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Posts posted by evli1966

  1. What do you think?

    I know you didn't ask me .


    "Life is very hard here," said Ricardo Fernandez, a retired Nicaraguan truck driver. "I tell people not to come, it's not as good as before. But people still come."

    It sounds like the Illegals coming in now are not as welcomed as they used to be by fellow country man and as many come in the more will begin to cry out stop the flow stop the flow or "NO Entre..NO Entre"

  2. seminary is really semenary and it's really just a pedophile training camp similar to a terrorist training camp

    Amby so you went through Seminary and know this 100%?

    I would say it is more a cult like thing which is more disturbing. Having never been to semenary but I would think this would not teach the child abuse.

    But a cult/club sect formed by priests that have attended Seminary would be more likely.

  3. Tell me what I've been doing with my life, evli.

    You tell us what you have done to publically denounce terrorist acts in the name of the Islamic faith.

    What Islamic Organization do you belong to which speaks out against these acts of hatred and evil in the name of Allah or Islam.

    The only thing I have read from you is Islam is a peaceful religeon and why you should you have to say anything about extremists. OK so do no tgripe when the extremists paints the picture of Islam as the religeon of war and conquest or even evil.

    There is also the typical I am smarter than you atittude I have degrees in .....I know everything on both sides and you are not biased. so please be quite etc. etc. etc. well I hate to tell you this among all the media hype and sensationailsm their is partial truth and if someone were to read and get past the BS in the Media then the truth is the same and the fact s of what is being reported is what the extremists are doing.

    Or you agree with anyone that states only bigots would ask the Muslim people (Islamic followers ) to stand up against and speak out against Islamic terrorists or at least you do not disagree with them.

    You seem to be a good person most likely led a better life than I have but one thing I know is how I act towards everyone equally and unbiased. The Illegal alien which should not live in our country has most likely been met and greeted with no concern of where they were from. The Muslim the same the black man the same the Asian guy the same; the atheist the same; the convicted felon the same the old the same the young the same I could go on.

    I may ask questions and state my opinion but it has never with a hatred of anyone or a lack of respect to them.

    So I pose these questions again with respect.

    What Islamic organizations have spoke out and denounced the extremist for not following the Quran or the laws of Islam?

    What have you done yourself beyond post here and speak out doing the same publically?

    Have you ever told a Muslim Teachers Clerics they were wrong when they spoke in support of an extremists action?

    What I can say is I stood in my church on Sunday morning with a congregations of 200+ and told the Baptist minister his teachings and actions go against the teachings of the Holy Bible and what Jesus would have taught. Did it matter I do no tknow but 3 years later the Pastor was arrested for fraud & stealing from the church etc. The church is now gone.

  4. My views are based in reality, not from what I read on hysterical blogs and see on YouTube. That makes me biased toward reality, and it's a good thing.

    Please tell us where your information comes from Soff that doesnt have a biased aspect to it.

    Another monumentally tired and false accusation. Nothing will satisfy non-Muslim calls for Muslim outcry, not even Muslim outcry, so who cares. I'll accuse you and your folks of not protesting enough for anything good, just to change it up.

    So we protest for good but not enough protesting is done?

    How do you know standing up to the extremists in your religeon will not make a difference? I care you want support of people like myself and others then denounce the extremists openly publically; tell them they act outside the faith; tell them they promote hate through out the world which is not the message of Islam.

    But if you do not Care then it will not make a difference if I or others care.

  5. I can see where this is going.

    But how many Catholic members are condoning or not speaking out against the church becasue of these actions?

    These priest once caught are quickly moved to stem the public out cry so the problem lies with its leaders not the people.

    If the peopel were chanting let our priest or you are haters of Catholics then you might have a better connection.

    There are to many over the last decades so there is a problem somewhere in the Catholic training for priests.

  6. +1 I would give it more, if I could. BY has all the hate sites covered, and a couple of verses from the Quran out of context, too. He's all set to be misguided, just like the terrorists he's s obsessed with.

    Evi, I'm not in denial. My views are just not as slanted toward the demonization of Muslims as yours are.

    Actually I think your views are as biased as anyone elses; you are human after all. (that is not intended as an insult)

    I do not demonize muslims or the Islamic faith I call it as it is seen by anyone else.

    An act of terror in the name of your faith by known organizations led by teachers of your faith (Islamic) should be appalled by those of the Islamic faith in public out cry not in privacy.

