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Posts posted by kjenkins86

  1. Hey ladies!! Mornting.

    Kj I hope you feel better, and I hope they are able to prescribe something.

    What else is up ladies?

    Hey mama, don't feel no better. My throat is still falling out, I can't take any pain meds so the only thing I'm on are antibiotics. To make matters worse, I never in my life had high blood pressure and I woke up today with my head pounding. I checked it and it was 120/85. Hopefully it won't go up any further.

    I think you should just pay the copay. I understand where you are coming from but is it really worth it?

    Well, I paid it and bought my meds so no complaints :blush:

    Hello everyone *waving*

    If my hubby can not get his immunization record and had to do all of them again......how long does it take? Are they done over a period of months or weeks or all at one time......? Anyone know?

    Hey LadyD, my hubby had the same problem and he just went to the clinic, showed them the list of vaccines that he needed and got them done for a reasonable amount. Try your best not to get any at the medical because it is indanely costly cmpared to the clinic.

  2. Goodmorning yardies!!

    Always, today its all about you and baby girl. You must be so excited to finally get to the day where you're going to meet her.

    I was with my sister twice when she was induced for her son and daughter. Don't wait until the pain is unbearable to ask for the epidural because it only gets worse!! Good luck!!

    Brooke, she manages to escape a lot of trouble. Her house is cold like that, which is why she doesn't care to fix it. Yes the kids had to stay in their coats all day :(

    I'm not going in today, going straight to the doc, hopefully I won't waste my time just to hear them say they can't prescribe anything.

    The results for the procedure I did comes back tomorrow and eventhough my appointment isn't until next Monday to hear the results, I'm not too sure if I want to know it...

  3. JQ, well I hope she comes after Christmas, eventhough she would be s nice Christmas blessing to your family!

    I did a little christmas shopping, got the cheap and small stuff that my nieces and nephew wanted outta the way.

    My older niece, didn't start with her yet because her list is do costly, Wii games that costs $40-50, ipod, $200 ed hardy boots and what I can't give her, a relaxer. She doesn't like natural hair anymore but every time she gets a relaxed her hair edges fall out really bad...

    Anyhow, goodmorning yardies, hope we're all enjoying our wknd!

    I have a question/situation.

    Friday at my job, all day there wasn't any heat in the building and instead of the director closing the center, she told us to keep our coats on because they're working on the boiler in the basement and the heat should be up any minute now. She kept saying that all day until 2:30 when I left. The heat never came up and no one was working on the boiler in the basement.

    I have asthma and bronchitis. Right now I'm so sick its not even funny. My question is, should I go in tomorrow, as sick as I am so she can see for herself or should I call her and tell her she gotta cover my copay for a doctors visit and medication??? Or should I just leave it as it is, pay the $30 copay to see my doc and pay for any meds I get.

    My boss is genuinely the cheapest person I've ever met. She cheats us on our pay, open on holidays etc

    I haven't been sick like this in months so I know its from not having heat in the building.

  4. I just wated to stop and show you ladies some love. If you are gonna be in Negril for the New Year stop by and show me some love

    Hey!I won't be in Negril for quite a while but when I do, I will be renewing our vows so I look forward to meeting you!

    Hey Ladies,

    What a gwaan?

    Well for us we got a Request for Inital Evidence-i485 It makes no sense to me they are asking for

    Evidence of your lawful admission or parole into the US... Such evidence includes, but is not limited to form i-94 record, or copy of the nonimmigrant visa page of your passport showing admission to the US....

    This makes no sense as we included all this info in the packet already...

    I guess I should resubmitted the same thing again? Lost

    Hey Sugar, SMDH @ USCIS, can't live with them, can't live without them...

    okra juice... omg wouldnt that be all.. gooey!?? what wata .. white rum? hmmm yummy pass it on the left hand side JQ.

