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Posts posted by qhayder

  1. malika- the sponser part is indeed stressful. I was home in NJ for the summer to get everything to file the i-130 together and I was going nuts asking people to joint sponser with me because of the whole earning issue. I was making well over the amount necessary before I got married (July 08) but I did not apply for my husband- then finance. My ex boss ended up offering to sponser me himself when I was discussing the difficulities of immigration to him. So good things happen to people who believe. The man only knew and worked with me for 8 months and people I have helped and done stuff for my entire life would not lend a hand.

    I will pray for you. I know its really difficult...but hang in there

  2. dear malika e alia:

    do you have all your papers sorted out and ready for NVC? I feel like if you have your packages already prepared you are in good shape and it is a possibility. I am still waiting for my joint sponsor to send me documents completely so I know that I will probably be little behind because of that. My aim was to be done by February and that seems likely at this point. I just am praying that we do not have tackle the AP monster- but I am keeping my mind prepared in case.

    Trust me, getting the packet from the embassy was extremelyyyyyyyy tempting- especially because I live with my in laws and we were having some issues- but I figured in the long run money wise and time consuming wise I should just stick with the CR1 visa.

  3. malika e alia..what is your whole timeline like? I figured since both of us are going to Islamabad we can use each other as a reference. Amazingly, Islamabad is moving really quickly- they processed my husband's k3 package in 1-yes ONE day...I was pretty amazed. However, we decided not to go forth with the k3 and move on with CR1 so I am still waiting for the ds3032 and the AOS bill.

  4. We are all going through a tough stage in the process.. it seems like we are almost there but not quite yet...I have been reading everyone's story and my heart goes out to all of you. I really wish and pray that all of us have an easier journey from here on. I do not have the separation to even worry about since I came to be with my husband until the interview stage but the frustration and aggravation on my part is really taking a toll on my relationship with him since I can not outlet it. Tough times right now- good luck everyone.

  5. hi everyone,

    so i decided to go down the cr1 track after my i-130 and i-129f got approved at the same time. i just wanted to let everyone know that there may be something up with the dhl tracking site.

    nvc told me that they sent out the package on sept 3 and i did not come across any package for that day or any day close to it...i got a letter in the mail that my case was forwarded to islamabad dated sept 8th on sept 11th. I checked the website again and there was a package sent on the 8th so I assumed it was me. However, my husband received the 3.5 package in the mail today. So for everyone who is neurotic and ####### as I am, the dhl website can be used only as a reference. anyway, there is no way to track that the package is actually yours...

  6. yay! I got one case number- for my k3, it was entered in the system on Sept 3rd: However, theres a mistake with my husbands birthdate on it... I dont really care though because I am planning on pursuing the CR-1 route. No case number for the i-130 yet. I am still trying to track my package on DHL's website to the Islamabad embassy for the k3 but I am having trouble getting results. Has anyone recently searched on it? If so, please do give directions. Thanks!

  7. still waiting on a NVC number as well...

    I'm going a little crazy (sorry, going to vent a little)... I was going to make copies of my husband's passport (I'm in Pakistan with him until the interview) and I noticed that its going to expire in March- so I made him to go the passport office where they took 6 hours and charged double the fees because the passport is not expired yet (over $100)... his parents lost his original birth certificate (and they told us now) so I have to send him to get it done... I called up the IRS to order my tax transcripts and apparently my wonderful accountant (sarcasm) in New York did not file my taxes in 2008 (luckily I didn't have to pay the IRS anything because I overpaid for that year), so I got on the phone with my father back in New Jersey, had him drive to the accountants office and raise hell and get my taxes filed immediately (i lost about $1400 in my return because he was suppose to file married but filed single)....my joint sponser (amazing man helping me out) still hasn't completed his Affidavit of Support...

    I'm freaking out a little, just a little bit :dead:

    Still, looking forward to get this over with...

  8. I know the feeling!!! Every night before going to sleep I check off what I did on my list and it seems like I add more stuff instead!! Im in Pakistan right now with my hubby waiting on this whole process- I came about a month and a half after filing the 130 and 129f and am going forward with the CR1 instead of K3. I'm happy I checked the expiration date before I sent it! Still no NVC number...

  9. I did receive it, on September 2. Ive been calling NVC a lot, but no case number yet also! I feel like this wait is even harder than for NOA2. I just want to get everything started!! How long does it take for a passport renewal in Canada? My husband is going to request it tomorrow and it should be done within the week or by next hopefully.

  10. I have not heard from the NVC yet after my NOA2 but I wanted to collect all the documents required beforehand. I noticed that my husband's(beneficiary) passport is going to expire in March of 2010. Since the whole process may take up a couple of more months I was thinking about getting it renewed before I send a copy with the ds-230 package.

    Does anyone have a second opinion? I have been taking care of this whole ordeal from the begining so my husband does not really have any clue or opinion.

    Thanks everyone!!!

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