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Posts posted by sassysis

  1. Maybe he didnt wake because of the medicine the doc gave him, try not to worry just yet. Do get a family members # next time you talk

    I hope all is ok

    I still have not been able to reach him by phone. uggggg!

    I am also worried he may be very upset about his back. That is his profession, if he can not train and compete I dont know what he would do, he would go crazy.

  2. My husband is reluctant to call places as well but slowly he's doing it. I also feel like I have another child in the house but here's my theory........I'm a control freak I think so I kind of like it. I like telling him, do this, then do that. It's what I'm used to after all these years of being the boss in the house with just me and the kiddos. I think it would bother me more if the conversion from kiddo to man in the bedroom didn't happen but it does so it's all good. lol. I think it's just different personalities. If I really had my mind set on a man who would take charge I'd be in deep doo doo, but again that's just my own personality and it's how I've always been. Dominant in the real world and submissive in the bedroom. :devil:

    HEHEHE too funny! I used to say that all the time! Of course, that is when I was married and had something going on in the bedroom, (the 1st year of marriage). OK, prolly TMI here, sorry.

  3. I know I probably should not be worried, but Wed when he was training he hurt his back. He went to the doctor and they said he needed to rest for a day and gave him some kind of medicine. Well, we talked yesterday afternoon for a while he seemed to be moving around well (we were on webcam), but he was going to train and meet me back online at 8pm. He did not come online nor was I able to get him by phone and I still have not heard from him. It is totally possible he went to sleep, but normally he still answers my calls when he is sleeping. I am just worried he might have gotten really hurt or something. Ugg, I am such a worry wort. :(

    There isn't somebody else in the family that you can call. It is good to have somebody else phone number just in case. I hope you can get good news soon. :star:

    I dont have anyone elses number, but I will get one next time I talk to him.

  4. I know I probably should not be worried, but Wed when he was training he hurt his back. He went to the doctor and they said he needed to rest for a day and gave him some kind of medicine. Well, we talked yesterday afternoon for a while he seemed to be moving around well (we were on webcam), but he was going to train and meet me back online at 8pm. He did not come online nor was I able to get him by phone and I still have not heard from him. It is totally possible he went to sleep, but normally he still answers my calls when he is sleeping. I am just worried he might have gotten really hurt or something. Ugg, I am such a worry wort. :(

  5. I'm a former convert (converted like 15 yrs ago, way before I met my current husband). I got disenchanted with religion in general so now I consider myself agnostic. I believe in a higher power though. Is your man Muslim? Are you interested in Islam? Please, please, please don't convert for a man. PLEASE! Also please don't change and conform yourself into an Arab wannabe. It's so disturbing. I only say this because Arab men tend to dominate and women tend to want to please them and think the only way to please is to be as much like their man as possible.

    Here my husband has worked at a gas station, restaurant, carpet cleaning place and now it's food service again. Nothing that pays all that great. He's had a way hard time getting work. Before he came here he worked in IT/Network Admin. His degree isn't worth the paper it's written on here.

    There may already be a thread for this, so if so sorry. I am curious, how many of you woman on here converted to Muslim? (I only say woman, cause it seems to the the majority)

    Second, what does your SO do for work here? And what did he do before he came here?

    No, I will not change for anyone, I am way too old for that. LOL However I have looked into lots of religions in my life and I do agree with a lot of the Muslim ways. A lot of it just makes sense to me. Will I convert? I dont know, I have learned lately never to say never. LOL I have said I would NEVER get married again, I will NEVER have more kids. Now, I want to marry him, the kids are a question. I am getting to old to have more, and if it takes him as long as I am thinking to get here my eggs may all be dried up.

    That is very sad about his IT degree, I am afraid what he will have a hard time finding work here.

  6. There may already be a thread for this, so if so sorry. I am curious, how many of you woman on here converted to Muslim? (I only say woman, cause it seems to the the majority)

    Second, what does your SO do for work here? And what did he do before he came here?

