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Posts posted by luckymom

  1. I know exactly how you feel. Being with your relatives once again there is a happy experience and for sure when you and your children are here, you will be preoccupied with a lot of things at home. Life there is exciting especially if you have good people to spend your vacation with. I also miss my old life there where I have to take the tricycle to the market, jeepney to the next town and our long tiring trip going to our province. Good luck on your travel back to the US. I also miss the smiles of people and the never ending "kumustahan and puyatan" plus of course the native foods.

  2. Do a lot of visiting to old relatives and friends because when she gets to the US it's another story. Maybe when she is here already she will be bored to death also because her life will also be the same day in and day out. No one can help a person's boredom except himself/or herself. Researching about unfamiliar places, interesting topics and everything about the USA will be a great help and of course familiarizing herself with the English language is a must to engage herself to. Good luck!

  3. Amen to that! All you said are very sensible in nature. Let us live and let live so this world will be a nice place for the rest of human race. Friendship should be the name of the game and let's have LOVE and PEACE in our hearts. God bless all of us!

  4. Hi there! Don't worry too much because St. Luke's will take care of your fiancee so well. Last March, I had the most devastating incident when my son's x-ray turned suspicious and his interview was postponed. He is only 13 years old and he had 3 days of sputum culture. The results turned out a complete shock to me and he is now under medication. At first, my USC husband and I had a hard time accepting it, but what can we do? We had to abide what the rules are, and now he is on his 3rd month of medication and he will be up to September hopefully and the worst part is the additional two more months. Considering that he is only a kid made me really sick and I am so helpless. The only thing we can do is pray and hope for the best.

    I hope your fiancee will be negative in her sputum test, with that she will be all set. Just give her the utmost moral support that she needs. Prayers to you both.

  5. I am a true bloodied filipina but I am not aware that there is a custom in our country that problems should not be discussed or talked about. I'm so puzzled by her attitude to be honest with you. Something is not right in her attitude. You should stop the hurting and hitting at the earliest possible time because if she got used to it, it would be a usual scenario in your home. I wonder why these attitudes of hers didn't came out in the open for the last year that you've been together. You have to be prepared because she's kinda weird and you don't know if there will be worse incidents that will happen in the future.

  6. The thing about "quota" is the most ridiculous post I've ever read. We can not limit people who wants to get married or be involved in a group of good people like us FILIPINAS. The vast majority of husbands in this forum agree that being married to a filipina made a huge difference in their lives. We may come from a 3rd world country but we possess many qualities that most foreigners love. It's very obvious with the percentage of successful marriages. Filipinas are "WIFE MATERIAL". We are what we are, our good values are instilled in our hearts and minds. We don't resort to false pretenses and we prioritize our relationship.

  7. If out of nowhere she hits you there is a big problem in her attitude or she may be psychologically disturbed as what the other lady said here. A typical filipino wife will not hurt a husband especially in an unfamiliar place like the US. This post is not clear at all, there should be some reasons why these things are happening. Can you elaborate more on this issue because I for one is lost somewhere here. You just post that problem without any surrounding facts. Be more accurate and specific if not detailed in your statements. Hurting is not justifiable whether it's the wife or the husband is doing it. No one has the right to physically hurt or abuse anyone unless it is for self-defense purposes. Need more info here.

  8. Congratulations and Good luck on your forthcoming trip to the US. I guess USEM in Manila is so good recently. To all those who will have their interview soon good luck and take it easy. Keep the faith alive.

  9. Wow, those are nice pictures but I'm kinda scared of a deer. I like small animals that are not so vicious. We have squirrels and nice little creatures like rabbits, chipmunks etc. I took a picture of them too. I like your two articles very much (pasaway na angel). You write so well. Keep doing it and I assure you that You have one fan here (it's me). I will show your article to my two sons. I'm sure they will like it also.

  10. Just don't sign in any document that he is offering you. To me, this is a very strange situation, maybe I am not well-oriented to other cases where to completely in-love couple will end up like this. Seems nonsense to me, at any rate just hang-on to the slim hope that he will change his mind. I hope he will not resort to force you to sign the documents. Maybe you can talk to the family (you said they are on your side). Who knows that will help. There's no harm in trying.

  11. Oh I forgot to mention winter time (this is the season I hate seriously). Why? Because I fell in our driveway 2x. No matter how careful I was, I still fell. Up to now I am feeling the pain which led me to have an MRI in our state hospital here. But I have to live with it because my husband lived here all his life and their family has a business here where he also works. Sounds as if I don't have any choice, kinda or sort of.

