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Posts posted by My4rmylife

  1. My cousin just sent me this. This is why I think EVERYDAY should be MOTHER'S DAY. Not just the one day a year!

    Does this sound like any of you???

    * WHY I LOVE MUM *

    Mum and Dad were watching TV when Mum said, 'I'm tired, and it's getting late. I think I'll go to bed'

    She went to the kitchen to make sandwiches for the next day's lunches.

    Rinsed out the popcorn bowls, took meat out of the freezer for dinner the following evening, checked the cereal box levels, filled the sugar container and put spoons and bowls on the table.

    She then put some wet clothes in the dryer, put a load of clothes into the washer, ironed a shirt and secured a loose button

    She picked up the game pieces left on the table, put the phone back on the charger and put the telephone book into the drawer.

    She watered the plants, emptied a rubbish bin and hung up a towel to dry.

    She yawned and stretched and headed for the bedroom. She stopped by the desk and wrote a note to the teacher, counted out some cash for an excursion, and pulled a text book out from hiding under the chair.

    She signed a birthday card for a friend, addressed and stamped the envelope and wrote a quick note for the grocery store. She put both near her purse.

    Mum then washed her face with 3 in 1 cleanser, put on her Night solution & age fighting moisturiser, brushed and flossed her teeth and filed her nails.

    Dad called out, 'I thought you were going to bed.'

    'I'm on my way,' she said.

    She put some water into the dog's dish and put the cat outside, then made sure the doors were locked.

    She looked in on each of the kids and turned out their bedside lamps and TV's, hung up a shirt, threw some dirty socks into the basket, and had a brief conversation with the one up still doing homework.

    In her own room, she set the alarm; laid out clothing for the next day, straightened up the shoe rack. She added three things to her 6 most important things to do list. She said her prayers, and visualised the accomplishment of her goals.

    About that time, Dad turned off the TV and announced to no one in particular. 'I'm going to bed.'

    And he did...without another thought.

    Anything extraordinary here? Wonder why women live longer...?

    CAUSE WE ARE MADE FOR THE LONG HAUL..... (and we can't die sooner, we still have things to do!!!!)

    This is so my mom and also very much like my own nightly ritual

  2. Hi Everyone! This is just some advice from your neighborhood social worker. PLEASE, PLEASE make sure you ALWAYS have something on your person that identifies you and who to contact in case of emergency. You will not believe how many people end up in the Emergency Room with no identification on them and are in no shape or form to speak for themselves and we have no way of contacting next of kin or finding out anything about them. We always go through their purses or wallets or pockets or whatever is brought in from the accident scene, but we are not always successful. No loved one wants to wait until the next day to be finally notified that you are in the hospital.

    One time all I had was someone's casino gambling identification, but that helped. And also please be sensible when it comes to ATVs/Four wheelers--that is my ultimate pet peeve. How many people have to be seriously hurt or fatally wounded for people to realize it's potential for accidents.

    Sorry to get on my soapbox.

    yeah i keep a card in my pocket as well as in my cell phone i have a person labeled I.C.E in my cell phone i watched a new cast one day that says label your emergency contact in your phone.

    also when my brother was in his bad accident the located us by his paystub in his wallet.. because he had no ememrgency contact info and we didint find out until 3 hrs later because of this

  3. Hi Everyone! This is just some advice from your neighborhood social worker. PLEASE, PLEASE make sure you ALWAYS have something on your person that identifies you and who to contact in case of emergency. You will not believe how many people end up in the Emergency Room with no identification on them and are in no shape or form to speak for themselves and we have no way of contacting next of kin or finding out anything about them. We always go through their purses or wallets or pockets or whatever is brought in from the accident scene, but we are not always successful. No loved one wants to wait until the next day to be finally notified that you are in the hospital.

    One time all I had was someone's casino gambling identification, but that helped. And also please be sensible when it comes to ATVs/Four wheelers--that is my ultimate pet peeve. How many people have to be seriously hurt or fatally wounded for people to realize it's potential for accidents.

    Sorry to get on my soapbox.

    yeah i keep a card in my pocket as well as in my cell phone i have a person labeled I.C.E in my cell phone i watched a new cast one day that says label your emergency contact in your phone.

