grateful and happy for your success... Again, congrats and btw, get back to work ;)

    P.S. Let me know how the games are going. I watched the opening concert, then all of a sudden, ESPN aint working... Darn it :angry:

    I'm in west coast so I woke up at 4am and start watching the games. I'm crazy for soccer.. :bonk:

    ARG 4 : KOR 1

    GRE 2 : NGA 1

    FRA : MEX starting soon so I gotta go and enjoy watching!! :rofl:

    BTW, NGA goalkeeper was super good. I wish you could watch that match.

    Hope you will be able to watch this match though.

    See ya.

    Congrats ChoongChoong!!!! :dance:

    Thanks, honey!

  5. Wow.... this definitely eased my mind regarding the interview, my wife's been so stressed, she's been having nightmares and stuff. And guess what, i'm the beneficiary but she's more excited to see me getting the GC than I am :thumbs: . Our interview is a day after her birthday, so i've been telling her that'll bring us luck. Anyways.. i just can't wait for the 30th.

    Congratulations to u choongchoong. Your interview was definitely a great experience, i wish the same for the rest of us here. Good luck y'all... and keep it positive!!!!

    My hubby was also more excited than me. LOL.

    Tell her no to worry since you are in good faith everything will go smoothly as it should be. :dance:

    She'll have a big party on her day without a burden. Sweet~huh? :rofl:

  6. Guys~

    I just want to let you guys know that I've APPROVED today~!!!! :rofl:

    I'm outside so will give details as soon as I get home.

    Thank you so much for your support and can't think of getting through this process without you guys.

    Love you all. (L)

    I got there 20min before my interview time and submitted my interview letter. I dressed up a bit pretending like going to job interview. I like to dress up so that way I can take this more seriously but I saw some couple just wore casual so it's totally up to you. In my opinion, it's better to pick nice outfit because first impression is always important.

    After 10~15min, Nice looking lady officer called my name with a huge smile. ( wow~I was soooo glad to see her smile. There were some IO with a stone face so that her smile definitely ease my mind.) She escorted us to her office and sworn us.

    She asked for my passport and right a way went over for I-485 and questioned:

    - what's your birthday? ( OMG~my brain got blank couldn't remember all of sudden. #######~are you kidding me? but got back on track within a blink. Whew~maybe I was nervous.)

    -what's mom and dads' names?

    -Who is living with you? - I said we and 2 dogs.( she laughed and gave me a huge smile again.)

    -about Yes or no question, after 3 q's then she just summarized all Y or N didn't go all the way back.

    Now, she said How you met? so I answered her and she smiled at me.( thanks you ma'am. You really make me comfortable.) She wanted to see some photos. She took some time and seemed like enjoy watching them. I explained her my parents were here spent time together and visited Las vegas...etc.

    Do you have any additional supporting documents? So I handed to her bank statements, utility bills, health insurance card, life insurance..then she said you have enough evidences so I'm approving you today, you're a permanent resident from today. (sweet~! Thank you ma'am.)

    Whole this lasted about 10 minutes. It was quick and fast. I had such an awesome experience with her. It was way breezier than I expected. I was so surprised that I was kind of enjoying the interview.

    Anyway, I'm sure that I couldn't do it without you guys so thank you so much for your support. I love you guys so much. Take a deep breath try not to be nervous. I know it's natural but once you start talking to IO, you'll be ok. I can tell you that. They are human, too. It seems like they are already decided and just to confirm that we are in good faith and still ongoing.

    Rest of the fellows who are going to have an interview soon, good luck all of you. I felt like we are just like family. I wish someday we could see each other all together. :P

    Now, I will be able to enjoy world cup without burden. Yay~~ :dance:

    (Tip: I made a separate additional supporting doc pkg for officer. So when she asked me I just handed it one by one. She was so happy and told me I'm so organized. That reduce ton of time for her to go and make copy. Therefore, she was happy and I was able to leave the interview quickly. So go ahead and do that. It won't hurt you.)

  7. Bonjour April Filers!

    I still can't beleive it! Today in the mail I got a letter from USCIS.

    At first I thought it was my EAD Card, so i touch the enveloppe to see if I can feel something, but no card inside... Then i thought it was probably an EAD notification of approval, so I opened it and it was..... MY INTERVIEW LETTER!!!!!!! I wasn't expecting it at all! (I assumed the ead would make the GC process longer)


    So it's scheduled for July, 23 at 10:35 AM! A little more than a month! Maybe by the time my familly come visit me in August, I'll be a legal resident! w00t!


