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Posts posted by junglee069

  1. Hey dude, welcome back. Last I remember you were going to Pakistan?

    Congrats on the new job.


    man, i quit...all i get is one reply - from agent smith, the resident vj junkie.


    Hey dude, welcome back. Last I remember you were going to Pakistan?

    Congrats on the new job.

    thanks ....yes, pak was fun. too many donkey carts.

  2. i'm about to put in my resignation - got a new job. was out on vacation for two weeks.

    bored out of my mind -don't feel like working.......then i had a brilliant thought - lets visit vj.

    so here i am. i command you to entertain me.

  3. my wife is a pharmacist overseas - however her degree was from a 4 year program, and to register for the fpgee you need a 5 year degree - they won't budge - although she was midway through her program when they changed the requirement - and now her school won't be offering a 5 year degree until 2008 - the only other alternative is to go to school here, ALL OVER.

    it's a ridiculous barrier to entry when there is an apparent shortage.

  4. Hi everyone....

    I haf a qts.... If anyone can help me. I'm thinking of getting international driving license, (living now in Dubai).... UAE government accept US, Canada and other european licenses and they can give them UAE driving license without anything to do, I mean any driving test or anything. Does US accept UAE license and can i drive their on International license?

    Congrats Doodwala for your bro and thanks for reminding with the words of Quran, Jazakallah.

    Wish all of u Good luck.... Shon, Mary, Omid and everyone whose on AR/AP.

    Allah Hafiz

    you would still eventually need to get a us license - and do have to take the required tests.......

  5. hello everyone, my wife has been in the US for almost 8 months now on a CR1 spousal visa. she has a greencard and social security card. She is pregnant and her due date is in 3 months. She is dying to see if her parents or parent can come here to visit her. I dont know how to go about this or what to do. If someone can please please guide me to the steps required and time frame needed it will help alot. Also, her parents are in afghanistan now and she had gotten her visa from pakistan. I told her parents to go to the US EMBASSY in afghanistan but they said when they went they would not let them in ...so what should we do..please help guys..


    i am not sure how things work through afghanistan - however, through pakistan the typical process is to file for a visit visa through the city you are in - for example in karachi or lahore, you can fill out the required paperwork and what not and file through the american express office - and then they will call you in for an interview to islamabad.......you go there and they will determine whether or not you get a visa. potentially, there is a similar process in place.

    as a us citizen, you can surely contact the us embassy in afghanistan and ask them what the proper procedures are......here is some additional information from the us embassies page in afghanistan:

    Visa Services

    Welcome to the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy Kabul. There is no U.S. visa processing facility in Afghanistan at this time.

    The designated visa issuing post for Afghanistan is the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan.

    U.S. Embassy in Pakistan

    Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna 5, Islamabad

    Tel: +92-51-208-2700 or +92-51-208-2121

    Email: paknivinfo@state.gov

    Public Inquiry Hours: 1-5PM, Monday-Friday


    Note: The U.S. Embassy in Pakistan does not require Afghan nationals, or other nationals living in Afghanistan, to make an appointment for a nonimmigrant visa interview. Afghans may pay the application fee at a designated fee payment office (refer to "fee payment" in menu on left), and, with the receipt, proceed directly to the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy before 11AM for an interview on any working day, Monday – Friday.

    for some more information, refer to:


  6. Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co is a british company - i don't see anyone screaming national security and what not before? are we just afraid of dem a-rabs?

    A-rabs are scary.

    British people are just punks. They're harmless.

    oh ok, it's all clear now........on a more serious note, here's a good read

    WASHINGTON // Criticism of a proposed merger that would give a United Arab Emirates company control of operations at six U.S. ports, including Baltimore, misses the point.

    The deal between Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. and Dubai Ports World (DPW) merits close scrutiny, but strategically should be viewed as a long-term security asset, not a liability.


    Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. and Democrats and Republicans in Congress are right to ask tough questions about the merger. The Bush administration must demonstrate that it has performed due diligence through the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) process. But while there are many reasons to be concerned about port security, which company writes the checks for American longshoremen is the least of those worries.

    In fact, the merger should not pose national security concerns because maritime security is a global challenge. The real solution is not protectionism, but to build a truly integrated and effective global system that secures supply chains from the point of manufacture through foreign and U.S. ports all the way to local store shelves. That requires making maritime security a higher homeland security priority.

    Our economy, and therefore our security, depends on the free and secure flow of goods to and from our shores. About 90 percent of the manufactured goods we import arrive by sea. About 9 million shipping containers each year flow through 361 U.S. ports. Baltimore, for example, is the 14th-largest port in the United States in terms of tonnage and seventh in cargo value.

