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Posts posted by Chelartie

  1. Wooooooooooooooooow! Congrats minimule and boundless! It's starting for all of us. This is so exciting! Now, I'm going to start getting anxious about checking my mail. Until now, it just seemed like such a minute possibility that I wasn't even getting my hopes up. Hope we'll all have approvals soon! Either way, I'm happy for the anxiety b/c it feels like we're getting close! And my SO is visiting as of next Saturday! Maybe we'll get approval while he's here. :)

  2. Hi!

    I'm glad to have found a bunch of you guys filing for Vermont in February!

    My NOA1 is dated 2/20/2009, and hope for the NOA2 quickly.

    Has anyone received their NOA2's from the February Vermont filers??

    Good luck to everyone during this waiting time, god bless!

    Welcome! We have similar timelines (NOA1 Feb 18 for me). Good luck to you, too!

  3. I gave up explaining to "outsiders", just mumble: "bureaucracy"

    Yep, when people are trying to be polite and ask, "so have you had any news?/how's the process going?" I don't say, "Oh, there were x approvals today from VSC and we've moved up Igor's list and our estimated approval date is now June 8-18." Somehow I think that makes people think the process will be done in June. I just say, "No news. We're waiting," which is equally as correct! :angry:

  4. Mainly because I don't want to have to go to Russia again in the wintertime. I am a floridian through and through. I have seen snow and had my first white christmas. I found the entire experience to be overrated.

    Hehe! I agree. I grew up with snowy winters, and I love warm weather now and think snow is overrated! Usually it's sunfolk like you who tell me how great they think it would be to get snow everyyear. Give me flip flops instead!

    I grew up out west, but was born and went to school and all my family is in Texas. Shoutout to Liz!!!

  5. Lee B: I've hope you're feeling better now.

    Goooood morning!!!

    I def check it more often than I feel is necessary or productive. Nothing changes! :)

    Had a nice weekend of enjoying the sunny weather here, so that helped pass a few days. We're almost in May! It's been over two months now since we've all filed (for the most part, I think). I have a feeling many of us will be approved by the end of May. I hope I'm right!

    Arturo is coming to visit for a week in June!

    Re: wedding planning. Nope, nothing...no plans other than I'm thinking we'll get married here right away and do something else when we go visit my family at Xmas time. Other than that, no concrete plans. I just don't see the point in thinking about it right now. I also guess I hate planning events/parties, so even though I'm a woman (hehe, reference to previous post) I guess it's not my thing. What about everyone else?

  6. Hi all,

    Maire: I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time today. Are there other reasons you feel suspicious or is this one of the only incidents? How long have y'all known each other? Do you doubt that he genuinely loves you? On the mom convo piece: I guess you can't really hold him to blame for a lie his mother told. He may have asked her to or she could be completely doing this of her own accord. I hope he's honest when you talk to him.

    I guess this is a broader question for everyone. Did you guys have any serious discussions of living in the other country instead? Just curious. It took us a while for us to get on the same page (we've had differing conceptions about where we could have a better life)...but once we did make this decision, I haven't second guessed it.

    I think he and I are both trying to put things in perspective that when we're together, it's not like our lives will be instantly perfect. I'm sure we're going to have adjustment issues and other challenges. Maybe that sounds unromantic, but I just want to be realistic so that we're not setting ourselves up for failure. First marriage for both of us, so I guess we'll learn as we go. :)

  7. I just dont think I am strong enough to go through this.

    I'm not sure about the visiting in the interim process. But, waiting for 6+ months knowing that you'll be together afterwards is a lot better than a relationship of 3-month visits every once in a while. If you want to be together in the long term, what choice do you have? My advice is to stay busy by completing the petition and doing what you need to do to be together. Waiting isnt' fun, but the sooner you get your petition in, the closer you are to being together, the sooner you can feel settled and start building your life. Waiting with a goal in sight is will give you something to look forward to and maybe it'll be more tolerable for you. :) Best of luck!

  8. Hola chelsea2 es que si no te digo asi me confundo mas, que bueno que viniste a pasar la semana santa en Guate es muy bonita , la antigua una belleza y contame de que parte es tu novio? y como va la espera? la otra Chelsea estara de lo mas feliz con su visa en mano y yo con mil preguntas por hacerle!! no te pierdas sigue posteando·""


    Chelsea2 esta perfectamente bien. :) Si, yo tambien tengo muchas preguntas para la Chelsea. Me alegro mucho oir que lo hubieran aprobado!! Si, la antigua es una belleza, sobre todo en semana santa.

    Arturo es de Guate. Yo pase casi un ano viviendo alla con el en 2006-2007. Siempre me emociona volver y ver como han cambiado (o no) las cosas. Pero, me parece que cada vez me dicen que aun mas ha empeorado la situation con la violencia, que me pone muy triste oirlo. Es un pais tan bonito con mil lugares interesantes que conocer (y la gente es muy amable tambien!) Y tu, de que parte eres?

  9. I understood what you're saying. Basically, the fact that the service centers are so inconsistent in how many (VJ) applicants they approve is highly frustrating. However, you still feel like they are making progress toward approving your petition.

    Exactly. :) I guess it's also true that every petition that's approved is one less in the stack on top of ours, whether or not it was sent last Sept, Oct., Dec, etc....

  10. Si, pase semana santa en Guatemala con mi novio. Fuimos al puerto por unos dias y despues, en viernes santo, fuimos a la Antigua. Que bonito todo el jaleo alli! Y el clima y sol...ay, que rico. Tengo ganas de volver!

    BTW, cuando estuvimos en Antigua, mi cunyada futura exclamo: "Miren las gringas!" Y mi novio le pregunto, "Que malo tiene ser gringa pues?" "Nada, pero solo que se nota que son gringas." Y despues, me giro a mi y me dijo, "Claro que no sos tan gringa, Chelsea. Ya sos algo chapina." :) Hehe Made me smile.

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