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Posts posted by My4rmylife

  1. Hey yall, still too new at the job to be logging on to VJ, but hope all is well. I forgot my laptop this morning got all the way to the office when I realized it and had to turn around and drive 18miles home and back for it since we dont have regular comp, just docking station.

    But just wanted to popin and hail up de massive dem!

    That happened to me before. I had a 45 minute drive home. I didn't go back just worked from home. My manager at my old job..used to do it all the time. Now, I just leave my laptop on the docking station at work. Don't even bother bringing it home. Much better that way. Plus, I can log onto my account from home. So I don't really need the laptop to work from home if my files are saved on the network.

    Sorry for the long rant. :unsure:

    good evening everyone!

    Good evening My2rMy?

    What's behind the name?

    its something i have used since my son was born My 2 r my life .. my 2 kids are my life .

  2. Okay, so this will be the only time you wouldl have been to Jamaica is for the interview. You are filing a K1, there maybe a small problem with that during the interview. You need to put that question out there for some guidance. One of the questions they generally ask is how many time have you been to see your SO? Just thinking out loud here.

    Now for the interview, we have name of hotels that are close by the embassy on the LDR Jamaican Survival Post thread, so that will be no problem there.

    I wouldn't travel 3 hours out of my way to an airport just to avoid a small lay-over.

    yeah i know im trying to make a trip its just difficult with my work and stuff.. thanks for the advice it appreciated..

  3. Do you want me to assit you if so I need more information. My husband lives in Kingston and I travel there quite often.

    Personally, for my 1st trip I wouldn't go alone, I would take a friend whom I could trust. Trust me leave AJ alone, you can find cheaper flights than AJ.

    i was just going through aj ecause thats what i wws told was better but thats why im trying to find out ...he lives in spanishtown i was trying to be close to the embassy was my goal because most likely the trip will be for the interview because i cant take off alot at work

  4. My2rmylife, are you flying AJ out of BWI, or ?. Which airport are you flying into Kingston or Mo-Bay?

    air jamaica BWI and kingston

    Okay, so you are traveling to BWI, which is about 3 hours away from where you live, Taking American Airline out of Dulles would have been better, you would have had a lay-over in Maimi. Kingston airport is small, are you staying at a hotel in Kingston?

    If so have a print out of your travel plans to show to Kingston customs. Be prepare to go thru customs in Kingston, use the visitor line. If you have gifts, do not declare them, you will have to pay a custom tax on them.

    What part of Kingston will you be staying?

    well all my travel plans are not set in stone im just going by suggestions and what i have found to be less expensive and shorter flights

    My2rmylife, are you flying AJ out of BWI, or ?. Which airport are you flying into Kingston or Mo-Bay?

    air jamaica BWI and kingston

    Okay, so you are traveling to BWI, which is about 3 hours away from where you live, Taking American Airline out of Dulles would have been better, you would have had a lay-over in Maimi. Kingston airport is small, are you staying at a hotel in Kingston?

    If so have a print out of your travel plans to show to Kingston customs. Be prepare to go thru customs in Kingston, use the visitor line. If you have gifts, do not declare them, you will have to pay a custom tax on them.

    What part of Kingston will you be staying?

    Im still trying to find hotels there that are not too expensive ...

    he actually lives in spanishtown

  5. My2rmylife, are you flying AJ out of BWI, or ?. Which airport are you flying into Kingston or Mo-Bay?

    air jamaica BWI and kingston

    Okay, so you are traveling to BWI, which is about 3 hours away from where you live, Taking American Airline out of Dulles would have been better, you would have had a lay-over in Maimi. Kingston airport is small, are you staying at a hotel in Kingston?

    If so have a print out of your travel plans to show to Kingston customs. Be prepare to go thru customs in Kingston, use the visitor line. If you have gifts, do not declare them, you will have to pay a custom tax on them.

    What part of Kingston will you be staying?

    Im still trying to find hotels there that are not too expensive ...