  4. How is everyone this evening

    Hi. How was your day? I am having a heck of a day.

    my day was crazy ... i had alot of stuff to do was running errands then to top it off my 5 yr just was having a terrible day at school ...and i got called to the principals office :angry: so i had an eventful day now im just trying to relax

    What happened? Is everything okay with your baby?

    yeah he was just having moody day i guess and he was acting out ...when i got to the school he told the principal just wanted to come home and be with his mom..so i was mad at his behavior but touched by his wanting to be with me...so i just sat down and had talk with him

    Awww that is sooo sweet. He already has you eating out of his hands. He knows just how to reel you in. I swear if I had a boy he would be spoiled rotten. My girl has the same relationship with her Dad. She coughs and he comes running while I am just the bad guy who always says no.

    Well with my son im am the good guy and the bad guy.it crazy it hurts him more when my fiance talks to him over the phone and tells him he needs to do better with his behavior (my son he and his dad are not real close) . Now my daughter get away with murder with their dad ... thats when im thankful for their stepmom who helps with rule enforcing at dads house

  5. How is everyone this evening

    Hi. How was your day? I am having a heck of a day.

    my day was crazy ... i had alot of stuff to do was running errands then to top it off my 5 yr just was having a terrible day at school ...and i got called to the principals office :angry: so i had an eventful day now im just trying to relax

    What happened? Is everything okay with your baby?

    yeah he was just having moody day i guess and he was acting out ...when i got to the school he told the principal just wanted to come home and be with his mom..so i was mad at his behavior but touched by his wanting to be with me...so i just sat down and had talk with him

  6. Digicel has changed its international plan. It's now $1250 JA for 1250 minutes. I'm still reading to see if there are other changes.


    Thanks for the link, Ells.

    Just a couple of days ago Steven bought a 4th chip. I topped it up using the usual option which gives him the $1000 minutes, and he told me it wasn't enough. I wondered what that was about, and now I know. They need to update the top-up options to align with the new price.

    I AGREE! Cause I had to send $20 US which was only $1246 JA before GCT and was $4 JA SHORT! So then I had to send another $5 US....what a pain in the booty!

    Digicel has changed its international plan. It's now $1250 JA for 1250 minutes. I'm still reading to see if there are other changes.


    Thanks for the link, Ells.

    Just a couple of days ago Steven bought a 4th chip. I topped it up using the usual option which gives him the $1000 minutes, and he told me it wasn't enough. I wondered what that was about, and now I know. They need to update the top-up options to align with the new price.

    Im glad to see we are not the only one using many chips ..we started with one then we realized that wasnt enough so we had to get more..

    Yep! I think that's the only way most of us can keep the communication up. My mister finally got a 2nd chip this last month so it really helped immensely with saving money!


    yeah i will never forget that first phone bill before he got that chip it was scary..

  7. How is everyone this evening

    Just fine. Happy, even! This lady heard me give a speech at a Toastmaster's competition several weeks ago. She invited me to give the speech at her Toastmaster's club. Well, when she called to schedule it on April 21, I told her that I have another meeting every 3rd Tuesday. So we agreed up on the first Tuesday in May (today). I called today to confirm, only to find that she'd scheduled me for the 3rd Tuesday in May. I told her 1) I can't do 3rd Tuesdays, and 2) this particular 3rd Tuesday, I'll be in Jamaica! So she rescheduled me for 5th Tuesday in June.

    While I'd like to get it over with, at least by it being moved to June, I won't miss American Idol tonight!

    Thats great ..

  8. Digicel has changed its international plan. It's now $1250 JA for 1250 minutes. I'm still reading to see if there are other changes.


    Thanks for the link, Ells.

    Just a couple of days ago Steven bought a 4th chip. I topped it up using the usual option which gives him the $1000 minutes, and he told me it wasn't enough. I wondered what that was about, and now I know. They need to update the top-up options to align with the new price.

    Im glad to see we are not the only one using many chips ..we started with one then we realized that wasnt enough so we had to get more..