    I wish you all the same luck, and again send good vibes to you and your mail boxes ;)


    You will be there soon.

  8. chongchong Good luck tomorrow!!

    Anyone here from the other two on the outcome of their interviews???

    Sensil.. Great job hun!!

    Alla.. where the hell is your letter? I feel bad it is taking so long. I have not recieved mine. I see some have gotten them about 2 -3 weeks after bio. Crossing my fingers for you!

    OMG~~~~~You remembered my day? How sweet!

    Thanks :thumbs:

    BTW, I was out of town so couldn't check on you guys. I just read forum and whoever had step forward congrats for that.

    I'm so surprised that Alla haven't received the interview letter yet but plz don't stress out for that. It sure be on its way. I'll pray stronger on my prayer session.

    I'm so nervous but at the same time can't wait to get over this process.

  9. I finally got to see a lawyer today! A very friendly lawyer!

    Turns out my wife's student loans are subtracted from the poverty line, so we need to either be making 48k or have a cosponsor. She also said they would have rejected us if we just sent the same stuff back and didn't meet the RFE requirements.

    I'm really glad I consulted a lawyer before sending it out assuming I was right and they were wrong (which I totally did!). The lawyer gave us a discount too, which was very nice of her.

    Ugh, but now need to figure out a way to meet the requirements.

    Thank, god. You found the way to fix this up. If you can, get someone who can be a sponsor, that is the easiest way. I'm sure you know this.

    All the best,

  10. Ok what visa is she currently on? and is she legally allowed to work in the US? does she have work autorization?

    I dont think it is because of the taxes because they would not state that the income isnt enough but instead ask to missing documents to document your case. It is true the intending immigrants income only if he can prove it will continue from the same source but most importantly that the immigrant is working completly legally in the US. For example I worked for few years had a temporary tax ID so i filled taxes and earned more then the minimim in the guidline but since i came in on a tourist visa I was never allowed to work so they r not counting this money I made even though i payed taxed. I couldnt work and thats what they look at. From what I spoke with at an agency which files such papers and helps people the intending immigrants work and money they make rarely gets factored in. Thats why in my case I needed a co-sponsor even though techinally i earned above the minimum and had taxes it still didnt count.

    So what visa did your wife come in on?> and does she have a SS and legal work autorization to work and how did you try to prove that the income will continue from the same place.

    On anothed note, I really appreciate the Manhtaan office info!! I went the second time! and I went today and I did my WALKIN IN BIOMETRICS!!!


    On a 2nd try but they people in the manhataan office were much nicer, the security downstairs said I might have a problem becuase on my paper my appnt was scheduled somewhere else and they dont like doing that. But once the guy gave me the application, i filled it out he even helped me later and checked it over to see if I filled everything out correctly. And they took my prints and photo. THey had some trouble taking my prints, i have a cut almost healed but had it on my finger so i hope it all works and they wont call me again!!! Fingers crossed!!!

    SO thank you for all the info guys!!! :D :D :D

    Congrats on successful walk-in biometrics. :dance:

  11. Question: Anyone who already did biometrics,

    what do they ask? cuz i know there are forms to fill out, they ask for alien number?

    that is the number A# which is printed on the receipt for the i485 which is Applicant A987654321?

    I know I should bring ID and the recipt for the Applicant A number?

    Thank You

    (keeping my finders crossed you get ur interview letter Alla) (F)

    The form is real simple one about your info name, address, things like that.

    When you go for biometrics, you need to bring ID, marriage certificate(just in case if you change name) and biometrics NOA which has your A#. So not to worry.

    After biometrics, they will stamp on your NOA and give it back to you.

  12. I have not heard anything since our stuff was touched after biometrics, not even a notice that they received our biometrics.

    Why have they stopped doing anything?

    Just let you know that I didn't get a notice after biometrics, either. So do not worry too much.

    It helps a lot, you are right. We'll see! :star:

    I called FBI and they told me that my fingerprints and background check have been processed and sent back to USCIS. After that they are supposed to send the case to the local office.

    I didn't know that we can call to FBI. You are great! :thumbs:

  13. Oh congratulations!!! I always receive notices next day after you! So I kept on checking your timeline!

    I hope I'll get it soon too! What time is your interview? :star:


    Hope that you receive the letter tomorrow. We have really similar timeline. That really helps emotionally, isn't it? :star: At least, we can assume that when and what..Right?

    My interview time is 12:45pm.

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