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Status Updates posted by T&R

  1. Wow, it's been a while since last time I was here! I couldnt even remember my password, lol! It's been a long journey! Last year at this time, I was crazy wanting my NOA2, but today I am here married and living as permanent resident with the love of my life. I thank God for everything He has done for my husband and I. After almost a year having pending cases with USCIS, we are done for 2 years. Good luck to all of you who are still waiting a decision on your cases.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DoneWaiting


      Good to hear all is well and the long waiting is was just a preparation for a long lasting marriage.. Be Blessed..

    3. menina


      Tudo bem amiga? Parabems por receber o green card. Acabamos de ser aprovados para o novo green card (ROC). Que alivo! Bjs.

    4. T&R


      Thank you friends!!! Congratulations, menina!

  2. Oi Rebeca, obrigada pelo elogio na foto!

    A sua também está lindíssima! Beijo querida :D

  3. Almost 3 months since we got married! We are so happy that we are finally together! Thank you Lord, for everything you have done for us! Now, just waiting for the AOS approval!! =D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OSMAN R&M

      OSMAN R&M

      Glad to see your pics it has been a very long time. I am also glad you are now together...

    3. menina


      Oi Amiga-

      Tudo bom? Espero que esteja tudo terminado com AOS logo, logo. Bjs!

    4. T&R


      Thank you friends!! =)

  4. NOA1 for AOS...finally!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JCCJ


      remember when you were anxiously waiting for your NOA2! hahaha this is awesome!!!

    3. Channah&Aaron


      YAAAAAY!!! Awesome!!!! Btw, I received a notice from USCIS that my case has been transferred to Cali.. Let's hope for the best, lol!

    4. T&R


      Yuhuuuu, true Channah!!! =D

  5. One month since we got married and sending this week the AOS package, eeeeeeeee!!

    1. Channah&Aaron


      ; OMG!!! Time flew, huh?!!! We are sending our package TODAY!!! :D:D:D:D

    2. Cintia Carla

      Cintia Carla

      Ei linda!!Que ótima noticia, fico feliz ainda mais por vocês!Abraços!!Deus os abençoe...

    3. T&R


      Thank you girls! Yeah.....AOS now...yuhuuuuuuuuuuuu!

  6. OI Carol!! Nao esqueceu da declracao juramentada, pq jah ouvi dizer que outras pessoas foram reagendadas por terem esquecido. A minha eu soh imprimi do site do consulado, e assinei na hora. Nao reconheci firma nem nada...e deu tudo certo! Se tiver duvidas me avise. Beijos!

  7. We got married!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. AnandBrian


      Parabens...que seu casamento seja abencoado...e que vcs sejam eternamente felizes!!!

    3. Dave&Carolina


      Hey girl! Its been a while I dont check this website. Congraaaaaaats! Please let me know ur FB so I can add u there :) Xoxo

    4. OSMAN R&M

      OSMAN R&M

      hello it has been a very long time. I thank God everything has gone your way. He is with you always. Well as for my case it did not go as I had planned and we all know this is normal. Well we are now on AP and it is so hard, they wanted a second interview and it was done. They did not want no new evidance from me or fiancee which shocked me. Then one interviwer said all was good and was putting the passport with the paper work, wow then another interviewer came in and said no, what a shock ...

  8. I am in Texas - U.S with the love of my life! Everything went well with the imigration in Dallas! =) Getting in a WEEK!!!!! Thank you Lord, for everything You have done for us!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dave&Carolina


      Hey girl! I had no internet access for almost 10 days :S glad its back now. Glad everything went well for u. I arrived in US on friday :)

    3. no  more

      no more

      So glad you are safe in texas! If you have a facebook add me! search for michele meow:)

    4. menina


      Parabems! Estou feliz em saber que ja chegou aqui. Quando chegam seus pais? Tudo de bom para o casamento. Abracos!

  9. My passport is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flying to US tomorrow night!!! I need to try my wedding dress since our wedding is on the 21st!! It is so close!!!! Thank you Jesus for everything!!! God is faithful!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TUES


      wow congrats and god bless;)

    3. jimdhen


      wow! congratulations! that's so nice..

    4. MatthewNCarolina


      wow sweetie!! Good luck, and I'm wishing you all the best! Have a safe flight!

    1. T&R


      Hope it helps!! :) :) :)

    2. MatthewNCarolina


      Thankyou!! I'm so happy for you, sweetie! thanks for the review, it's a big help!

    3. Sra Gomez

      Sra Gomez

      congrats hun! Things are ok over here. I'll keep you posted.

  10. T&R

    Hey, girl I just replied to the post where you asked about the out dated form! HOpe it helps you! Good luck!

  11. Randy, I had my interview yesterday and I was approved!!! Thank you for all the help you provided us! :)

  12. T&R

    Thank you Laura! Congratulations on your approval too! Yuhuuu!

  13. Thank you|!

  14. Thank you!!God bless you!:)

  15. Obrigada, Ana! Estamos muito felizes!!!! :)


  16. Mari and John, I had my interview yesterday and I was approved!!!! Thank you for all your help, you guys are great!! :)

    God bless you,


  17. Obrigada querida! UMa pena não ter te encontrado, mas como vc disse teremos outras oportunidades! Espero que vc já esteja melhor.

    Obrigada pelo comentário, estou tão feliz!!! Beijos!

  18. Thank you Michele!I so happy! Soon it will your turn! GOd bless you, sweetie! :)

  19. Visa APPROVED!!!! Thank you Lord!!!!!! :)

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. T&R


      Yeahh Channah!!! We got it!!!!!!!!! Yuhuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. David & Beth

      David & Beth

      Congratulations!!! I´m happy for you.

    4. Channah&Aaron


      ; WOOOHOOOOH!!!! That's what I'm talking about =] I read your review, I'm glad that yours went smoother than mine, but the outcome is what matters most =D isn't life great? w00t w00t!!

  20. Congratulations!!! Yuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God bless you guys!!! :)

  21. T&R

    I know!!! We started this journey on the same time, and both us are going to have the interview this week, wohoo!! God bless you, girl!! :) THis is our week! :)

  22. ONE week until my interview! God is faithful!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dave&Carolina


      One week until they say: Your are Approved! ;)

      Good luck girl, ull do just fine.

    3. T&R


      Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! God bless your interview Laura and Channah! Thank you, Carol! I will keep you guys posted about everything! :)

    4. Ahema


      i will pray for u dear frnd

  23. T&R

    Obrigada pelo comentário! Uma semana só...estou ansiosa, mas o Senhor é comigo! Beijinhos, te mantenho informada! :D

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