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Status Updates posted by deer

  1. I am so happy to hear everything is going great for you two! Congratulations and welcome to your husband!

  2. Hey Cherrine, how are you? How are things going? I think you had your interview in feb or march and was wondering how its going? Please let me know if you have any questions.

  3. Hey JSVP! Our little girl is coming on Sept. 8!!!!!!!!! Thank you for all your help and encouragement! I can't wait for us all to meet! Prolly after the baby is born!

  4. CO walked back out crumpling the denial slip and said, "congratulations, you are approved". We just bought her ticket and she will be here on September 8th. We are so happy! Thanks, Darnell for all your concern and help from the very beginning, we truly appreciate it. I tried to send you a msg., but your box is full. We have overcome a lot to get my wife and daughter here, thanks fo...

  5. Hey, wow, it is amazing you just asked that, Darnell! I have been nervous to say anything and jinx it, haha. Yes, I have great news. Our little girl had her interview on July 16, and was accompanied by her uncle, who noticed the CO filling out a denial slip and acted swiftly and produced paperwork that sent the CO in to discuss the situation with his superior.

  6. Thank you for your fast and informative reply. I appreciate your positive attitude!

  7. Thanks again for helping us out!

  8. congratulations! Have a great and safe trip!

  9. Thank you and bless your heart! You are a great friend and a great help to us!

  10. Hey, welcome to VJ. You will get some great advice on this site, from people who really care. I wish you both the very best for a great and successful journey!

  11. Thank you very much for your help and your knowledge, I truly appreciate it.

  12. Gary, Thank you for your advice and support. I really appreciate your consideration and very quick reply. Take care, Haydn.

  13. deer

    Thank you for your kindness and support! You are a great VJ friend! I wish you the very best!

  14. Hi you two, thank you for all your help and kind words and wishes! Best of luck and God bless!

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