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Posts posted by luckymom

  1. I'm more confused now, I made a mistake again, I thought he is your husband already. Pardon my 3 posts almost the same time. I don't have much sleep and when I came across this topic I can't help but post my opinions. With that, I made some mistakes.

  2. Hi Again! I'm sorry for my bad grammar sometimes (because I came across one post that some people are scrutinizing some posters usage of the English language especially if the post is long). The reason being is as we know English is our 2nd language. While I'm re-reading my post I find some inconsistencies on my grammar, please bear with them. Thanks.

  3. No offense meant to you huh! Before I met my husband he knows everything about me already. I said upfront that my 2 sons are my life and they are my priority. He understood it fully and we get married months after. No surprises, and he knows all the difficulty we will be dealing re immigration, relationship, extended family and all the complications in a mix cultural marriage. He has no kid, he was married once and for 30 years he was single. His family is very small comprising of his father and mother and sister who is in another state. The reason why I'm telling you this is I came from a very big family in the Philippines and obviously my husband and I's situation is extreme.

    We sat down and talk everything before marriage and he accepted ALL about me and I accepted everything about him. He petitioned my two boys, one is 18 and the younger one is 13. Unfortunately my 13 year old has a medical issue at SLEC and when I picked my older one last April 10, the other one was left behind. At first, I had fears what will be the scenario at home obviously between the two men in my life (my son and husband). As what I prayed, everything turned out the BEST. They are good friends now, and sometimes my son can even relate to my husband (obviously because they are both men). He taught my son to use fork and knife to eat here and to drive and my son has a license now. He assisted my son in his TOEFL and he enrolled my son here in Rhode Island College. It's an almost perfect stepfather-stepson relationship. They play pool together, bike together and do some other things together without me. I am telling you this because I believe that in any second mix-cultural relationship - there is always the adjustment stage by all the people involved. The key in a relationship like you and I have is to be honest from the very beginning of each and everyone's life.

    The big question mark in my mind about this is how come it is only now that you've known that your husband doesn't like your son to go with you. Isn't the issue discussed thoroughly BEFORE the petition? Did your husband showed any dislike about your son or your situation (that you have sons and family) in our country? I know you feel bad about not bringing your son here in the US. This is just my thing, even if my son will sleep in the couch, it will not matter to me. When your son will be here, after some time adjusting he can go on his own and lead a good life here and of course he will be out of your house eventually. Worse come to worse, if you have relatives in any part of the US you can ask them to accommodate your son in their place. There are other ways and means to remedy the situation. I tell you, more than 10 years of petitioning your son when he aged out is really the most hurting experience for a mother. I in particular cannot deal with the pain of separation when we were just on this visa process of my two sons how much more 10 years. Think it over please before it's too late. Good luck and I pray that God will enlighten both you and your husbands heart and in the end you can bring your husband after you pass the interview at USEM next month. Keep the faith. Sorry for my long post because I easily become emotional if I read a topic like this. I just can't believe that you will leave your son like that. Please don't misinterpret my suggestions.

  4. I am lucky to find a USC husband who also likes to eat some of the filipino foods that I am preparing. We also like Chinese foods and eating in the buffet around the state. We also like seafoods, maybe your fiancee can try all of the foods that the other posters mentioned. It's just a matter of adjusting to the taste. Our chicken in the Philippines are a bit different to our Chicken fillet here, I don't know but sometimes I think chicken breast here has not much of a taste. Maybe it's just me and the fish here are all fillets already which sometimes I find not so tasty but eventually I learned to live with it, but I also buy clean whole different kinds of fish in some of the oriental stores in Boston and here in Rhode Island. We go out of our way to find some foods that my son and I used to eat. Give her more time and if you have the chance try to bring her to some of the oriental stores in your area.

  5. What reminds me of Pinas are the tilapia (it's all fillet here). I still want the smaller ones and the crabs at the Oriental store we went to in NJ one time. Of course the rice that we eat everyday. I don't care if people (even my husband) say why we always eat rice. To each his own, I also don't question him why he eats medium rare steaks and mashed potatoes every time. Glutinous rice (fresh not powdered) and the banana (saba) cue. The mangoes here also reminds me of our "manggang kalabaw" but here it has a different taste. Not even close to our famous mangoes there.

    Of course, the LRT and MRT that are full of people rushing and moving from place to place. The well decorated jeepneys (some of them out of line). It reminds me of my college days (matagal na rin yun sa FEU sa Recto). Those are fun memories that money can't buy. I am telling my two sons that I still love our country no matter what they say (good or bad). It's always like fiesta where people are warm and families are close even without money.

  6. I am just curious about the age of your fiancee because you mentioned about the CAT. Many schools are not having that nowadays, it's just optional. It was a very long time ago that CAT was mandatory. And it's NOT very common that having a tourist visa for family members are discussed in a FI-west relationship. The parents can just go ahead with the tourist visa as long as they want. I don't see any reason why it has to be discussed with you. Just my opinion.

  7. I don't hear any case that they dwell on an engagement ring. The genuine relationship is what the CO is looking for. Physical evidences such as pictures, letters, plane tickets, visits to the Philippines, emails, etc. are the concrete evidences that they look for. Any type of ring will do, that's not a big deal. Good luck!

  8. I think you should wait for your interview to be approved first and then apply for your mom. There's no harm in trying to get a tourist visa. You can go ahead anytime, it's a make or break. Good luck and God bless you and your mom on your future plans.

  9. Traveling from our country to the US is very exhausting no matter how you look at it. I think you're all set to travel. If you're a catholic, a small bible or something that you can read on your trip aside from the magazines in the plane. Be safe and good luck on your journey.

  10. I am confused why the OP will say goodbye. She can always be in VJ even if she's approved already. It's a nice feeling to be with a great family such as VJ. I guess she will come back if there will be more immigration concerns in the future.

  11. I am just curious if your fiancee already attended her CFO seminar because that will be another day after the visa is in her hands. Visa pick up is on the discretion of the CO. It's not all the time that the CO approves of a visa pick-up. Just a suggestion - maybe you can give spare days before you travel back to US. Good luck.

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