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Posts posted by beatlesrebel

  1. Mmmkay. Phill and I went to the local Social Security office last Friday to apply for his SSN. Needless to say we didn't get anywhere. The woman REFUSED to give him a SSN. I took the special memo that VJ suggested to take. *sigh* I know others here have successfully gotten their SSN's while going through the AOS process. Is there any other information I can print out that proves Phill is allowed to apply for one? We want to go back in maybe the end of this week and try again with more ammo.

    I also have another question. When Phill went for his interview in London and I sent him my affidavit of support form (I-134), my mom was our co-sponsor and filled out the appropriate paperwork. My question is: I, of course, will be filling out the I-864 affidavit of support for AOS. Will my mom fill one out as well and state that she's the co-sponsor? Or do I need her to fill out the I-864A which is to show that you're using a household member's assets? I'm a bit confused by that! :wacko:

  2. thanks everyone! :)

    He's here!! :dance:

    Dulles was great, he wasn't even taken into secondary, although nobody welcomed him to America...told my Dad (who's in the Army) that and he proceeded to welcome him to America :dance: on the phone.

    I followed his flight online and tracked it via facebook for everyone...when he found out he called me a dork :bonk: and he loved me all the more for it :lol:

    I'm soooooo happy!!!

    And have promptly 234923598709 things to do right now, but happiness while doing it :luv:

    lol I know what you mean! Awwww this makes me so happy! Congrats on finally being able to be together for GOOD!

  3. sfjkljoriaenk this is torture. I cannot get my mind off of it! 14 hours.

    I'm on my shift right now, already gave my 2 babies baths, helped Mom hold one of the babies skin-to-skin (she's only about 2 and a half pounds), got my other kid to shut up (he's really old at 3 months old being full term at birth and wants the eff out of here and I don't blame him), and I only have one more set of cares (assessment) at 4am and then I'll get off at 7am. UGH. The time cannot GO ANY SLOWER!!!

    I am excited to use the flight tracker :) he will board at 7am my time.

    He must be there by now!!!! I'm sooooooooooo excited for you!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

  4. Honeymoon in September with the actual wedding celebration.

    Mannn I need to make a doctor's appointment to talk about the birth control options :blush: Is that too risque to talk about here? Yes, we're some of those crazy Christians who are waiting...although honestly I've had enough of the waiting and if this had gone on much longer, I probably would have said to heck with it all. I considered it a big victory when I convinced David that our civil wedding counts rather than our religious wedding in September :lol: "God is everywhere!" I told David. "He's gonna be there when the clerk pronounces us married while I wear my flip-flops and shorts in the courthouse!" :lol:

    What are you ladies using? I'm leary of the pill and really like the sound of the IUD, although I don't like the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease...I remember from nursing school that it's a nasty thing to get!

    I'm so excited for you!!!!! We had our "legal" ceremony in a lawyer's office, had lunch with my friends from work at a local Mexican restaurant, then went to a nearby park for pictures. lol! We're having our actual wedding in November at the local pumpkin patch!

    I went on the pill before Phill and I got to that point (hey, we waited too!) mainly because I was having some trouble with cysts. The doc put me on Yaz and I was pretty happy with it (plus all the free samples I want). I went in for my one year appointment back in March and they put me on Seasonique to see if that would help with cramps during "that" time since it's a higher dose (you only have your period once every 3 months on this, but with the cysts the doc thought it'd be better to still have it monthly). Nothing has really changed, so after 6 months if it's still the same I'm going back on Yaz. I don't mind the pill, I feel that I'm more in control using them than the patch--I'm sure that's probably not the case, but I'm weird like that! LOL! Anyway, hope you can find something that fits your needs!

  5. Super excited to show them Salem, MA where the witch trials took place and there are all these hilarious kooky museums. All the old colonial stuff is brand-new to my sister since we are Seattleites (I moved here two years ago) and of course I'm sure David will laugh at the guides telling us how old everything is...


    65 hours...or

    3,918 minutes...or

    235,080 seconds!!

    Awesome! I've always wanted to visit Salem! I have a friend who lives near Boston, so we may try to go up for a visit in the next couple of years! And YAY he's almost here!!!!!! :dance:

  6. Oh my word, this was our biggest hurdle for AOS. If your husband's DS-3025 doesn't show "VH" (we were not so lucky), then shop around for a Civil Surgeon who will give him a blood titre test. We were very lucky to find a CS who wanted to test John's blood for Varicella antibodies before charging us for a shot (in addition to filling out the I-693). John's blood tested for the antibody, and the CS filled out and sealed our I-693 per usual.

    As for the issue of I-693s altogether . . . there was a HUGE rash of filers (I think it was mostly Jan. filers) who received RFEs asking for them, even though they had already sent in a Civil Surgeon-completed I-693. My husband and I were lucky to not get one, but we're guessing that USCIS must've straightened everything out by the time we were adjudicated. Back in the day, you could just send in a complete DS-3025 and be fine. AOS also cost waaay less back then. :wacko:

    I defer to Nich-Nick, as I think she's a bright, shining light on VJ and she knows what she's talking about. But I just wanted to alert you about the I-693 situation, as it brought a lot of cases to a screeching halt on here. It was sad to witness and put the fear in many of us filing AOS. If you don't mind the risk of an RFE by excluding an I-693 altogether, then maybe your risk will pay off after all (and that would be very cool, saves you the trouble everyone else went through!).


