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Posts posted by KimberlyandMark

  1. Glad to see Kimberly and Mark just got their biometrics letter! I was coming on specifically to see if all the other dates around us had already received theirs! I'm waiting for it (not so) patiently!

    We were excited to get the biometrics letter too! I went to the USCIS site today and see that they are processing May 2011!!! OMG....they are so slow! I hope they pick up the pace. It is so nerve-racking to be waiting around on the government. Glad we don't have to do this for awhile after we get the 10 yr green card!

  2. We are getting all of our paperwork together as well. Our window opened March 14 and we hope to get everything together and mailed next week. Good luck to all of us in just another leg of our journey. Wow! 2 years just flies by! I hope we have enough stuff to send them...tell me what you guys think. We are sending copies of 2010 and 2011 joint tax returns, copies of joint health insurance, copies of car insurance in both names, 401k and life insurance listing immigrant spouse as beneficiary, and boarding passes from vacations in Aug 2011 and March 2012. Just wondering what everyone else is sending!


  3. We are getting all of our paperwork together as well. Our window opened March 14 and we hope to get everything together and mailed next week. Good luck to all of us in just another leg of our journey. Wow! 2 years just flies by! I hope we have enough stuff to send them...tell me what you guys think. We are sending copies of 2010 and 2011 joint tax returns, copies of joint health insurance, copies of car insurance in both names, 401k and life insurance listing immigrant spouse as beneficiary, and boarding passes from vacations in Aug 2011 and March 2012. Just wondering what everyone else is sending!


  4. Hi Everyone! Just wanted some advice on decent pubs here in Montgomery, AL. My husband is from the UK and misses nights out on the beer with his mates and having a pint at a decent pub. Does anyone know of any around Montgomery, AL? He gets homesick and I am hoping a pint at a pub will help. We have found lots of his favourite foods at Publix. They have a section for English foods...thank goodness. Also any suggestions on how to help with the homesickness? Thanks a bunch!


  5. Hi June filers.. can yall belive it's been a whole year!! I'm in aweeee...

    We received our appointment letter in San Antonio TX on 7-13-2010 at 12:30 pm we will go before the AOS officers to determine our fate. I'm pretty confident there will be no concerns.

    Hope you all are doing well and John and I wish you all the best.

    Wow...you guys have to do an interview? Our case was transferred to CSC and Mark's green card was ordered for production on June 15 with no interview. No EAD or AP yet, but if the green card is on the way, we won't need them. Best of luck to you in San Antonio. I used to live there in the 90's.

  6. Huggggggggggsssssssssssss AYA and JOHN!! your spirit is high your hopes have no boundaries!! Keep on em girl you can do this!!

    I've not been in here for so long took me an hour to get caught up!! lol. I'm glad to see everyone is getting by. Life in Austin is beyond happiness. I'd say deliriously wonderful. To all who've been approved Congrads! To those in limbo.. God Speed!!

    John and I get Married in 2 weeks (1-23-10). We went yesterday and got the Social Security card (it's free in case your wondering) - needed his Birth Certificate and Passport only. Bear in mind, the people in Georgetown, TX do not give the Social that day (not sure about others, would assume the same). They said they have to "clear it in the database" which takes a day, but we arent driving all the way back there to get it, we will wait for it to come in the mail (average 10 business days). We then headed to the District Clerks office for the Marriage License.. basically same documents for him, mine just my Drivers license, no blood tests required in Texas. We hav ea pretty one for the officent to sign, then he will mail to the clerks office, record iot and send original to us.

    We have to wait 72 hrs to get married and marry within 30 days (so 27 days really??) lol. Love the State departments!!

    Update on my sister, while she is still too weak to travel her white cell count remains unchanged (not good), but she gained 6 pounds (good), but the cancer is more defined (not good) in her kidneys. I am positive that all the support from my friends and family (online and in real time) have helped in her being able to be with us a little longer. I'm afraid she wont make it to the wedding (4 hour drive), but she will get a videography, professionally done by a cameraman who works for Regent Cinemas!! Weeeee!!

    Next steps after wedding, file for AOS, EAD and AP... You guys are the best. John and I wish you all happy lives together and pain free processes.

    Congrats Wendy! Thanks for the info on the social security card. We will get Mark's sorted after he gets here. I leav to go and get him on Wed and we fly home the following Tues. Glad everything went smoothly for you and John. Let's all try to keep in touch!

    Aya and John...keep the faith! I am sure an approval is in the cards for you!


  7. So happy for you guys. Congrats! Just sent you and Mark a note. Our appt was at 8 and we were in and out in about 40 minutes. Approved. YAY! I think both of us are still in disbelief. I think the guy asked us about 5 questions. Whew! Good luck on your trip to England next month.

    Thanks Victoria! Glad you and Paul's interview went well. Mark wasn't in there long either. He got a couple of questions about my divorce from the first person he saw, then only about 3 questions from the CO. We wanted to celebrate together tonight online, but his dang computer won't cooperate! I am happy that both of their interviews went smoothly! Hope to keep in touch with you during the AOS process and beyond!


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