    I also think the reason there is not such an out cry is that the extremists will and have already been killing Muslims on a regular bases; such killing would increase until the extremist were stopped or the Islamic peopel who disagree with the extremist shut up.

    Nothing biased there just plain ole stand up for what you believe in other wise you will not stand for anything.

    I stand against christain organizations that are corrupt, preach hate or even take scripture out of context to try and make a point.

  7. I will tell you what, instead of trying to argue with me about politics in Lebanon which you will NEVER UNDERSTAND, why don't you go there and hold a meeting with the politicians in power and tell them what you think? They will laugh you out of the room, none of them care what you or the average Lebanese citizen thinks. I simply told you how the Lebanese civil war was started and you try to turn it around into something else. There has been tension in Lebanon since time began, it has always been a battle ground and unfortunately it probably always will be.....even before Islam made it's way into Lebanon it was a battle ground. Ever since the French occupation Christians gained most of the power and refused to share power equally, the religion card was always pulled and the Muslims were oppressed and mistreated......it was like a giant pressure cooker waiting to explode. Doesn't matter what religion it is or if religion is even involved.....when people are oppressed, not represented, and ignored long enough there will be conflict. Why don't you research Samir Gaga, he was a Christian imprisoned for war crimes, unfortunately he is in power again, and I am sure if he could repeat those crimes and not be in trouble again he would do it in a heartbeat. Thank god things are quiet in Lebanon right now on both sides and I hope it will stay that way. Anyway unless you can read Arabic you will never get a full understanding of the history of Lebanon and the civil war, anything you find on the internet is biased and from a western point of view.

    Slow Down Spanky (IP)

    You need to reread my post.

    If you believe I was arguin with you then you have bigger issues than we all want to discuss.

    First and formost I never stated I knew anything about Lebanon(Who would want to) that is your own twisted and possibly biased mind telling you something more than was said; in hopes of garnering an arguement or conflict.

    Maybe you can not handle the concept of someone froma particular religeon unafraid to call out the pretendersfor what they are.

    I simply stated any organiztion using violence as they did claiming to be christian does not hold christian values and I would sya it to their face if they killed me so what. If they laugh me out of the room it will be a shame come judgment day and they are denied entry to the gates of Heaven. (which is what they believein)

    Can you say that without fearing for your life to extremists in your religeon that execute atrocities in the name of your religeon?

    Again I will research the information about what you first stated more but it seems these idiots proclaiming to be christian are a farce to the religeon.

    I suspect these people and the organization is no better than any extreme Islamic organization that tries to terrorize the world in the name of their religeon.

  8. The bus massacre was done by members or supporters of the Kataeb Party. The Kataeb Party members are Christian (Maronite). As for the white thing....the Lebanese are caucasian, my father is a red head with green eyes. If you seen him on the street you wouldn't even know he is an Arab.....don't try to turn it into a race thing.

    Thank you bery much for the information.

    The Kataeb party was founded by Pierre Gemayel in 1936, who modeled the party after Spanish and Italian Fascist parties[1][2] he had observed as an Olympic athlete during the 1936 Summer Olympics held in Berlin, then Nazi Germany.[3][4] The movement's uniforms originally included brown shirts and members used the Nazi salute[5]. Despite the party's uniform, its strong sense of nationalism and dedication to a single charismatic leader, the Lebanese Kataeb was not and never became a fascist party nor did it espouse a totalitarian ideology.[6]

    In an interview by Robert Fisk, Gemayel stated about the Berlin Olympics:

    1. in red how can that be if you model something you become it. This is from wiki and imo is total BS. How could they not be facist with a totaltarian agenda.

    2. I would personally face any of these so called Christians and tell them they do not live the lives of Christians especially if they commit acts as they did in the past you mentioned. Kill me maybe but as I laid dieing and a man still tell condemning them in the name of GoD they would know that when the day comes the Gates to Heaven will be closed to them.

    (I will read mor about them)

    3. What acts of atrocities have they been connected to in the present not 35 years ago ( I am not discounting what they did then)

  9. Hummus is good chit. So is belly dancing. I think for those two things alone, we give the Ayrabs a pass on all that terrorism stuff.



    No one here knows anything about Islam, but they all think their opinions are valid. Just because you get consistently bad and wrong info is no excuse to believe your views are as valid as someone who does know what they're talking about.

    While I agree in part pabout our views as with your own; I do no tcall Islam a farce or BS Ido think some laws are barbaric.