    Thanks for sharing your experiences! Luckily Phill's DS-3025 DOES show "VH". We'll keep you updated on what happens and if we get an RFE. I'm just now catching up on posts here. Got letters from my employer and bank for the affidavit of support. Last weekend, one of my cats was attacked by...something. He's still at the vet and is doing much better, but it was pretty traumatic for a few days! Hope everyone is doing well.

  7. Hi---Heard my name mentioned LOL. I clicked on the wrong UK thread as I normally check the other one. By the way, please don't be afraid to post any questions in that one because there's alot of experience and nice people over there and nobody yells at anybody. Beatlesrebel--there is a list for AOS on page 6 of that UK 2009 thread that might help you organize. The only thing not on the list is that form where they will let you know your applications were received.

    Thank you, I will definitely check that out!

    SSN for AOS--don't need it at all. It provides no advantage to the AOS process. Put NONE in the blank. But do go get one before your 76th day, or he'll have to wait.

    Sounds great. We'll go get it done next week.

    USCs name change isn't that important. Put whatever you like. If all your banking and tax records are in your maiden name, then it's probably less confusing to use the maiden name for the affidavit of support,etc. If the UK immigrant is female, then fill out all forms with your new married name. Think of AOS as a new process and not a continuation of the visa. If the new American version of you is going to be Mary Ann Marriedname, then use that.

    Okay good, since I haven't changed my name yet, I'll just use my maiden name.

    I think if your husband had 2 MMRs and a Tdap recorded on his immunization sheet,and had VH by the varicella then he is good to go. That's what my husband had on his form. (maybe one MMR would do it) Nobody gives you a waiver to mail in. It's automatic. It's the dude looking at your application who knows the appropriate age limits and he "waives" any need for the other shots. We didn't do an I-693 and got no RFEs, but people seem to be afraid to try that now. My thoughts are still the same--a short delay in AOS isn't huge because you're married and together. It's not like you are planning flights and weddings and are crazy missing each other. Do what you feel better about and what won't cost too much or take too long.

    The doctor at the medical told him he had been given shots (at his local GP) that he didn't even need! lol So I knew he had them all, I just got a bit confused with what she marked. We should be good to go then. We've decided not to see a civil surgeon and have the I-693 filled out. It might be a risk, but we figure if we get an RFE we'll deal with it when it comes. It'll be interesting to see if we get one or not...

    If I can help with anything else, look for me in the other UK AOS thread. I've been a little scarce as we are in the UK right now, but I get online a bit.

    Thank you SO much for taking the time to stop in here and share your advice. I really appreciate it. I'll look up the other thread and see what's happening there as well. :) Thanks again!

  8. Hi,

    you sound very excited, and all in a tizzy. I think I can help you with some, but the really genius of this stuff is NichNick, she is the fount of all things uscis.

    1. the only thing that matters as to name change is your marriage licence, did you opt to change it when you signed that? if you did, you fill out the i-485 form with your married name. Also changing your drivers license etc only requires you to bring your certified marriage licence.

    The marriage license form we had didn't have an option to change your name.

    2. With regards to his SSN, I would say get it now, it only took mine 3 days to arrive from the time i went in and ordered it. its not that much of a bother really. yeah you can wait a bit longer, but towards the end of the i-94 they will not allow you to order an ssn until his legals status changes ( ie perm resident,) I read this somewhere, so you can check this information on these forums.

    Gotcha! We'll probably go in the first of the week next week and get it done.

    3. If the vaccinations are not age appropriate, dont worry USCIS knows this. I had my interview on Monday, she said " I see you havent had all your vaccinations, but dont worry they werent necessary" Uscis know thier shiznazz. Just double check that on the uscis website, not all civil surgeons know thier stuff over here. Get the waiver if you can

    Great, thanks for sharing your experience!

    4. Keep an eye on the time, if his medical is more than a year old (from the fiance visa) he cant use it he has to get a new one.

    Right. Luckily we're still good on that one!

    and i'm done

    hope you get it all sent off...


    Thank you and thank you for your advice! Really appreciate it!

    They didn't keep anything. In fact, there were not pens there so we didn't even get the app filled out. The guy didn't care and entered all of his info off the passport. He couldn't understand what Dave said his mother's maiden name was, so I had to translate for him.

    lol! Wow! Sounds like it's pretty easy then, that's good! Thanks for all your advice today, I really appreciate it!