  6. my fiance is insistent on only flying air Jamaica any opinions on that

    never flown with AJ

    just be sure to leave plenty of time in the airport

    sometimes the lines are outta control for both checking in- ie getting your boarding pass and checking luggage

    and security

    be sure to have your passport!

    you will do fine


    thanks again .... and if you think of anything at anytime please let me know ...do you know where you find what you can bring as far a your toiletries i was told ther were restrictions on what you can bring

    thanks again for all your help talking on here is really helping me deal with all that has to be done ,

    Chk your airline website..

  7. OK im trying to be as prepared as i possibly can ...I know that this is a different topic then what is being discussed . But when i travel to Jamaica this will be my first flight ever and i was wondering does anyone have any advise

    Sit back, relax and don't try to run everybody over when you arrive in JA because you want to get off de plane.. :rofl:

    Wow first flight. I can't even remember mines. I think I was in my teens on my way to NJ to see my brother.. The first time I flew to JA by myself I was so nervous. We’ll I wasn't nervous about the plane but seeing my Roc.

    I know i am already anxious about seeing him so i know im going to be ready to get off the plane.(and I am not even certain on when i cant actually get to take the trip yet just want to be as prepared as i can) . yeah i have never flown i have alway got in the car and drove ....my kids have flown with my parents and i wasnt able to go on those trips cuz of work...

  8. my fiance is insistent on only flying air Jamaica any opinions on that

    never flown with AJ

    just be sure to leave plenty of time in the airport

    sometimes the lines are outta control for both checking in- ie getting your boarding pass and checking luggage

    and security

    be sure to have your passport!

    you will do fine


    thanks again .... and if you think of anything at anytime please let me know ...do you know where you find what you can bring as far a your toiletries i was told ther were restrictions on what you can bring

  9. But when i travel to Jamaica this will be my first flight ever and i was wondering does anyone have any advise

    for security~

    wear shoes you can easily take off

    no belt

    all cosmetic stuff has to fit in quart size ziplock bag- only one per person

    no liquids past security

    no metal on clothes- otherwise you might set off detector and then be wanded

    laptop out of case

    i usually look a mess on the plane- and then change and freshen up in the bathroom in the airport

    be friendly and smile with immigration officers

    bring a pen to fill out card and gum to chew on the plane

    have address of where you are staying

    and declare nothing- play dumb

    enjoy your trip

    thanks you so much .. im nervous about flying as it is and for the first time to be flying to another country is something different ... my fiance is insistent on only flying air Jamaica any opinions on that

  10. Morning all!

    Sus...when is the wedding? Why the big secret? Oh is this when you are going off with no human connect in Jamaica?

    LOL - no KK, the going off with no human contact is the honeymoon - We are getting married on May 23rd in Ochi at Mahogany Beach - starting to feel real now, lol -

    Funny you should ask. I emailed them today asking for a Tuesday appt and really pushed it by saying May 5th would be the best. I was shocked when I received a reply two hours later saying May 5th at 1:30pm.

    Congrats Thompson that is great!

    I know, sometimes I feel bad like he is moving from another country to be with me and I guess it wouldnt hurt me to move a few miles to make him happy. I dont know what to do??? Are you happy with your move?

    Love, no need to make the decisions right now - I have the same thoughts - If he is willing to relocate to another country, then I have to be willing to move to another area - However, that has to be a decision that we make together as a couple, after he arrives, we explore the options, locate jobs, etc... Because the reality is, when he first gets here, your job will be the income - you can't pick up and leave that behind. He is talking based on what he hears from others - I would have a hear to heart with him, discuss it, and explain to him that you would be willing to move, if you made the choice as a couple to do so, after he has been here and given the area where you are a chance - you never know, he might love it in Orlando -

    Im worried about the adjustment my fiance will go through when he get to come here... he is leaving his family he has a few friends but they are states away...It probably too early to be worried about that but i want him to feel comfortable

    Thnaks that makes me realize that my worries are for nothing ... im sure all will be well. I am so grateful to have found this site and everyone is so eager to share their experiences and advise.Cause lately it been getting hardier to be away from him

    My, I think the fact that you are worrying is a good sign - that shows that you care about your fiance and want to figure out what will make him the most comfortable - Adjustment is hard for all, no one is perfect - And the fact that you are thinking about it now gives you time to plan things out - search out things for him in your area, find things that you think he will enjoy or that will ease the transition. And, come on here and vent whenever!