    It is hard to believe the infor coming from all spectrums is all uniformed and hate; this is where I believe you may be in denial.

    also you have not answred the questions and just so you know research of the net and news media only a few out spoken Muslims denouncing terrorism but for the most part it is not the Islamic teachers nor enough of the peopel doing so.

  10. I'm middle class. I'm sitting in a cube in a corporate headquarters with nearly 10,000 other people just like me. Most of us are middle class. Most of us are comfortable. The culture is chill, the money is good and the business (without getting into details) is not very volatile so recessions don't hurt much. Company stock has weathered this recession well, as it did the last one.

    So you'll understand if I find it very confusing when the narrative from the left implies that the middle class and corporate America are at war with each other. It sure doesn't feel like it where I sit. In fact, it never has.


    Oh wait I make earn less then $200k so I am not Middle class.

    Dang it where is my point of view to come from now.

  11. The problem is not that people want to discuss Muslims or Islam on VJ. The problem is that they are absolutely and completely clueless about either subject. Everyone of the critics comes here to regurgitate what they read on hate sites and/or hear on talk shows. I know this is true because I am paid to monitor hate sites and listen to those shows. As a conservative, I used to enjoy listening to conservative shows, but they have gone off the deep end with misinformation. The liberal shows are just as bad.

    As a Muslim educated in Islam, it's difficult to have the overwhelming ignorance of non-Muslims shoved in your face day after day. It's also difficult to understand how ratings justify the kind of bigotry and division that it generates and spreads. It's America's loss in the long run. The terrorists are winning because unless a Muslim is kissing the haters' azzes and agreeing with their nonsense, they aren't.considered to be good Muslims. Few are going to do that.

    I see because all news which is concurring on the same topics with the same fact and issues no matter where comes from now is misled and uninformed; In your opinion.

    I agree there are hates sites out there but their not the only ones with news and it seems alot of the news has the same information but from different sources.

    I agree you know more about Islam than I do.

    The terroist are winnig because the People of the Islamic let them carry out the acts of terror in the name of their religeon killing all Muslim and non alike.

    So tell us how a good man of the Islamic faith decries Terroism in the name of his faith?

    And if there are so many tell us why it is only a few that speak out.

  12. Most Muslims respect the Bible you will find bigots and irrational people in every religion if they truly believe and practice Islam they could not burn a bible........

    the problem is not with Islam it is with the people that make a mockery of it

    I agree that has happened it does not make it right......and there is no excuse for that type of behavior....i personally didnt like what was done with the cartoon but that does not mean that i agree with the reactions of the people that did protest so violently.........

    Your correct bigots every where ...we get called bigots because we do not agree with having illegals in this country, or do not agree with the Muslim agenda regarding the Mosque or the what we call babrbaric laws based on Islamic laws.

    I have not heard any own here say they agree with the actions of the extremists but most people of the Islamic faith does not want to stand up and declare these extremist for what they are and how they hurt the Islamic faith. By standiing up I mean openly, publically and face to face.

    If by this you mean that the Gov. realized that we would probably have better oil ties I would have to agree. That said in no way did we the people authorize that war based on oil interests.

    If we get better oil prices so what.

    Yes we say so what but having such agendas wether hidden or not demeanes the cause we were fighting for;IMO

    He means the followers of Islam, the Muslimics.


  13. look saddam was one of the worst people in the world how ever he kept the country from exploding with a civil war....our occupation of iraq led to what is going on there now you have two separate sectors of Muslims fighting for their domination of the country

    our interference has created a situation that has every iraq citizen in danger........


    Actually our long lasting interference kept the other countries out of Iraq. where do you think the divide comes from?

    BTW do not think I am denying our Givernment didn't have an agenda regardin the resources there.

    But now that we are pulling out we will see how what happens.

  14. To answer Jenn's question with a bit more seriousness, yes - cable news has been saturated with Muslims for a few weeks now.

    Very soon it will be about Mexicans and/or socialists again, so rest easy. News cycles don't last forever.

    I agree It is a cycle

    Everyone has views and differ slightly.

    For the most part even people disagreeing with a muslim view point or wanting Illegals out of the country they are not prejudice towards a particular people but the want to be vocal on what bothers them and what they percieve as happenign

    We do often get under each others nerves but I can say no ones has yet to blatantly attack me personally or be down right mean; at least to me.