  9. What??? Just post right here!! This is the perfect thread to post any questions!! As long as one of you is british :innocent:

    lol Okay, here goes! My husband is the one from the UK, but I haven't gotten a chance to change my name on anything yet since we've been married. Do I need to do that before we fill out the forms, or will it even matter? Usually they want the woman's maiden name anyway I think. We haven't gotten his SSN yet because after reading on their website, they say that they will not accept photocopies of anything and we want to get the AOS stuff sent off ASAP (he'll be here two months in a few weeks and we don't want to wait longer than that). He doesn't NEED his SSN right now does he? From what I've read he doesn't. Can we wait until later on to get his SSN?

    Also, on his DS-3025 from the medical, the doc checked the box that says "Vaccination history is incomplete, but he may use a blanket waiver because most of the shots weren't medically appropriate." She did check off that most of the vaccines were not appropriate because of his age. Thing is, he never received a waiver or anything, does that matter? I just don't want to send that in and they think that he didn't get all his shots because he actually had MORE than he needed.

    I know I have other questions, which I'll have to ask later because they escape me at the moment! Thanks for your willingness to listen! I searched for about two hours last night around the website and just didn't find what I needed.

  10. We are going to be married by a justice of the peace, hopefully next week, just need to get the marriage license form turned in this week. We'll only have a couple people there for that. We plan on having a "formal" wedding in September with family and friends. Have a wedding dress and everything. We just figured it'd be easier that way! Your wedding sounds beautiful!

    Ahhh thank you!!! We're going to apply for our marriage licence as soon as I arrive too. I'm so excited! Uhh... I know the dreaded paperwork. Thats why I'm starting to print it all off now... make the most of my work place's printing and photocopying facilities before I leave haha!

    Hope you're settling in well. Are you having a wedding reception or anything aswell? Our wedding date is all set for the 27th June. Nothing huge, just about 35 people under a gazebo at the Jersey Shore. Its really nice :)

  11. It's great to see you here! We're finally getting things underway and will be going to a justice of the peace possibly next week. Then we'll get our paperwork filed! Yay! Although I do dread the paperwork...

    Doh I just put a new topic up looking for a UK AOS thread for 2010 and here it is!!! Yay!

    Well, we're not filing just yet but will be very soon as I'm moving on May 31st on my K1.

    Hi everyone!!! Hope the rest of your Visa Journeys all go quickly and smooth! :)

  12. Hello Hello!

    Yes, Phill got in safe and sound, just barely! He flew in on April 14th...if his flight would have been the next day, he would have been stuck in England for like two weeks because of that ash cloud from Iceland! Omg, that would have been the icing on the frustration cake. LOL! His POE was fantastic...the officer ripped open his envelope, stamped the papers, then told him he was good to go! Phill even asked twice "that's it?" Yep, that's it! The officer didn't even take his x-ray. His POE was in Chicago and he was very impressed with how fast everything went. I've been meaning to check in here and time just got away from me! We aren't married yet, but we have the marriage license pretty much filled out. I just need to find out if he needs his SSN for the form. They ask for one and there's no space to put an alien number. Maybe we just write the alien number in the SSN space? I don't know. I think we'll call this week to make an appointment to get his SSN now that it's past the two week mark of him being here. Sounds like David is having a good time before he leaves! Phill had three leaving parties before he left which I thought was very nice! Hope David can come over in June, that'd be wonderful! I think this week we'll start looking over the AOS paperwork and start filling it out. I'll work on getting my employer and bank letters for the affidavit of support form. It is very frustrating having to plan your wedding and honeymoon around the government's schedule. :angry: Not sure how ours will work out, but we might not be able to take a honeymoon right away (due to money), so maybe that'll work out for the best. Can't wait for the stress to be over!

    Phill is settling in quite well and has done so much work around the house. My parents are loving it. LOL! Poor guy is very ready to be able to start working! Thanks for asking how it went! :)

    Hey Beatle, I saw that your fiance (husband now?) got in okay, yay! :dance: :dance:

    Looking at adjusting pretty soon? Got his SSN yet?

    Still a'waitin' on David; he's tall-ship sailing right now somewhere off the coast of England and has his last day of work on Wednesday. After that, he'll be doing some conservation work up in Scotland, go with his family to Stonehenge (they've never been!), do some other family stuff, and now he's talking about coming here in early June! 'twould be terrific, indeed (my ticker is for June 23rd, his cut-off date)

    Still wondering about the when-to-file issue with our honeymoon, but maybe we'll just file on the 80th day or so (early September) so we know for sure we won't get a biometrics notice or interview date. Ugh! I suppose you're not "allowed" to re-schedule a removal of conditions interview either...

    Ah, well. It's worth it for these British chaps (or ladies) of ours :luv:

  13. yeah I read it is a huge no-no to not show up for your interview or if you want to re-schedule, somebody must've died...which I don't think is fair. USCIS running our lives more, I guess. I don't see why they can't say, "Okay you're eligible for an appointment...go online and pick an interview date." My work schedule comes out 2 months ahead, so I'm going to have to use a vacation day or pretend to call in sick if I'm working that day :wacko:

    3 more years! US citizenship and we won't have to deal with this ####### :bonk:

    They don't do that because it would be easier on us! lol Yeah, very much looking forward to not having to deal with this stuff anymore!

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