    Actually no it's not gooey. I believe you boil it first and uh, ah hell I don't know how they make it but I know it has in beet roots, guiness and you boil, blend and sweeten with condensed milk to give it a more pleasant taste and it turned out darn good! Thompson2's and MrsTee's hubby has the recipe and below you can find how to drop it like it's hot, courtesy of JQ :rofl::rofl::rofl:

    I would love to come to Negril next year, hubby said we are going to show off the baby in July and have an anniversary party so we will see :star:

    k (L)

    That is something that I can still eat everyday even in these last few weeks of being preggo. 0_61_hamburger.jpg

    I dont know who started this baby stufft8307.gif but these girls just kept goingt8307.gif and goingt8307.gif and going t8307.gif :rofl:

    81686.gif girl do the nasty in different positions, when I got preggo it was not on purpose because I just got off the shot. The percentage of me getting pregnant that fast was less than 5 % the doctor said. That nasty okra guiness oats juice and that t1522.gif or maybe the t1532.gif put it in motion.

    When that foot heal go crazy on it, and get drunk so it can be extra wild :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    You have me rolling over here!! But you told her just right!!

  5. Hi KJ, I know the waiting is a pain but we claiming nothing but good news. You are a mess girl...you got me over here cracking up... :rofl:

    Hey girl! And as if the waiting wouldn't be longer :wacko:

    Only the genetic counselor can read and give me the results, my results come back on the 14th but her next available slot is for the 20th :crying:

    Atleast I'll know by Christmas :blush:

    Lol @ the drinks and stuff, but I'm for real! Well not me, but G, VK and Dens are for real :rofl:

  6. Good Morning!

    I would like to dedicate this post to all the mothers to be!! Remember this and you will go far!



    Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.

    -- Elizabeth Stone

    Wow, made me really sat back in my chair and think...

    Yep Wednesday's every 2weeks, it is after my next one the Wednesday b4 Xmas its down to weekly

    At first my dr. says you are not going past the 20th but now he says im going to January. :dance: :dance: :dance:

    They dont know anything. the dr appt yesterday was a joke, listened to the babies heart, then measured me then said are you registered at the hospital, take it easy :wacko: see you in 2 weeks. :angry:

    It was useless, but glad everything is ok. Just waiting patiently for her arrival.

    I like to share pictures and I like to be animated, wait till yall here my babies name its animated azzz hell :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    Come on Zarah we want you to come down the hole. :help:

    Lmao @ your babies name. I know them :whistle:

    Still can't think of a name for baby boom yet? Happy Bday to your son :dance::dance:

    What stuff men drink???[/b] Tell me ???? omg

    about the co sponsor bit. actually ppl who are green card holders can get food stamps, just not any other welfare benefit. I believe that is the case. the last time i checked it was. disability, i'm not sure.

    i hope you get your co sponsor stuff sorted it can be very stressful.

    wow all of you are so bustl-ey on this board, babies, travelling, greencards. isnt it amazing

    for me this year has been a year of firsts. My first year married, my first year living in america, my first year as a stepmother ( getting better), my first job( had to let it go but whatever), my first driving licence. its pretty good, everything in small steps.

    Tell your honey to make some okra juice, then you come to the board and ask JQ to give you some of the wata, go get drunk and do the dirty and I guarantee you'll be knocked up, it worked for us! :rofl:

    There's always a first for everything and I'm glad all these firsts are good things, may you achieve many more! :star:

  7. Goodmorning yardies, I can't believe the week is going so fast. All the better, I can relax on the weekend.

    Tuesday night I was busy stuffing my face with my favorite chinese food (shrimp and brocoli in garlic sauce) and my phone rang, my ob wanted me to come in so I was a bit wooried because I knew the results hadn't come in yet.

    Anyhow, I went and it was just to check if the baby is ok and if I'm ok after the procedure. Little did she know that I have my own doppler that I use 3 times a day so if God forbid something did happen, she would've been the last to know but thank God, a week after the procedure and I didn't spot, bleed and worse of all miscarry. She also went on to remind me that now that we know it's a boy, that the chance are higher of the child being affected, so I just said, yes, ok blah blah blah because I wasn't sure if she heard me when I say I want this child even if it's born with a foot on it's head.