    Any interruption in the global movement of goods, whether because of terrorism, a storm or a dockworker strike, can instantly cause billions in economic losses. If a nuclear or radiological device were smuggled into the United States through one of these shipping containers, it could shut down the world economy.

    There are shared incentives among governments, port authorities, the maritime industry and the private sector to ensure this does not happen. Maritime security standards have been strengthened nationally and internationally since 2001. Success depends upon cooperation among a wide range of players - manufacturers, freight forwarders, port operators, ocean carriers and insurers; most are foreign-owned.

    In fact, the leading port operators worldwide that process the majority of shipping containers bound for the United States are owned by companies based in Hong Kong, Singapore, Denmark and Britain as well as Dubai. So our maritime security already depends upon the cooperation of foreign governments and foreign-owned businesses.

    The UAE is the United States' third-leading trading partner in the Middle East after Israel and Saudi Arabia. It is a leading ally in the Persian Gulf region.

    Before 9/11, the UAE's record in combating terrorism was mixed, particularly with respect to lax banking regulations and oversight. The UAE was used as a staging area and commercial hub by some of the hijackers. But cooperation has improved significantly since then. Dubai is one of 37 international ports that participate in the Container Security Initiative (CSI), a program that attempts to identify anomalies with shipments before they leave for the U.S. It is part of the global maritime security system.

    There are better ways to improve port security in Baltimore and across the country than trying to block the merger. Specific actions can dramatically improve port security.

    First, the Department of Homeland Security needs to make port security its top priority. Since 9/11, DHS has devoted three times as much to aviation security as maritime security. This is like fighting the last war.

    The Coast Guard estimates that $5.4 billion is required to implement port security improvements called for in the Maritime Transportation Security Act. Yet Congress appropriated only $175 million in port security grants this year. Congress should triple that.

    Second, customs agents physically inspect only 6 percent of the 9 million shipping containers that flow through U.S. ports annually. Every suspect shipment should be scanned using the best available radiation detection equipment. Every U.S. port should be required to have radiation isotope identifier devices to reduce the chances that a nuclear or radiological device can be smuggled into the U.S.

    Third, DHS should expand the number of personnel assigned overseas (with language skills) to work at foreign ports, inspect more shipping containers before they are loaded on ships destined for the United States and verify the security of foreign supply chains. Smart containers with tamper-proof seals and global positioning systems should be introduced as soon as possible.

    It is Osama bin Laden and his virulent followers who want to disconnect the Middle East from the rest of the world. Integrating the Middle East into the global trading system and linking countries such as the UAE and companies such as DPW to international norms, profits and responsibilities are the ultimate solution to jihadism and extremism. This requires the United States to think strategically and act globally, not parochially.

    P. J. Crowley is a senior fellow at the Center for America

  7. if you READ the patriot act - nowhere does it specify what the banks need to do. banks have implemented their OWN assanine regulations to cover their a$$es and have been know to arbritarily freeze accounts and what not and blame it on the patriot act. the actual 'freezing' of an account is NOT sanctioned by the patriot act - but the provisions it lays out and the subsequent controls banks have laid in place to meet the criteria set forth by the act is what leads to banks freezing accounts. what is silly is their abuse of the patriot act when in fact they can do much of what needs to be done without freezing accounts and using 'scare' tactics to have some 80 year old nun come in and give her social . they just like to throw that term around to shut you up.

  8. i thought it was some kind of unspoken rule that we (meaning all message board users) had to corrupt a thread by at least page 6??? *shrugs*

    oral sex with some other than your spouse across state borders - who's public indecency laws would you be violating? both states? what if you are on the line exactly - meaning you are neither here nor there....then what?

    i think we should get someone to test it out and see how the courts rule. very important thread we have going here.

  9. it's better than missouri.... (not sure if it's still on the books but...) oral sex is illegal there.

    what if you are on the illinois/missouri border engaged in oral sex (with someone other than a spouse) over state lines, can you be tried in both states for both being adultrous and engaging in oral sex?

  10. Thank you all for your feedback. I think patience is the name of the immigration game.

    if you get really worried, there is a number to the csc you can find somewhere that is suppose to be used only in case of emergencies - i had called it because i got a rfe and it was bogus. i don't suggest that you call it just like that - however if enough time has elapsed and nothing occurs, you could give it a shot. just a thought..many in the past have warned against calling that number however - do at your own risk :-)

  11. Islamic law does not, as you would have me believe, cure the underlying ill by making it legal for males to enage in polygamy, i.e. have multiple spouses. ;)

    Islamic law does accomodate the natural male need to pork more than one woman. Western law turns the fulfillment of that need into something ugly - adultery. Islamic law beautifies it by allowing you to call it marriage.

    Lipstick on a pig, y'know.

    pigs are forbidden in islam. all we got left with is the lipstick.

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