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Status Updates posted by T&R

  1. We got a RFE after 153 days! =( Still dont know what it's about....=(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. David & Beth

      David & Beth

      Sorry to hear that. I got a RFE too :(

      Well, let´s send what they want fast.

    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      Sorry to hear about the rfe :( I'm sure it will be resolved really fast. Good luck

    4. no  more

      no more

      hey! Have you gotten your RFE in the mail yet?? UGH i am going crazy over here! :)

  2. Randy, you won't believe...we got a RFE this morning. =( After 153 days....

    I'm happy for you guys! Hopefully we will get our NOA2 soon.

  3. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!=)

  4. Hi Osman R&M, we have also the same time line (Vermont). Hopefully we will hear something soon. :) God bless us all!

  5. Hey, thanks for your message. No NOA2 still...we are waiting and waiting. Hopefully we are going to hear something soon.



  6. Congratulations!!!

  7. Hey Randy, that's cool! So you know well the big city Dalhart? Hihihi...That's so cool you lived in Amarillo! Hope we all get our NAO2 soon! God bless!

  8. I hope you get your NOA2 soon. We are about to reach the 5 months mark, and still nothing from VSC! Ugh...this is so annoying! May God bless us!

  9. ops, I meant: he lives in Dalhart, sorry! =P

  10. Hi Randy,

    Thanks for your message. I'm Tacia, the brazilian fiancée, Ryan dont come here so often haha, so I thought I would just reply on his behalf. Anyway, We are about to reach the 5 months mark, and I'm so annoyed about this waiting. California is doing so much better than Vermont! Ughh!

    Ryan live is Dalhart, north Texas. Hope you get your NOA2 soon! =)

  11. 140 days since NOA1 =(...

    1. AustinTexMan


      Hey Ryan! I am at 160 or so and I certainly feel your pain. It's hard to plan anything and is very frustrating for all of us. Hang in there,where in Texas ?

    2. jamienshanie


      Hang in there...we're at 180days as of today. :( I've called the 1800, i have my senator's office sending another email to the "VSC Congressional" email system....I'm holding thumbs we hear something positive before the end of the week. Here's to hoping for all of us! :) :)

    3. T&R


      Thank you for your msg. I hope you hear something soon. We are very anxious to get NOA2!Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! May God bless us! =)

  12. Oi Marina!!

    Que bom que vocês conseguiram o NOA2!!!! Eu não vejo a hora de receber o meu!!! Daqui a poquuinho vocês já terão a data da entrevista! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!



  13. Joanaa, I want my NOA2!!!Parece que vai levar mais de 5 meses mesmo. Agora o tempo normal para eles processarem é 6 meses. justo agora que a gente vai completar 5, ughhh! Mas logo, logo chega nossa vez! Beijo!

  14. Good luck to you guys!

  15. Congratulations Mari and John!!! I'm so happy for you guys!! Finally the NOA2 has arrived, I know everything will go fine with the rest of the process. I wish you guys all the best!!! Please let's keep in touch! =)


  16. 120 days since NOA1...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Carol & Tim

      Carol & Tim

      that sucks! But pretty sure this waiting will worth it!

    3. Stephalex


      We might have to change our wedding date also, we were hoping to have it in June also! August is a definite no-go for myself so.. July perhaps :(

      Good luck! I hope it comes for you soon. *crosses fingers*

    4. T&R


      Ohh, hope you dont have to change your wedding date, hopr everything works well for you!

  17. Mari, quanto tempo mesmo. Fica cal que o seu NOA2 está a caminho. O meu vai demorar mais um pouquinho, porque o meu NOA1 é de Novembro. Eu te enviei um email te passando o endereço do meu blog, você chegou a receber? E aquele nosso café nunca rolou, né? hihihi...quem sabe um dia...


  18. Roberta!! Tudo bem? Por aqui tudo em ordem. Menina, ainda estamos esperando o NOA2, parece que agora a estimaitva de espera é de 6-7 meses, acredita? Só Deus pra nos ajudar com paciência, hihihi....



  19. Hey november filler! God bless us get the NOA2 soon! =D

  20. Verdade, nosso NOA2 vai chegar logo, né? hihihi...De onde você é? Seu noivo também é do Texas? O meu também! Beijinhos!

  21. T&R

    Hey, I noticed that we have a similar timeline! I sent my package on Nov 12, and you did on Nov 11 and we both got the NOA1 on Nov 17, yuhu! May God bless us!

  22. T&R

    Hey! I noticed that we have the same timeline, Nov 12 sent package, Nov 17 got the NOA1! May God bless us! =)

  23. 100 days since NOA1...

  24. Joanaaaaaaaa, já fazem 3 meses e 5 dias since our NOA1.....=( Nada, nada, nada de notícia sobre o NAO2 ainda...=(snif, snif...

  25. 3 months and 5 days since NOA1...

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