    Thanks I have just begun to come on here and actually talk so its been a good experience..its so wonderful to see that im not alone and others share in what im going through .. Because my friends are clueless...

  11. You guys will be fine. My husband is a very social person and made his own friends. He started college after 2 months here and became very involved in many reggae bands. We found a Jamaican grocery store, cook shop and reggae club. I would say as long as he can find a passion in something he loves to do you will be fine. Take it one step at a time. For us the first year was rough and now life is great after the adjustment period.

    Thnaks that makes me realize that my worries are for nothing ... im sure all will be well. I am so grateful to have found this site and everyone is so eager to share their experiences and advise.Cause lately it been getting hardier to be away from him

  12. The catalog is here - some cost, but there are many free - you can search by price, low to high, which will list the free first.


    THank you!! :thumbs: I will let him know so he can have something to do tomorrow, lol.

    Hi Mrs Buggy, glad to hear the hubby is settling in - has he started looking for jobs? Seeing what is out there, browsing the paper, might kill some time- or maybe some classes - Microsoft has free online ones -

    Well, he's been looking online for jobs. But I will definitely tell him about the online classes... does he just go to microsoft.com??

    Hello yardies!

    Well, Derron has been here for 2 weeks... and aside from us having fun when I'm not at work.... HE'S BORED!! :huh:

    He eats, sleeps and watches movie or is on the internet. He is finding it difficult cuz he is used to working. My poor baby... I don't know what else I can tell him to do while I'm at work. I can't wait til his SS comes in so he can look for a job.

    On the bright side.. we went on our first road trip to visit our parents. That was alot of fun! He's been driving since he got here but the drive to my folks was 9 hours. So naturally after 3.5 hours, we stopped at his dads house for a night. Then travelled to my parents the next day. He was TIRED!! And on the return, he drove straight the 9 hours. He's still catching up on his rest, lol.

    I was going to try and catch up form part 13.... but decided not to. I hope everyone is well.

    Hello to the newbies!!

    Congrats to all who have had good news!!!


    Hey Mrs Buggy, you finally came up for some air. Your hubby is just going through a natural adjustment phase he will be fine when he starts working and making friends. This place is nothing like JA where everybody knows everybody and you can just walk down the road and link up with people playing dominos or football. People in the states tend to stay to themselves, I have been here for years and still dont know my neighbors :no:

    LOL... yeah, I did decide that air is needed to survive! :rofl:

    You are right... and I'm sure this will pass. After visiting our parents, who both live in small towns, he is extremely interested in moving to where they are at. That just does not sit well w/ me especially since I know he will make friends and learn the place here soon. But I told him if he still felt the same way by the end of the year... we'll talk about moving. I am praying now that once he starts working and getting around, that he decides that he he likes it here cuz I really, really don't want to move! I guess we'll see.

    Girl I feel you on that one, my Boo has not even gotten here yet and he is already talking about FT Lauderdale because he has a job waiting for him there and a lot of his family is there. I am like :no: I have my family here in Orlando and even though I really like FT Lauderdale I am not sure I want to move either.

    OKAY! Well... I know prayer works... so that's what I'll be doing.

    Alright yardies... I'm off to home now... hubby is waiting for me downstairs. I'll try and make it tomorrow... but for sure on thursday!! Have a great night... and super Hump Day!!!

    I feel for you, mr jengs came to boston where my family was a month after coming here and we moved a year later. it is hard for them because they are used to being around family and people they know. I actually liked being a way from my family but realized it was better for the kids, me because of the support I have now with the kids and him because he likes being around family. He hasn't really made friends because he is picky of the people he hangs out with.

    I know, sometimes I feel bad like he is moving from another country to be with me and I guess it wouldnt hurt me to move a few miles to make him happy. I dont know what to do??? Are you happy with your move?

    Im worried about the adjustment my fiance will go through when he get to come here... he is leaving his family he has a few friends but they are states away...It probably too early to be worried about that but i want him to feel comfortable

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