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Posts posted by kjenkins86

  1. Good news & bad news. Good news: it's nothing serious. Bad news: anxiety. All my test results came back fine but after I pour my heart out to the doctor, he concluded that it's stress.

    Guys, I really have been through a great deal for the past 2 months. After 18 months of testing & guessing what my illness was, I finally got a diagnosis in october (ulcerative colitis) and that alone left me worried. As if that wasn't enough, I was robbed 4 days later. I became even more stressed waiting ages for my NOA2 and now I'm just really anxious to go see my honey.

    Of course they gave me pills but my honey suggested I not take them because he'll makesure I'm stress free while I'm there. So in other words, he said "suffer for 1 more week until I see you!" (smile)

    Thanks for all the well wishes, I appreciate it and pray for me that from now on, I'll sit my butt down, relax & not worry about everything.

  2. Aand:Trust me, I felt your pain't not too long ago so the memory of it is still fresh. But think of it this way, years ago, maybe even months, it'd take almost/over a year, nowadays the average wait time is 5 months. Not to discourage you but I called & the person practically reminded me that the average wait time is 5 months & unfortunately, it is not first come first serve.

    Oobatnep, I was never touched, just straight NOA2; so we can't even judge by touches that we're not close to an approval.

    Luis&Alice: oh ok....

    4Lovewelive: Now I'm confused. What does your poets have to do w/ a work permit????


  3. Oh ok.... We'll be entering through EWR in Newark, New Jersey or JFK in Queens, New York. Either one that has the cheaper ticket!

    My question about NVC wasn't answered :-(

    Oh ok.... We'll be entering through EWR in Newark, New Jersey or JFK in Queens, New York. Either one that has the cheaper ticket!

    My question about NVC wasn't answered :-(

    Kayla: I wish we could drive, that way we'd save on baggage fees for ALL the junk he won't wanna leave behind.

  4. Kayla:ur lol, lol to the "electric slide"

    Thanks for sharing Kayla, I'm addicted to online shopping!

    Gaynto: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I like your Rockettes by the way...

    Oobatnep: I haven't been to the site yet but now I can't wait to go on break b/c you said everything is cheap. Hmmmm, I wonder what can I get to take w/ me to Jamaica.

    Guys, wasn't it Nydvo that came to NY this past sunday? Correct me if I'm wrong.

  5. Jenn: OMG Jenn, you did beat us all with all the crazy stories! Have fun!!!!

    I just now noticed your post, yes, you’re right! (smiling) I take back my word….

    Kayla: that great! 12 more daysand I'll be running to the freezer to get the ice pack!

    Gaynto :no doubt he’ll get it!

    Has anyone of you by chance, has been lazy (to exercise) and went out and buy a slendertone belt? It's that belt that you wear on your tummy and it sends vibrations to your muscles and bring out the (sleeping) six pack.

    Well, I was crazy enough to buy it for 100 bucks and it's the sweetest most comfortable vibrations ever.....Until I started having heart palpitations! I found out that they’re not vibrations, they’re mild electric shocks!!! Ad I'm so scared to go to my doctor because he'll freak out on me for doing something so dumb.

  6. Kayla, Im glad your mum is feeling better. All the best wishes for her.

    I guess Im lucky that Romanian consulate answers emails pretty quickly. They answered back the next day and today I got an email that they received my package 3 forms (which i sent on friday). I guess they are not as busy as other consulates. I should call tomorrow and schedule for an interview, but Im a bit nervous about it. We aren't even 100% sure about our co-sponsor so it's gonna be a little crazy :) Well, we'll keep on praying and see what happens......

    DAnne:something told me you'd be the first to reply.

    I agree with everything you said. However, we're all looking for support and giving back support.

    How can a person give back support when he/she only pops in to discuss their own dilema AND completely ignore what's currently going on in the forum????

    For instance, everyone but myself and 2 others took a while before we got our NOA2 and everyday, there'd be someone, (majority of the time) more than 1 person, would be cheering us on and encouraging us that everything will be ok and it's coming soon. You don't have to agree with me but I do hope you see my point and don't think I'm trying to start confrontation; I'm just very outspoken.

    I do wish you the best on this difficult journey that we're all going through just to be by our love.

    AandD:You're going to get the best christmas gift ever!

    4Lovewelive:As I've told you before, don't worry. Everything will fall right into place.

  7. Email for the American Embassy in Poland takes like a 7-10 days to answer. I know some are faster and some longer. Maybe you can post in the regional forum to get more details.

    Luis&Alice:Thank you!

    Kayla:great to have you back! I'm very happy to hear that your mom is fine, I hope she improves even more as the days go by.