    Today is thursday and I can't wait for next tuesday to know if the results are going to come back on time so I can know what's going on asap. I can't wait to know, the suspension is killing me :(

    Have a great day yardies!

    Christmas is faaaast approaching ya'll. Is everyone ready? :unsure:

    I'm excited and not excited about this christmas, not excited because I wanted to go to Jamaica and I'm excited because this is G's first christmas here. For new years eve I wanted to take him to ny to go see the ball drop BUT it's blistering cold, the crowd is CRAZY at the time and you MUST go by at least 7 to catch a good glimpse of all the action so I don't know. As for gifts, I want to give him a xbox 360 w/ a kinect but I never liked a man who played video games, just seem odd to me, like don't you have anything better to do?? I want an ipad from him but doubt he'll pick up on the daily hibts I've been iving so I guess I'll decide last minute.

    Morning All!

    So much I wanted to comment on but forgot...dang I'm getting old.

    Den and I are doing fine...just trucking along. Den is still with this group here in Atlanta and they are in the process of getting some full time gigs so we shall see how that goes over. In the meantime, Den is applying everywhere under the sun.

    Congrats on likkle boy, KJ!

    Congrats to Moira and Michael on their approval! So happy for them.

    I hope everyone is doing well! :star: Miss you guys...I'm usually on FB though so I will see you there. If you're not on FB, then love ya and holla at you soon.

    Hey DW, what's up, hope all is well!

    Smiley will get the perfect job when the time is right!

    Thank you, can't wait to see my baby boy, I told hubby I have a new husband now :star:

    :rofl: KJ, I'm gon get you! No babies over here for a likkle while longer... :rofl:

    Lol, little do you know that VK, G and Dens are all drinking the same okra juice, G's just kicked in first so you and Brooke are next, especially since VK is going to JA to get that high grade okra. Oh #######, you and Char had left by the time they were drinking that okra juice, I forgot! Either way, Den has the recipe :devil:

    I wish I could use that line but our anniversary is the day after, so I guess I gotta find something to give this man! lol

    Give him you wrapped up in lace :devil:


    ive been reading.... and checking in on y'all

    i CAN NOT believe how many women are pregnant!!!

    kinda wild!

    hubby is in JAMAICA!

    i won't lie- im loving being at home by myself

    ill prob start to miss him in a couple days-

    he will be coming home on the 18th with our son!


    im staying busy getting the house ready for a 4 year old boy!


    Hey Jus!!

    Yes mama, JaPrincess started the trend and JQ spread the wata for all us pregnant mamas!

    Sooo happy to hear that your cutie pie is finally coming! I know you will enjoy him :star:

    I say Y not AidYn..hahaha yes that is thanks to a few glasses of wine. :bonk:

    We shall see about the JA Okra. I know hubby will be making his juice and eating it with fish.

    I'm scrambling to be ready by the 19th when we leave. It seemed like a good idea months ago to get a few things for all of Vaughn's cousin, but with 10 our suitcases are filling up quick :wacko: Plus I'm wondering about going through customs? :unsure:

    Lol, anything you and G say is ok, but as long as he doesn'y have to see the baby's bith certificate. He told me if I mess around and spell it my way, he'll rip it up so I said ok, I'm not even gonna give him a clue that I can easily get another for $10 :bonk:

  8. I am holding up pretty good I guess, I feel like I am constantly complaining about how uncomfortable I am but everyone is saying girl your like a true solider, I dont know , I am just ready but I guess she not yet :(

    Who's not going to complain if their uncomfortable? And you ARE a trooper because there's no way in the world I'd go to work if I felt like how you say you do.

    Good night ladies,

    Kj, Congrats on that boy I have three they are the sweetest thing. Boys are the best. LoL

    Hey sugar, thank you!

    I've heard Aidan/Aiden spelt both ways so realy either/or. LOL @ telling hubby OK and then just doing it your way. Poor G first he doesn't get Music Tattoo and now he doesn't get the spelling he wants.

