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Posts posted by Dgard

  1. Congrats to Amy and Stan!

    For everyone else...

    My NOA-1 date is March 12th. No approval yet. Should I be worried? I feel like everyone who is getting approved has a NOA-1 date after me...

    My NOA1 is also the 12th. Don't be worried yet. They seemed to have skipped the middle of the month and are hopping before and ahead of us. Let's see how the rest of the week plays out, we're up soon ;)

  2. Not a bad day for March approvals at all! The train is still going at a nice pace :yes:

    Next stop? Richard-ville, Missy-land? We'll see soon :clock::thumbs:

    who knows, that train makes strange stops!! i saw also a may approval, then one from 19th, and two 3rd and 4th.........do you think they play bingo with the dates?? i can see it now, 1 thru 31 numbers in a bingo turner thing, a big guy with a cigar puts his chubby little fingers in the turner and pulls out a date////////B4....approved


    Yeah this train goes all over...hope the operator knows where he's going :lol: Keeps it kind of random, should be soon for all of us though :unsure:

    With the bingo thing...wouldn't be surprised if the dates we need are missing from the machine and added in are dates from other months :lol::help:

    Let's see what happens tomorrow :devil:

  3. Good morning everyone... I have to go visit a client today so I won't be able to check in on you guys until 11 ish....

    Joanna left me a skpye message that her Mom was rushed to the hospital... just got done talking with her and Mom is back home... I dont think I like the Polish medical system... It seems they are not too sure what is wrong... I will try to understand more after my meeting.

    Hope everything is alright with Joanna's Mother. She'll be out of the hospital in no time!

  4. dgard,,, tell the truth..your file is BIG also because you come from the state of BIG,,am i right :rofl:

    That's it...time to move to rhode island...

    ciao dgard,,,,,,,i cant beleive you are not approved yet......this is crazy the way they do things

    Latest NOA2 from VSC had a NOA1 date of 5/1... now that's crazy! :blink:

    wow that is seriously unfair! 

    August is coming up next :diablo::bonk:

    Nah tons more march coming this week. Going to be a great week! Gotta be :whistle:

  5. Mondays have historically been a slow day... but since Friday was really slow... maybe we can get a landslide! :)

    A man has to dream!!

    Don't get my hopes up this early in the day, haha! landslide would be nice however :thumbs:

    hi to all ,,, yes do get your hopes up ... we just got a email with a aproved !!!!!! thank to all of your ...

    Hooray! Huge Congrats!! So happy for you :dance: :dance:

    Nice start of the day!

  6. I got the email from CRIS friday evening that my petition for my wonderful fantastic guy has been APPROVED and my noa2 is in the mail-sent that day.

    I'm sure the avalanche of March 09 approvals is about to hit everyone else too! My noa1 was mar 17th.

    Good lucks and I hope everyone else is soon as happy as he and I are now...

    happily planning the next 6 months,

    gathering info for the interview,

    S & K

    Congrats to you! Nice to see another March filer get through this step!

  7. i know, and even though i wouldnt mind getting it soon, it really isnt fair to the people way before me,,VSC makes no sense to me

    I don't mind if people ahead of me get approved, as long as I'm not the only one to get left behind :D

    Doesn't seem like anyone got approved "today" that has updated their timeline yet. But yeah, a few did update from previous days, that's nice! Glad to see the lists moving around some. Maybe we'll hear something this weekend. Then there's always next week, I hate that saying though lol! :jest:

  8. i dont know what they are doing.......i was planning for my SO to come here maybe next week , because i was thinking that they were still working on beggining of March, then i see people from 23,22,19 getting approved so im afraid to let him get a ticket for fear he will be turned back with a NOA2,,,so here i sit again,waiting to see him ,,,,,,,,,,,,who knows how long it will take

    I'm glad they're getting approved though! Just don't understand the approval process at all, def not in order lol! It's hard to make plans 'around' the NOA2 though. Seems like anyone from march could get an approval anyday now

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