    It's annoying how they all think they have to race to get the latest news and they stay on the same subject for hours. Some of the news anchors even look embarrassed after awhile, to me. I bet some producer is telling them in their ear buds what to say and they are thinking "this is ####### but I need a paycheck".

    It is always the case they want the scoop and Mad was right it is most often shameful what they write about.

  15. seems we used enough explosive weapons when we took over that country and when they retaliated we called them terrorist..we as a nation have developed more terrorist than any Muslim country has ever done. my point is that we as a nation have not changed that much when we decide that we are in the right (never mind if we are not) so if we want the respect of other nations we need to clean up our own back yard........we listened to one mans lies and killed and maimed so many innocent (muslims)and....destroyed a country to give them freedom they did not want then and do not want now......how have we changed so much from our ancestors? we are still making the same mistakes with other peoples life....as Muslims we love the Quran of course we dont want it burnt...... we do not mistreat or disrespect a christian bible we also dont set on this forum 24 hours a day condemning actions of Christan people......you never find the amount of anti Christan off topic threads that you do on Muslims here

    just my opinion


    1. If your speaking of Iraq then you are clearly to young to remember what really happen when Sadaam invaded Quwait and the response of the world and the austricism he experinced from the Muslim countries when he did that.

    2. War is War and it is never pretty if your son/daughter/brother/ssiter/mom/dad/you etc was sent there you would know your best chance of survival is to blast the opponent to oblivian before the invasion begins.

    3. I agree there are or were current organizations that trained these people such as Osama; but it was under their own pretense they needed help fending off the communist and once they were gone they tuned on us.

    4. Really what they do not want ...What they want is an extreme dictator that rapes/mutilates/kills on a wim/ethnically cleanses his country etc to control their lives. I think you are either listenign to extremists lving there or are blind; please understand the extremists

    5. I am sure you are a great person as is Soff ( I do not know you but Soff is very polite and intelligent) the forums here are about discussing (some bashing gets in) issues we all see in the media daily. I welcome any actions so called christians take that could be construed as hate or teaching hate pleas epost them. As BY has stated we accpeted what we were doing as hate and made change and condemn so called christians for acting in hate towards soemone else.You do not find this is oftne the case with Muslims regarding Extremists; although there are a few.

    6. In regard to the bible burning by muslims turn on the news. hate begets hate a visious cycle. You do not see Christians running out in publlic burnig images of the Iranina president or the Teachers fo Islam; do you? If you do I would tell them faces to face they are no Christian and need to turn to themselves and see the Sin and hate they are spreading.You will however find chractures depicting religeous or politcal icons and their views of what is going on but Muslims are not the only target of these cartoonists.

  16. You are thinking of the Spanish Conquests, which occurred a good 300 years earlier. British came here from money and other strategic reasons, as they did in Australia.

    Nevertheless, the biggest difference is that we have accepted the wrongdoings of the past and moved on from this, we don't chant death to [insert infidel of the week] the second something happens we don't like. It's why Muslims are dying to migrate to every single one of our countries, rather than it being the other way around. I have no problem with that, just do not dare come to the west and force third-world mentalities onto us. We have moved on from that and there is no place for it, in our civilized society.

    Once again though, we don't sit there and excuse the past with a you did it too. We also would never excuse the present with a you did it too in the past BS.

    +1 :thumbs:


    hmmm but its ok for us to to go places like Iraq and kill hundreds of thousands because of a lie?


    really what lie and where are these hundreds of thousands killed in Iraq by american soldiers?

    If you refer to the missing WMD the action was taken on faulty info; but lets not speak about the Iraqy leader (Saddam Hussein) who was already under sanctions based on his own stupidity that caused the first Gulf War. This leader was clearly not following the cease fire agreements and did ebeything he could to thwart those sanctions and rules of the cease fire; becasue of his own stupiduty again it allowed faulty intell to place him and his country endanger once again. lets not talk about how many Muslims he and his sons killed/mutilated/raped robbed etc.

    You really need to educate yourself more.

    More deaths occur in Iraq/Afganistan by the hands of Islamic terroists (Extremists) than by the mission/ attacks/ defesive actions of the US and ally forces in those places.

    More bullsh!t

    And you accuse me of living in denial when you yourself excercise it very well.

    What BY has stated is actually quite on target.

    Doesn't mean Islam needs be stamped out or that all Muslim people are bad but the religeon needs to evolve and be allowed to do so; or at least more than it has.

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