    Funny you should bring up the okra juice. VK just made a HUGE batch tonight. I guess I could be like Mrs. Palmer.. What did she say? It was the rum that knocked her up? :rofl:

    You should be! Seems like you were just on here saying you were preggo. You were a pioneer, you got knocked up when it wasn't even the "in" thing to do here on VJ :rofl::thumbs::rofl:

    Christmas is faaaast approaching ya'll. Is everyone ready? :unsure:

    I've heard of it being spelled both ways too but Aidan just look better on paper, lol.

    Oh yea, G hates to read so I can get over easy on that!

    Lol @ the okra juice, you gotta remind him to make it in Jamaica, Jamaica's okra has stamina :rofl:

    But seriously, I have a bunch of friends that come back from JA knocked up and it's always the steam fish with okra or something with okra in it!

    After you, Asheia and I think that's it, we'll have a break from vj babies then we'll start a new trend or in thing.

    LOL @ "in" thing to do... yeah, just call me trend setter! :blush:

    Next year ya'll be moving to Jamaica too :bonk:

    I wouldn't mind moving, but you go first, get all the info we need to get ourself some good deals on appliances, carpenters etc and then we'll start moving over one by one. Don't forget to build a guest room because we'll all stay there until our house is done :star:

  9. Hi all! I'm not feeling all to well today. Just feel out right exhausted. Here @ work I took my blood sugar, blood pressure & pulse. Sugar was 130 which I think is a little high for me. I don't know. Plus I've been up & down in the way I feel & at times it is as if hubby is insensitive. According to him I'm showing him no affection. How the hell am I to do that if I feel I'll.

    My doctor isn't in his office yet so I consulted w/a friends mother. She's Jamaican & a nurse practioner so when I can't locate my doctors, she always assist. Plus of the 2 jobs she has, one is delivering babies. I spoke w/her & explained how I feel plus this symptom I've been experiencing. She stated spotting is normal to an extent & based upon it's appearance. & she also asked if I was having cramps. No cramps but I'm spotting here & there. I don't know.

    I'm heading to JA on the 19th & this is first trip where I'm not excited @ all. I haven't even started to pack my things. Overall I just don't know!!!!

    Hey Mo, I hope you got the chance to go see the doc yesterday. To be honest, if I were in your position I wouldn't go, only because you never know what can happen but you know better than anyone else what you can handle and if you do go, just rest as you said you would. Also, they do say that spotting is normal during the first trimester but it shouldn't be frequent/last too long so makesure you keep an eye on it.

    Good Morning Dear! Yep still here at work, I will work right up to the last minute, otherwise I will have a huge mess on my hands when I return, I am already dreading my materinty leave for the fact of the mess and but it falls in line with a vaction break for 2 weeks so shouldnt be too too bad.

    Oh ok, I understand.

    KJ--Everything will be okay. And Congrats on your likkle bundle of boy joy!!!!!!

    Thank you :star:

    Hey yall

    KJ congrats on the baby+boy.jpg

    That is so great to find out what you are having. 1luv and I wanted to wait but the anticipation was breaking us.

    Thanks JQ, I didn't think about waiting, I'm nosey so I had to know!

  10. Wow!! Congrats with all the baby gender news!!! It's funny KJ wanted a girl, but is having a boy and Mrs. Palmer wanted/thought it was a boy, but it's a girl. You know the both of you as soon as that baby is born you aren't ever going to imagine if it was the opposite gender. They both are going to be so perfect for you. So happy for you both!!

    KJ- Aidan is going to have QUITE his pick of VJ babies with all these girls going around. He isn't even born and he's set to be a ladies man! Yup, he's G's son. lol

    Always- Hope you are finding some comfort. Baby girl heard it's the "in" thing to be fashionably late. Well, she is half Jamaican and you they NEVER are on time.. :bonk::rofl: Seriousl, I hope you are able to get some rest and some moments of relaxation. We all are waiting to hear a message from you like the one OneLove just gave.

    Congrats to Lilla for literally taking a big step and walking despite being destracting by the beads. So cute JaP. (F)

    As for the Thompsons..we are packing now for JA for Christmas because we need to figure out how to get all our bags to weigh 49.9 lbs :rofl::bonk:.