  7. LOL Bridget!

    I wanted to add something about my own personal feelings/experience. I love my husband but I wish I didn't. I honestly regret meeting him, going to Egypt, marrying him and bringing him here. He's not a terrible guy but he has complicated my life a lot. I hate saying this about a person but he's been more trouble than he's worth. I know it sounds awful but I like honesty and I'm quite certain there are a few ladies here who feel the same but don't want to publicly admit it or even admit it to themselves. It doesn't necessarily have to do with him being Egyptian or Arab or whatever though that does play a small part. The ideals and IMO "old fashioned" or "traditional" ideas bug me at times. I can't describe it. It's not the religion either because neither of us practice a religion. He's Muslim but he doesn't practice. He doesn't pray or fast or any of it. Neither do I. But it's always there, yanno? His family is religious so he feels obligated to call himself a Muslim. And I feel he fears eternal damnation if he doesn't. I no longer have that fear. Anyhoo, the past two years haven't been easy...at all. He's been here two years. I've known him nearly five years. The visa process took one year total. Like I said, he's not horrible, he's not even bad but I kinda feel stuck. You don't marry someone, make him move to foreign country and then just say, meh I change my mind. You gotta follow through, right? I'm not unhappy. I'm not thrilled but I'm not unhappy. I make my own happiness though. I don't expect him to make me happy. Anyways, the visa process, the uncertainty, the adjustment, the finding a job, the culture clashes, the miscommunication/misunderstanding, the wanting to live up your #######, the (at times) controlling nature...it's all a bit much. Too much breaking in, too much hand holding (not literal holding of hands)...a child doesn't even require that much hand holding. Basically, as a wise woman told me, importing a husband is the same as adopting a retarded toddler. It's exhausting. So that's my story. It probably sounds worse than it really is.

    I know the sappy, lovey dovey stories will follow and make me look like a chump. That's cool but I know it's not all a bed of roses. Just different levels of frustration.

    I have thought about all of that, and I am sure it is tough. Thanks for your honesty.

  8. Look don't let the fraud thing get you upset. It's just a heads up to let you know it's out there and it happens quite a bit. Not to scare you but if you go back and read old posts on the mid east forum and the effects forum you will see some horrific stuff. It's good to be aware though. It's always a good idea to check things out as much as possible. Maybe it's not so easy to find out things about a man who lives half the world away but there are questions you can ask. Do you know where he lives exactly? Do you know about his family...names, certain details, etc. Is he elusive at all..meaning does he tell you not to call him or has he kept you a secret? If you go to Egypt, will he intro you to his family or will you be staying in a flat/hotel away from them? How soon did he talk about marriage? How much does he know about the visa process? Does he have lots of friends who have gotten or have filed for a visa? Do his stories add up? Does anything seem off? Anything? Does he have family in the states (not necessarily a red flag though)? Does he ever ask for money or even hint at needing money? You get the picture. Just be really cautious. Take your time and be really sure about why you want to marry him? Ask yourself, is this infatuation? is this a sexual thing? Do you really picture yourself being with him long term? We all get caught up in emotions and infatuation...just be sure you really want to do this. It's a long, difficult, painful process esp. with Egypt. Do you have the fortitude to handle it? Does he? Just be really sure. I know so many ppl who go through this then the guy gets here and things aren't like the dream and it's hard adjusting for both parties. Remember it's not a puppy you can return to the pound if he pees or poopoos on the floor. You know what I mean. Not trying to compare the man with a dog but you get the point, right?

    Thank you for the info! I will go back and read those threads.

    OK, this check list is more for me, but here goes.

    I do know exactly where he lives, we exchange mail, pictures and cards. I know his family is in Alexandria, I know what they do for a living, I know his brother and sisters names, dont remember his mom and dad name. No, he does not seem elusive, I call him at all times day and night as well he calls me. Yes, he wants me to meet his family when I come there. He was at his families home yesterday and they all said hi to me over the phone, so I dont think I am a secret. He does not know squat about the visa process, is this good or bad? He did have one friend who married and American woman and moved here. No family in USA. He has never asked me for money, he said we would buy my plane ticket he does not want me to spend any money. And yes, I see myself with him for a very very long time, I know it sounds crazy since we have never met, but I have feelings for him I never even had for my husband.

  9. Before making my first trip to Egypt, a couple of friends of mine were very concerned that I might not know my then fiance (now husband) well enough and one of them, who has family here in Egypt, wanted to check up on him.

    I didn't feel that great about doing it, but I let her have his address and a friend of her brothers went to my fiance's apartment and asked around (neighbors) about the family to find out about them in general.

    I guess the answer that she got was satisfactory. lol

    Unless you know someone who can corroborate information or do some general checking here, I'm not sure how you could find out.

    I wouldn't bother wasting any money on a private investigator without knowing the investigator personally.

    You think your friend whats to investigate for me? He is in Cairo. LOL

    Remember it's not a puppy you can return to the pound if he pees or poopoos on the floor.

