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Status Updates posted by T&R

  1. Monicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I received suggestions for him to check YES-intend, and answeres for him to dont check any. It is getting close, girl!!!! :) God bless!

  3. Channah!!! I am sorry for taking so long to reply!So...he answered NO for the question 11: No - I do not intend to make specific contributions to the support of the person(s) listed on item 3>>> ME! He got confused, but is sending me a new form! :)Make sure your fiancé check YES on this question, or you can use the example on here where it says to not ch...

  4. ops...continue:

    ..it is getting close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I know!! Do you realize how close we are until the big day?!!

    Yesterday I got the package my fiancé sent with the documents for the interview, and I saw that he checked NO on the question 11 of the I-134, urghh....and it is not correct!! He will have to send me another one. :P


  6. I know!! Wow, such a coincidende with our timlines, hihihi!For some reason I thought you were US citizen! Girl, let me know when you go visit your friends, maybe we can meet someday too, yay! That would be cool! I had my medical on May...now I am gathering all the documents for the interview, it is coming!!!! Let's keep in touch! :)

  7. Thank you for your sweet comment, sweet Michele! I hope everything is fine with you. I am happy that we are on this step right now, close to be with our loves. I am still praying about Monica, I know she will get approved!! Keep in touch! I wish you all the best! :)

  8. 1 year since we got engaged in Switzerland, and 30 days until my interview!!!! :) :) :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DoneWaiting


      So great.. getting closer by the day.. Congratulations in advance

    3. T&R


      Thanks everyone!

    4. Catiane


      POis é amiga. Falta muito pouco, e eu estou ficando nervosa! bjs

  9. Oi Carol!! Sim, já fui no médico...na verdade, já tinha agendando o médico antes mesmo de receber o NOA2, e quando fui na constulta, tinha recebido o meu NOA2 faziam só alguns dias...mas não precisou do case number, tem gente que faz antes de receber a aprovação, porém, o visto tem a mesma validade que o exame, então quem faz o exame ant...

  10. Carol!!! It is getting close....hihihihihi....Good luck! :)

  11. Ok, I just emailed your fiancée. God bless! :)

  12. Obrigada pela sua mensagem! Deus abençõe na sua entrevista, hihihi já está chegando!! :D


  13. Packet 4 received today, Yuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FannyJason


      O NVC ainda não recebeu caso... :(

    3. David & Beth

      David & Beth

      I didnt receive it yet. But, i already have my interview date and started to organize the documents.

    4. T&R


      Me too, I have all the form filled out already. The only thing missing is the 2 police certificates.

  14. Oi Carolina, recebi hoje meu packet 4. Li aqui, que não recebemos o Packet 3, hihihi....eu tava da dpuvida, de qq forma obrigada.


  15. Oi Carolina, Tudo bem? Uma pergunta: Vc recebeu o packet 3? Eu recebi a data da minha entrevista por email, e já fazem algumas semanas, e até agora não recebi packet 3. Reparei que algumas outras meninas também não receberam, e outras sim. :P Vc recebeu, será que isso é normal? Beijos, obrigada!

  16. Thank you John and Mari! Let's keep in touch! :)

  17. Interview in 55 days...we are so happy!!! Thank you Lord for everything You've done for us! :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. T&R


      Thank you guys! :)

    3. jackiechesco


      Good luck with everything!! Our interview is next week...wish us luck :)

    4. no  more

      no more

      YEAH!!!!! I am excited to hear your great news of your approval and visa in hand.Hope you are great!!

  18. Yes, Aug 5th was the earliest. I even emailed them back and asked if I could get an earlier date, and they said it was not possible. But maybe you will get an earlier, that only depends on the consulate.

  19. Carol!! I received the email from the consulate with the interview date: Aug 5th!!!! :) Hope everything is fine with you! :)

  20. T&R

    Menina! Recebi a data da minha entrevista hoje: 5 de Agosto! :) beijinhos! :)

  21. Monica!!!!! I'm here thinking abouy you guys! I know that this NOA2 will be so worth it!! I am hoping and praying here for you!!

  22. John and Mari, my friends! I got the interview scheduled for Aug 5th!! Just thought I would share that with you. I'm so happy that you already there, congratulations!! Let's keep in touch! Wish you the best!

  23. Interview date scheduled for August 5th!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. menina


      Otimo! Vai dar tempo para o casamento como foi planejado entao!

    3. ralyse


      Congratulations!! :D

    4. T&R


      thanks! :)

  24. I heard from the consulate. My interview is scheduled for Aug 5th.

  25. Our case left NVC today, and it is on the way to the consulate in Rio! I cant wait to know my interview date! :)

    1. no  more

      no more


    2. Channah&Aaron


      ; Wooohoooh!! =) Great!! Mine will leave in a couple of days too... =) exciting period this is, huh?!

    3. T&R


      Yuhu!! I'm so happy for all of us!:)

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