  9. [

    I would never say that the shutting down thing is just a JA thing - cause my Dad did it his whole life - I am okay with needing space - Lord knows, at times I have to walk away and come back when I am calm - But TELL me you need the space - don't just take it and assume I am okay with it - We'll see what happens, only time will tell -

    I haven't told him yet - but the first part of my stay I kept the same in Ochi - I cancelled what I had booked for my honeymoon and booked to go over to Negril with my girls - Whether or not he comes with me remains to be seen. :whistle:

    omg sus.. i said this very thing to a friend the other day.. im ok w/ u not talking to me, but withdrawal of communication is punishment.. don't leave me in the dark like that ..

    tell me, "u know what u said something that i didn't like and i am just gonna chlll for a min"..

    that is what i mean by talking.. i am not gonna badger u until we come to resolution.. shoot that may never happen.. i just want the respect of u advising me of ur actions and why.. u might not talk to me for a week over something that was just u MISUNDERSTANDING me..

    this is what happend w/ roger.. i was expressing my feeling about LDR being hard and i didn't know if i cld continue.. he ASSUMED i wanted to go back to my husband and this was my way of telling him, which was FAR from the truth.. he wouldnt answer my calls for a week.. a whole week wasted when u could have just told me why u were upset and u wanted space and then i could have clarified myself

    The thing that i do when i get upset or frustrated is i raise my voice ... I'll never forget my fiance and i were on the phone and he had been gone back to Ja about 2 months and he was frustrating me because he was talking to me and his friends and i would say something to him and he would hear me and then he says to me why aint you talking to me and i got upset and and said I AM BUT YOUR NOT LISTENING ! And he just as calm say to me why are you shouting..all i could do is laugh

  10. I'm pisssedd i spilled water on my phone...man the screen is blank..i'm going into shock!!

    O.k. relax relate release.... Take the battery and everything out of the phone and let it dry before trying to turn it back on. Hopefully once it dries it will be o.k.

    damn! girl that's what i've been doing...how long it's suppose to take to try..i've never had this happen to me

    I've heard 3 days, but when I dropped mine in the sink, it only took 1 day to dry out.


    the shutting down thing.. it may be a pattern w/ JA men, u guys have the proof, but i know the ex is the king of shutting down, we could go w/out talking for DAYS.. roger did that one time when we first met and i told him i was not gonna deal w/ it.. he never did it again. i am so proud of him we talk and we just move on in peace even if we don't agree..

    I've found that if we part ways while upset, we both stay in foul moods. But if we talk it out then & there, we get past it. I told him let's always talk it out immediately to shorten the "upset" time.

    Yeah my fiance and i have totally different ways of dealing with anger he too shuts down and this of course i cant stand but i was determined to make him understand that when he is angry at me or angry about situations that he can talk to me ...it took a while but he is finally learning that together we can get through things .

  11. KK..that place is soo cute..u know someone that stayed there?

    No..I saw it on craigslist. It's really nice...from the pictures.

    That is a nice place KK. The price is good too.

    how is everyones night going ... im trying to clean up since my kids are in bed so my property manager can inspect my townhouse so i can transfer to a bigger apt..

    Good luck with your transfer. I'm sitting here wondering why are we watching basketball :wacko:

    Thanks i hope that after this move my next one will be a house ...

  12. That's so great that you were well received. That can make all the difference in a work environment. But I'm confused. I thought this job that you were talking about is IN Jamaica. I guess you haven't made the move yet.

    You must have me mixed up with Jamerican :)

    The story here is that two months ago, my psycho boss fired me, two weeks ago they fired her and asked me to come back!!!

    :lol: I think I mentally combined those two story lines. I thought they were from the same person.

    Sus, congrats on finishing the finals! That must feel like a load off your back.

    Philly, I'm doing fine. Bored with limiting my intake to liquids only. And I can't wait to feel my lower lip again. But very little pain, which I am thankful for.

    my2, hope the weather calms down.

    Lovesponge, I'd need those extra couple of days to clean up. Even if that's not the norm, I want to make a good first impression.

    Im hoping it calms too ..thanks.. Im glad that your not feeling much pain

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