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Status Replies posted by thongd4me

  1. approved!

    1. thongd4me


      Congrats on LOC - we have similar timelines

  2. Only 3 weeks (of working days) until retirement...

    1. thongd4me


      10-09-08-07-06-05-04-03-02-01 days until retirement!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Only 3 weeks (of working days) until retirement...

    1. thongd4me


      10-09-08-07-06-05-04-03-02-01 days until retirement!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Can ho moi cua chung toi dep nhu o New York vay do! Thich lam...

    1. thongd4me


      That's easy for you to say Amigo...travel plans?

  5. will try to do a walk-in for biometrics today.:)

    1. thongd4me


      Good luck; she went by herself and there was no problem even though it wasn't the appointed day

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Finished wallpapering large kitchen in 100 yr old house - don't try this at home?

    1. thongd4me


      Yes - the removal part seemed hard at first but applying the paper was harder in the end; many oddly shaped moldings to work around. The old stuff just screamed "faded wallpaper" and was due to go. There was only one layer to remove and when I caught on that you only have to apply some water it came right off.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Waiting for the embassy to tell us what our interview date is.

    1. thongd4me


      wishing you a successful interview process - then it

      will be only a few weeks before you are together.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. I can hear frogs in the pond outside,but I cannot see them. Kinda like the USCIS Croaking & Invisible

    1. thongd4me


      Sounds very high-tech; with this economy I suspect many of the frogs are part-time consultants...

  9. I added some photos of me and A so if you wanna creep 'em, feel free.

    1. thongd4me


      With the tie A looks like he's robbing the cradle; without it you make a cool couple! The K-1 will be in the bag sooner than you know it.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. yay approved!just received a text message and an email!:)

  11. - does anyone know when the IRS opens? Is it CA time?... what state? Ugh. I'm trying to call from Aus and so far "7am" isn't 7am or 8am IA time...

    1. thongd4me


      The above is the contact info, along with the operating times; however you may be able to find an IRS "volunteer" at your local consulate. Apparently they don't have chat or email tax help. Good luck.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. - does anyone know when the IRS opens? Is it CA time?... what state? Ugh. I'm trying to call from Aus and so far "7am" isn't 7am or 8am IA time...

  13. FYI to all my VJ buddies: Dad is doing well. He most likely had a stroke and is now in permanent high-level care. Mum's doing better dealing with it but it's still hard. Thanks for the kind wishes all.

    1. thongd4me


      As you may have noticed I'm often direct and blunt and don't consider the gender of the poster when I'm replying, only the message. Maybe I can twist that into a compliment, LOL. What you posted made sense to me because it made sense is what I mean. Tony certainly found a gem.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. FYI to all my VJ buddies: Dad is doing well. He most likely had a stroke and is now in permanent high-level care. Mum's doing better dealing with it but it's still hard. Thanks for the kind wishes all.

    1. thongd4me


      How absent-minded I can be - I addressed you as Tony in my IM and forgot to glance at the "gender" icon in your profile! Won't make that mistake again; hope dad is doing as well as possible.

      Next time I make a mistake like that please smack me around!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. FYI to all my VJ buddies: Dad is doing well. He most likely had a stroke and is now in permanent high-level care. Mum's doing better dealing with it but it's still hard. Thanks for the kind wishes all.

    1. thongd4me


      That's tough; my aunt also had a stroke many years ago & I've been there and saw how helpless one can be. This is not a pleasant part of life but one which can affect all of us. There are two sad things associated with stroke victims, one being the memory of your relative in happier stronger days and the other the futility of his or her resolution to lick this debilitating condition. Be strong & be well.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)


  17. She started 2nd PT job yesterday; this week she's scheduled to work 50 hours, 7 days a week.

    1. thongd4me


      Slavedriver, haha. I would have preferred she hold off a little longer to get a job and concentrate first on passing the drivers' test - she was over-anxious to get a job as she had worked for 26 years straight and got frustrated when she didn't get one right off the bat. Second or third swing was the charm ;)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. how many times does the AOS case be touched after the approval and how soon will it get delivered?

  19. how many times does the AOS case be touched after the approval and how soon will it get delivered?

    1. thongd4me


      Look at the timelines for the AOS folks who applied at the same time as you. It won't be long.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  20. SSA letter today - promises Soc Sec card in 2 weeks...meanwhile learning to drive with steering wheel on the left ;)

    1. thongd4me


      The exact wording from the NYS DMV: "If you become a resident of NYS, you must apply for a NYS driver license not more than 30 days after you become a NYS resident."

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. SSA letter today - promises Soc Sec card in 2 weeks...meanwhile learning to drive with steering wheel on the left ;)

    1. thongd4me


      I'm teaching her to drive now, the driving school will come later when she gets her learning permit - The SSN will come in around 2 weeks but that time will still be within the 30-day limit after which she has to apply for a NY State license.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. SSA letter today - promises Soc Sec card in 2 weeks...meanwhile learning to drive with steering wheel on the left ;)

    1. thongd4me


      She is a licensed driver (has Thai license) - she has 30 days from green card approval to apply for US license. When SSC comes, she will apply for learner's permit.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  23. where am I goin'? i don't know ... where am I headin'? i ain't certain ... all that I know Is i am on my way ...

    1. thongd4me


      "No matter where you go, there you are..." - Buckaroo Banzai

  24. are trying to buy a house and i'm SO over the stress!

    1. thongd4me


      First rule of house buying - the RE agent will ALWAYS lie - they told us there was town water (no, a well) and they over-stated the acreage by about 25%

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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