    P.S. Don't you ever leave your VJ family worried again! Use that blackberry of yours! (Smile ;-))

    I really have to air this out & get it off my chest:I don't like it when people only visit the forum when they have a question or when they get an approval. I don't expect for us all to visit everyday because we might be busy. But on the other hand, it'd be nice to pop in and say hi sometimes other than when you (no one specific) need help. Since I've joined this forum, I've seen atleast 3 people who has that pattern and I really think it's selfish. I hope no one is offended.

  8. Hey everyone I need you all to pray hope and wish to whoever it is that you might personally pray to for my mother. I've got her back at the hospital again and it isn't looking good. I just want her to get better, I want this all over with and I want her to be alright. I can't stand the thought of losing my mommy and right now I feel like I'm going to. :(

    Kayla, you have my prayers, hopes and wishes. You know that I have been where you are, though it was my sister and not my Mom, so my heart is really feeling for you right now. It's not easy, but try to stay strong.. I'm here if you need someone to listen.

    MeandHim:thank you!

    Kayla: I'm so sorry to hear about your mother's condition but just try to be strong. It's hard, but keep the faith. You will be in my prayers. Please keep us updated.

  9. 4LOVEWELIVE:Thank you!

    Jenn:thanks so much, I was up all night back and forth trying to figure out how to update it because I hate throwing off Igor's list. Did anyone notice that Robert and Sun was RFE'd but recieved their noa2 yesterday as well? We also have the same noa1 date so I assume they were working on 9/21 yesterday.

    Ok, so I know you guys have discussed this before, but atleast gimme a short version: what's next and how do I check the status of my packet?

    Kayla: sorry to hear that you had a bad night, I hope you feel better soon. Where I am in New Jersey, it's been raining and snowing all day so it's so nasty and mucky outside.

  10. GOT MY NOA2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If I had everyone's number, I would call and SCREAM in your ears that I got my aproval. OMG I can't believe it, finally Gosh Darnit!

    Thank you so much everyone for keeping me sane throughout this whole process.




    :dancing: :joy: :thumbs::star::dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

    i am SO HAPPY for you!!!! yippee!!

    THANK YOU GUYS!! Jenn, you jumped out your chair, I fell off the bed!!!

    Where is Kayla???

  11. hello everyone..

    after dealing with the US embassy here in the philippines for the past weeks,.

    me and my son finally got our visas.

    Flying to NY on sunday.

    For now, we're done with the first part of the journey., We'll be dealing more of this during the AOS., but will 'intentionally forget about it" first during the holidays.,.. :)

    Thank you!

    CONGRATS!!!! I'm so happy for you all! Have a wonderful and safe trip!

    Let us know when you get in the US, so we can say WELCOME TO AMERICA!!!

    GOT MY NOA2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If I had everyone's number, I would call and SCREAM in your ears that I got my aproval. OMG I can't believe it, finally Gosh Darnit!

    Thank you so much everyone for keeping me sane throughout this whole process.


  12. Congratulations Seb928s.

    Kayla: I swear, u r 2 funny! I'm gonna bring a defribilator w/ me b'coz I'm gonna have to shock myself to wake up again when I'm done, ice will NOT work for me!!

    Jenn:sorry u won't b able to paralyze "it" but I'm sure you'll agree that what matters most is that you'll be seeing your honey.

    Everyone: thanks for the continuous support, faith, hope and all. It's NEVER too much to visit the forum and see someone cheering me on, I think that's what's keeping me sane right now.

  13. Pacienca Fe: Thanks so much for the update. Sigh... So I haven't gotten my approval yet but atleast I know they started working again.

    And again, thanks for the cheer. My hope now is to atleast get our approval by the end of the year so we'll have something to celebrate about while I'm there w/ him.

    Kayla: Immigration is slow but not that slow... Of course you'll be able to have your wedding by June!

    Oobatnep: you'll do great on your interview. What do you mean " petition expires before your interview date?" CLUELESS!!!

  14. Hi Everyone,

    Sorry I have not posted for a while. Been having a couple of rough weeks at work. But now I think things will get easier. Anyway, I wanted to congratulate all on all the good news. One funny thing, today I learned that Brazil will from now on require US Citizens getting a visa to get a police certificate, in reciprocity for the US requirement. I thought it was kind of funny. lol

    1 month and a half till I see Alice again. Can't wait!!! :)

    Jenn: that is amazing about your interview being in the same day that you met Fuat. Is like you are coming full circle. Awesome!!!

    Goodmorning everyone, I see we were all busy yesterday, including myself, we barely posted anythiing.

    Paciencia y Fe: anything new on thos updates?????

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