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Posts posted by junglee069

  1. abe saale, get back to work, don't fukc around at your new job.

    i hate my job and have no hopes for a future here so i vj all i want. bwahaha.

    haha, yeah, i'm about to .......just thought i'd check back and see what everyone is doing - seems like the same old #######........ok gtg. see y'all l8r.

  2. hi guys so much good news i read.....congrats to all of you who are about to be reunited!!!!

    i need some advice.....how do i cancel the visa. our wedding has been off for about a month. do i just call the embassy to put it on hold while the divorce proceedings are underway?? or should i just wait until divorce final.

    oh btw his interview date is june 1st. i dont want him to go....in fact i dont want him in the USA nat all!!! help guys.....


    what? sorry to hear that - wow. shocked.

  3. i'm not that addicted to vj where i have to stroll over to the public library - why not just go to the nearest starbucks and abuse their hotspot?

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