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Status Updates posted by ♥Muslimqueen♥

  1. Hey everyone! long time no talk everything is great here how is everyone else! and suprise! me and hubby are expecting our first baby! im 4 and a half months along

  2. every things great. hows life been with you?

  3. 9 months wasted? i wish. june it will be 2 years!!! of my life down the drain.

  4. yup he got here great now were just watting on the green card. are we sup to contact someone or do they just send it? cuz we have not goten any welcome letters or anything. :P thanks for asking have a great new year.

  5. nope no probelms! thanks for asking he got here fine

  6. Visa finally in hand hubby will hopfully book flight today.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. illnevergetthis


      Congratulations!! Sadly, I am just seeing this!

    3. yazmin999


      congrats!!! im happy for u guys!!! yasmine

    4. yazmin999


      congrats!!! im happy for u guys!!! yasmine

  7. Thanks so much for stoping by and saying congrats that's very sweet

  8. Aw thanks yes it's been do hard. Thanks for stoping by and saying congrats. That's very sweet.

  9. Visa Finally In Hand!!! Thank God. Up Next Book Flight, Then POE.

    1. Harpa Timsah

      Harpa Timsah

      Yay! Great news!

    2. And_Sam


      I am sooo excited for you!!! It's about time!!!!!!

  10. hey nope were still waitting maybe thwy will call him to pick i tup saturday or sunday. mt whole family is going to get him from the airport so im looking foward to that. lol

  11. Is there a way to track visa from embassy to aramex?

  12. I hope Aramex calls this week so my hubby can come home already.

  13. Embassy Called My Husband To Send In Passport, AP Over After Almost 9 Months!! Embassy Says He Should Be Here By Dec 13TH!! Thanks Ya ALLAH!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. And_Sam


      Mabrook MQ FINALLY!! You should have sent me a message!!!

    3. hopenfaith



    4. yazmin999


      omg congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so happy for you!!!

  14. i dont think thats the cause my cousin had a proxy and she just got her visa after 5 months of AP. so idk whats wrong lol

  15. May This Week Bring Us Great News. Ya Rub!

    1. yazmin999


      inhsallah!! mu cuzin is in ur same situation they called her he same time as me to send her passport and the police record again and till now nothing but inshallah things will pick up.. i read somewhere also that some paperwork will be expedited before the holidays so im praying for u!! inshallah soon

  16. nope nothing :( anything new with you? how the lil baby boy doing?

  17. 8 months of AP and nothing new.

    1. And_Sam


      inshallah you will hear soon!

  18. Still nothing new with the visa.

    1. Mandy P

      Mandy P

      You are in my prayers.

  19. still nothing..............

  20. Praying For Great News This Week.

    1. hopenfaith


      Ya Rabi ityasir imoorik! I will always pray for you!!! Inshallah Inshallah!

  21. Dont know if i can do this anymore.

    1. Canadiandggal
    2. hopenfaith


      dont give up! everyday brings u closer. keep ur faith high.

  22. I Put Everything In Gods Hands, What God Has Planned For Us, So Be It.

    1. hopenfaith


      thats they way it should always be! Inshallah soon. im always praying u do

    2. yazmin999


      inshallah.. we are praying for u and ur husbands sis!

    3. hopenfaith


      Wallah we are thinking of u! Inshallah ya Rab you get it soon!

  23. Please Ya Allah Let My Husband Get The Visa When He Goes To The Embassy Today, And I Pray Hopenfaith Gets There Visa Too.

    1. ♥Muslimqueen♥


      I pray for my cousin too and everyone else who is waitting.

    2. hopenfaith


      INSHALLAH! Still waiting for ours from Aramex.. should have gotten it by now =S

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