    Lovin' all the baby news! (L)

    I'm smiling at what you said about me and Palmer wanting a boy/girl...

    And oh yes my boy sure has quite some options with all theses vj baby girls on the way. Hubby insists that it shouldn't be spelled Aidan but Aiden :blink:

    So I said ok honey, but he doesn't pay attention to deails anyway so when it's time to name him, I won't even be worried :star:

    Lilla did awesome!

    I was thinking the same thing about Always' baby, showing off her Jamaican colors already by being late.

    Oh boy, 49.9? :rofl:

    Well I hope VK makes some more of that okra juice in Jamaica and you come back knocked up! :star:

    yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay thats great hun. silly me i thought you already had it. But i know thats a huge relief.

    Just stopping by to say hi to everyone, congrats on all the babies. None here yet

    I'll be walking again without my walking brace boot by the end of the week, and i'm finally able to drive again, so i got my independence back a little. Hubby got another job! which is great and its better than the last place he was in, just in time as i got my independence back. what else.......oh my hospital bill got reduced by 100%. which is great it was over 11 grand. God is good ...

    hope you all have a blessed holiday.....


    Wasn't aware that you were injured but I hope you are healing fine!

    That's great that your hospital bill was reduced, scratch that, eliminated!

    Good Morning everyone,

    Hope all of you have a blessed day! Tomorrow I go back to the OB and hopefully he will tell me she on her way. I had the worse back pain for a few days now, It comes and goes but the heating pad or the hot shower water seems to ease the pain just a little. Gosh the joys of pregnancy! All thought the outcome will be all in all worth it.

    Take care

    Goodmorning Always, are you at work today? I hope for the sake of your comfort that by tomorrow you'll be ready to go into labor!

  11. Bwoy mi tell ya, mi cyan neva show mi brodda love LOL

    Nope :no:

    First, I love the name Aidan!!!

    Second, FINALLY WE GOT THE GREEN CARD!!!! kicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gif Sexy party time!!!!biggrin.gif

    Thank you.

    It's about time :dance::dance: Hopefully LOC will be a breeze for you!

    Good afternoon/evening everyone!! First let me start by saying congrats to all the mama's!! I have some serious baby fever headbonk.gif but we will not be entertaining that idea at this point!

    We got NOA1 dated 12/1/2010!! good.gif

    But looking ahead at the income and sponsor part.....my very close friend said she was willing to do it but asked what she would be getting herself in for.......blink.gif I actually found myself struggling to explain it!! I tried and stumbled looking for the right way to tell her....I know that being a co-sponsor means financial responsibility we get that part, but her question was (playing devil's advocate) "what if he came here and became a loser?" like if me and him don't work out and left and incurred debt??? Hmmmmmmm any idea's on how to properly respond to that? I mean, with the sponsor's responsibility to the debt? Or do you know where to find info for that? (I am sort of lame at finding these kinds of answers on the net)blush.gif

    I don't know the answer to that but if I'm not mistaken, it has nothing to do with that, being a cosponsor/sponsor means that you are responsible for the person for a certain amount of time so that they don't end up on government assistance such as welfare, wic, medicare/caid etc

    If it has to do with paying a credit card bill that they racked up, I'd be surprised. As a matter of fact, I forgot who it was that pointed out to me that when a person applies for credit cards, government assistant etc, the companies don't have access to who this person's sponsor is, the main thing that they really do care about is if you're legal. Hope that helped a bit.

    Hi ladies! Well, we had our ultrasound appt today. First of all let me tell you that this baby is something else! Barely stayed still long enough to get any pictures taken or to check all of the organs! Everything checked out though, except that I have to go back in two weeks because while they could see the heart & it beating, they weren't able to get a good look at all the ventricles, so they want me to come back so they can try and get a better view. This child was flipping, turning, waving, and ducking from the time the wand was put on my stomach! :blink: And finally sat still for about 10 seconds long enough for us to see that WE'RE HAVING A GIRL! You know, I was so hooked on the idea of having a boy (I wanted to be the only lady in the house! :lol: ) before, but as soon as the technician told me, I was ecstatic! That poor lady earned her paycheck today! She said she had seen 3 other babies that day and ours was the busiest! :bonk: I'm just thankful that things are going well...my husband was in shock (he honestly thought he would never have a girl) and my mother was laughing! :blink:

    So you have an olympian inside of you :star:

    Why would your husband think he would never have a girl??

