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Posts posted by MsSheka

  1. I just got log in failed, i guess that means case complete and no more RFE. I had no idea you guys are all here, i have been checking January all day and was wondering if every1 is on vacation.

    Immigrant Visa Invoice Payment Center

    Sign In Failed

    * Please be advised that the case that you have attempted to access is not eligible for further processing by the National Visa Center at this time. Please click on the Contact the NVC hyperlink if you believe that you have received this message in error.

    CONGRATS!!!OMG!!INTERVIEW COMING RIGHT UP!! :dance::dance::dance::dance:

  2. MsSheka - Here is my I864 packages..


    Yes, I did. Here is the list -

    Cover letter

    Document cover sheet


    08, 07, 06 Tax transcripts with wage and income statements from IRS

    Employment letter, title, how long I worked, 2009 salary info

    6 months of paystub.

    I hope I am ok... star_smile.gif

    NVC - I am waiting for DS-3032 acceptance email (received by NVC on 01/23/2010)

    Looks good Deep! :thumbs: sorry i took so long to reply i kinda missed it but i'm finally catching up :blink:

    I have a feeling you'll be getting the LOG - IN - FAIL 2morrow... :) (or the day after) :D

    thanks lji :star: I am praying and hoping :thumbs:

  3. Hello Andrea, MQ, Abbie, Ms. Sheka, Metro and everybody here on the thread of February. I GOT THE PINK SLIP APPROVED :dance::dance::dance::dance: Its time for me to celebrate. Soon I will live with my husband Forever. I can't wait to be with him.

    To make it short to my experienced to my interview the Pre Screener was so nice to me. He was shocked to my application of petition because my hubby sent the papers so thick more than you could imagined. I didn't even know it was so thick until pre screener told me all the evidence was there. The pre screener making smile because of the heavy and thick files of mine. He even told me your husband making sure you will be approved.

    Pre screener question:

    1. When is your birthdate?

    2. Who is your petitioner?

    3. How many times he got married before?

    4. How many children he have?

    5. When did you get married?

    6. When and where did you met?

    7. When is the first time you met in person?

    CO asking me same question as the pre screener did. she focus to the thick application and looking for the papers she needs while looking at the papers she said this is the thick files I have ever seen then she told me everything I need are here so your VISA APPROVED. CONGRATULATIONS!!! WELCOME TO UNITED STATES. Yeah Its time to PARTY :dance::dance::dance:

    CONGRATS I TOLD YOU SO!! :dancing::dancing::dancing::dancing::dancing::goofy::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

  4. cheerleader21.gifGive me L-O-G! cheerleader21.gifgive me an I-N cheerleader21.gifgive me a F-A-I-L cheerleader21.gifWhat dose that spell?!?!?! cheerleader21.gif

    LOG IN FAIL!!!!!!!!!!! w00t!cheerleader21.gif

    Incase you were wondering i got my Log in Fail first this morning. It not that excited. Im not tha big of a deal...... :blush::jest: JK!!! cheerleader21.gif

    WOOOHOOO YAAAAY OMFG YES YES YES!!!CONGRATS!!bliss.gifbliss.gif I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU I GOT A INSTANT HEADACHE :blink::lol: you are exactly two days ahead of me so i am hoping i get mine on wednsday :yes:

  5. Well I called today to see if the e-mail we have in their system is correct, the operator read it back to me and everything checked out fine. I asked her why NVC has'nt sent us any e-mails yet and I was only provided with a standard x to x amount of weeks, yada, yada. Why is it taking for them so long to e-mail all this info? Come on, lets get this rolling.... :angry:

    I know the feeling but get ready because when they say go they mean go :unsure::thumbs:

  6. I meant to update you guys on the rassclot little demon girl who stole out of the mall. Her mom left my daughter a threatening phone message that she was going to call the cops on my daughter because MY daughter wont leave HER daughter alone!!!! :angry::angry::angry: #######??? Now yall know Rashida came out in full effect.. I got on the phone and proceeded to lay into her rass! I told her if she wants to start a war, a warrin we will go and I will finish it. I also told her I know where MY daughter is, does she? Hell I know where HER daughter is too! Laying up with her lesbian lover. She also said that she felt it in her spirit that my daughter was a bad influence on hers!!!! :blink: Is she :wacko: ? My daughter has a healthy fear of me and Rashida and she KNOWS better... Ugh... This girl's mom is clueless and a hot rass mess!

    RANT OVER... whew

    #######?? :angry::angry: I don't play bout mine get her rass Teet0135.gif

  7. Thats great that you had a good time. Seems like we all had a good weekend...

    I know for V-Day Im DEFINITELY getting Steve a soccer ball. Seeing him play make believe soccer in the living room is blowing my mind! :blink::rofl: My daughter will have fun learning from him as she has taken an interest in soccer (futbol). Im also thinking of buying him some jewelry. I think I will cook him a nice dinner at home. My daughter is taking him to get me something for V-day.

    JG - Im also going to try to start doing some of the stuff we talked about. Im ready! :) So thanks again for the help

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: YOU HAVE ONE TOO??? MY HUBBY LIVES FOR SOCCER :yes: just yesterday he was asking me if i have the Fox sports channel i told him i have no idea he said "well thats the only channel i watch" :blink::help:

  8. RFE is for the AOS which was already sent! Apparently the docs were reviewed individually, OMG they had me worried so much, i was so scared of any further delay, I really am at my stretch limit . For whatever the reason, the operators were rude to me and I found that to be unusual about NVC but I just ignored their rudeness having understand what stress could lead anyone into. I imagine if I have to work their shift and then the increased call volumes from the Haiti pendings my politeness can only goes thus far. :wacko::wacko::wacko: I will still call them back later today just to be sure that all reps were saying the same thing, the fist rep said they did not have my AOS while the second rep said we have it we just haven't review it :girlwerewolf2xn::girlwerewolf2xn::girlwerewolf2xn::whistle::innocent:

    i'm glad its a FALSE RFE l hope you MQ and I get case complete this week :dance::dance:

  9. Ok, so don't pay anything till you get the email requesting you to make the payment--I get that part.

    But once it's paid and the cover sheet is available--why can't we send that in then? It would take at least a day or two for it to reach NVC in any case.

    MsS--This is from your timeline. What's on January 8--receiving I-864 package--does the NVC send us something? This is what I'm wondering.

    01-06-2010 : Pay I-864 Bill (I get that)

    01-08-2010 : Receive I-864 Package (?)--Is this when the coversheet you mentioned before became available?

    01-09-2010 : Return Completed I-864 (I get this).


    This post has been edited by sachinky: Today, 11:18 AM

    Can anyone please answer sachinky POST?

    I am also in limbo that should I send the 864 form now because I have document cover sheet.

    OR I have to wait for NVC's email asking for 864.

    Yes i sent everything ahead of time once the coversheet was available I sent it :thumbs: it made no difference at all by the time i mailed it they had requested it :blush:

    BTW I just checked yesterday's mail & there's a letter from my State Senator he had made an inquiry on my behalf so they kinda put me in the speed lane :unsure: I sent a letter to the Senator at the USCIS stage and he did not get to my case until after i was already approved so USCIS told him they no longer had my case and he sent an inquiry to NVC (around the same time we got the DS-3032 & AOS bill) I wonder if the operators at NVC knows that I had a Senator inquiry? :unsure: i wonder if they noted that on my case? :unsure: I don't want to be picked on because there was an inquiry because it was mean't for USCIS not NVC :blink:

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