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: would be awesome if we could crate them for the first few months though so they don't get into all that much trouble like washing dishes with Bath and Body works shower gel, squeeging the bathroom floor, kissing babies that they don't know, ....oh i could go on. lol

    OMG, too funny!!!!!!

  10. What is a paper marriage? I have seen it mentioned several times.

    Thanks for the heads up on the fraud things, I like to think I am not being niave. I talk to him online/webcam for several hours a night and some IM's during the day as well as text and calls, so I hope I am getting to know him. Of course, my judgement has not been the best on some occassions,(ex-husband), but hey, if this is fraud it sure does feel good. LOL Ok, seriously, now my mind is going 100 different directions, if, just if, I wanted, how would I find out anything about someone in another country? I really dont feel that is neccessary, but just in case.

  11. So now I'm a dream crusher. Because I don't agree that *chatting* online (for 3 months) with a man from a high fraud, mid eastern country should be considered something as serious as an engagement? I realize that "technically" you can be engaged to someone you barely know. Technically.

    I know I should break out the pom poms for every reckless, irresponsible thing some ppl do around here but that's not me. This is public, I can give my opinion no matter how unpopular. I will not stifle myself or blindly support in order to "fit in". I haven't insulted anyone, I stated my opinion. Perhaps I worded it wrong. Perhaps I wasn't TECHNICAL enough. We're not all as perfect as you. It must be so hard to be so perfect. I realize that you take offense to comments about particular subjects that you yourself were involved with. It's a damn good thing I didn't suggest skerber do a paper marriage so she could "legally" shack up while filing a k1. That would be HIGHLY offensive to some. :whistle:

    At any rate...no offense to you skerber, I'm a little harsh in my opinions sometimes. It's your life, live it as you see fit.

    I'm sorry, were we suppose to give a standing ovation for your attempt at dream crushing? Yes, people CAN get engaged without having met. Is it wise? That is debatable. If you come in here to crush dreams with a silly untrue one liner, what exactly do you expect?

    man from a high fraud, mid eastern country - OK, now I am sure I will get it, but I have to ask. Huh? A high fraud country? Maybe I am naive...............

  12. I dont think it is crazy to know each other for 3 months before wanting to marry. Heck, I knew I wanted to marry him almost from the first time we spoke. But that is my opinion, I am not looking for anyones approval so no worries here. But there are lots of places where people marry before they even meet, so I dunno. Anywho, like I said no worries here, everyone has an opinion. I am just thrilled I found this site with so many people going thru the same thing. Thank you to all for the welcome. :)

  13. You can't be engaged if you've never met.


    Hi, I am pretty new to the site, but my fiance is an Egyptian. We are just starting our journey, been 'dating' 3 months, not yet to meet in person. Hopefully we will in August.

    So, hello all!

    I do believe engaged is a plan to get married and that is our plan, so yes we are engaged. but thanks for the warm welcome.

  14. You might want to post your question in the regional forum - talk with someone who has done it already. I know with certain countries, it's very difficult to do K3, especially if the marriage takes place soon after meeting and/or soon after a divorce....

    Best of luck!


    great, thanks!

    You might want to post your question in the regional forum - talk with someone who has done it already. I know with certain countries, it's very difficult to do K3, especially if the marriage takes place soon after meeting and/or soon after a divorce....

    Best of luck!


    great, thanks!

    You might want to post your question in the regional forum - talk with someone who has done it already. I know with certain countries, it's very difficult to do K3, especially if the marriage takes place soon after meeting and/or soon after a divorce....

    Best of luck!


    great, thanks!

  15. Anyone have any suggestions as to which is faster? Is going ahead and getting married in Egypt then applying for the spouse visa or doing the K-1Fiance visa faster? So much info, I am just totally confused. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!

    K-1 is fastest but the beneficiary can not work for about 4 months. If that is a problem then the CR-1 is the way to go. check out the Immigration Timelines at the top of this page for comparison data.

    Thank you! He is under the impression that in Egypt we need to marry first, but I have told him I have heard the K-1 is faster. Anyone coming from Egypt have any info? Thanks again!!!

    Anyone have any suggestions as to which is faster? Is going ahead and getting married in Egypt then applying for the spouse visa or doing the K-1Fiance visa faster? So much info, I am just totally confused. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!

    all else equal, fiance(e) would be faster because you can file it today rather than wait until after a wedding...

    Yes, because we can not marry in Egypt until 90 days after I am divorced. :(

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