    Glad to hear that all is well with the little one and oh, congratulations on the girl!

  12. Hi duppies down there :ph34r:

    I had to call back the genetic counselor and ask if she was sure, she said in all her 13 years of practice, no one ever called back to ask if she's sure :rolleyes:

    But she caught me off guard when she called because I was on the phone with my boss when I saw her number and hung u on my boss :bonk:

    So she asked, do you want to know so I said yes.

    She asked what do I think so I told her I wish its a girl but my heart tells me it's a boy so she said follow your heart! I bust out :crying::crying:

    But it was both tears of joy to finally know and tears of a bit of disappointment. But I'm happy, very happy to know I'm having a baby boy :wub:

    Can't wait to look at him in awe. Me and hubby finally agreed on Aidan and he promised not to mention music or tattoo anymore :D

    Oh sweetie all will be well, God hears all our prayers and I been praying for your situation, You are blessed with a very healthy baby and no matter what anyone said that test will come back just fine.

    I have faith that all will be well and what works better than prayer :star:

    AWE! Why did my dream TWICE show me a little girl??? HMM usually I am right on point. Still he will be just as handsome and wonderful. Congrats Momma

    You know they say dreams doesn't come straight, well Jamaican ppl say that. For instance, if you dream of a funeral, you'll be attending a wedding. So the girl you saw was a boy, lol.

    I know you are probably upset. I didn't know it was Fragile X you were referring to. I learned about that disorder in one of my classes. I know all of this is hard for you to digest but God will make things okay for you. I am hear for you whenever you need me! (((((hugs))))))) and smiley too....

    I thought I'd be upset but I'm not, I actually like the idea of having a boy now.

    Smiley don't need no hugs, gimme all of it! :star:

  13. I cant wait to hear you are having a little girl LOL! either way I am truly excited for you and I know your little bundle of joy will be perfect. Labor pains, not yet my mother is comming to town Friday she said I must wait til then LOL! I tried every old wives tale imaginable and nothing so I just have to wait. :)

    Omg, well now that you're 40 weeks, you know for a fact she'll be here ve ry soon :)

    Sigh, I don't have to explain anymore how much I want it to be a girl and I've been thinking that it's probably a good reason why I don't know the sex yet. I think I mentioned before that fragile x affect boys way more than girls and my heart tells me its a boy. If I do find out its a boy before I get all the results back, sigh.

    Let's just say I would be extremely worried until I get the final report. But I'm getting closer, Tuesday is one week and they said it would take 2-3 weeks to grow the cells they took from the placenta...

  14. Hi yardies, hope we're all enjoying our wknd!

    Tomorrow I'll start again with the stalking phone calls to find out the sex of the baby and hopefully by Christmas I'll get all the results and know exactly what's up.

    Always, I hope you're feeling labor pains :)

    The latest on our case since the interview:

    11-24-10 - Card Production Ordered.... whew....

    11-26-10 - I-485 "touched"

    11-30-10 - Card Production Ordered... AGAIN

    12-01-10 - I-485 "touched"

    12-03-10 - I-485 - Received text message that they mailed us a notice that I-485 is approved.

    Now they wanna act like they got sense.. bwoy! LOL gotta love USCIS, but I aint complaining! :star:


  15. Always -- how are you felling today? I sign in hoping to READ -- "ON THE WAY TO THE HOSPITAL"

    Me too!!

    Just wanted to come through and wish everyone a wonderful weekend and beautiful day!

    Ah, I was hoping to see you were in labor but I guess 11:59 as you said.

    As directed ---

    1luv gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Wednesday, December 1st at 9:46am weighing 6lbs-4ozs -- mommy and baby doing very well.


    OMG, awww. Lovely (F)

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