  12. My husband lives in a small community here in Rhode Island (which happened to be the smallest state of USA for some people who always ask me where is this located). My first stop in this area was Massachusetts last 2007. I met my husband (who's from here) so I moved in his house. I like the weather here now especially if I see rabbits, squirrels, cute chipmunks etc. I also like summer of course (which happens to be real hot like the Philippines) and of course fall (where the trees turned different colors). But I also like the place of my sister (Palmdale and Lancaster California). I guess I am the type of person who easily adjust to where I am. I hope all of you like your American hometown also.

  13. Maybe the wife is still missing her life in the Philippines. It's up to both of them where they want to settle. I don't think the issue is her not being truthful to him. Maybe (it's all maybe) the filipina is comparing life in the Philippines and here in the US. I don't see anything wrong here, she is just expressing what she feels. If she is thinking of retirement (I don't know her age) I think it's still a long time for her to take that into consideration. Things will still change as time goes and the issue should not affect their good relationship.

    For me, it doesn't matter whether I will retire here in the US or in the Philippines. But since my husband will have a hard time adjusting there (because of the weather) I will stay where he is comfortable. My husband is my priority in life and of course my two kids (they like it here). Philippines will still be my native land and I will forever cherish my childhood life there.

  14. It is not whether both partners come from a rich or poor country. It's where God brings them together. I, for one didn't even plan who will be my next partner in life and God gave me the most wonderful one - in the person of my husband. If there is no Philippines, there would still be GOOD LADIES who's got good moral values. It's so happens that those LADIES come from a poor nation (as what some people always say). Bottom line is with or without USA or Philippines, GOD will still bring two people together. I don't know if I get the point so well here. I just go by my instinct.

  15. The OP needs some of the best advice that people in the forum can give. I am happy that she is able to go back to her home country. I guess the USC husband's plan of having her is not really to have a wife - to be with him for the rest of his life, but to get a house maid (sorry for the term I used)/nanny. I feel that the USC ex has an agenda. I can't imagine that for that long period of time, the USC never even tried to file for the AOS. Maybe they also have good times before but the OP suffered a lot in that house. She may not be a perfect wife but she tried to and she also tried her best to be a stepmother (which I'm sure didn't worked out). I wonder why the ex can be so insensitive to his supposed to be lifetime partner. The USC just let her go back to UK like that, my idea of the hidden agenda is reinforced, because if not he should at least tried hard to fix his relationship with the OP first before anything else. God bless the OP and keep your faith alive. God has every reason why things we don't expect are happening, for sure there will be more better things to come. Good luck and be happy with your dog - she is the only one who will be faithful to you and of course your family there.

  16. I am very sure that your Russian girl is just after her legal documents to stay here. I can't imagine a person can do that to the man she is supposed to be with for the rest of her life. Wow, I am not even asking my husband a penny for shopping and this girl has the nerve. It's up to my husband if he will be generous enough to bring me to the mall. There are so many red flags in the OP's post and I just hope that he will realize that this is not a genuine relationship. God bless the OP, he seems to be a real gentleman.

  17. Me too. I can only eat hamburger, french fries, pizza, steak etc. once in a while. But to make it as my regular dish, maybe not. To each his own, live and let live. I will still prefer all those filipino foods no matter what my fiancee or other people say. I respect them when they eat their food and I eat those foods with them so I think it's just fair for them to respect our foods also. I can't tolerate meat like rare or medium rare and I always tell my husband he has to respect it. I want everything to be well done. I miss mangga't bagoong kahit anong sabihin nila na yakk or disgusting. Pinay ako forever.

  18. My husband likes some of our foods. He doesn't eat foods with gata (I like it because I am from Quezon Province). He also don't eat fish with bones and head so I am the one eating it. He likes adobo, pork chop with toyomansi and a lot more of filipino foods. So I eat what I want and I cook what he and my son want. No problem at all. Not a big deal if I cook three or four different meal. I like cooking anyway.

  19. It is still being imposed on some of the schools in our country. Sometimes I feel bad that these new generations find it "corny" or outmoded if they stand straight and sing the "Bayang Magiliw". I always say to my kids that our country, the Philippines is still the best because of the values that's being instilled in their hearts and minds. Loyalty to our flag and to the country itself is a virtue. Philippines will always be in my heart and I hope the next generation will remember that. God bless us Filipinos.

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