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Posts posted by meowmeowmeow

  1. Yes I've done my reading, and I spoke to lawyers when I was detained. I think we are going to go ahead with our application solo, as most lawyers I have spoke to since being released are charging an arm and a leg.

    To answer your other question, yes I have my medical exam booked with a civil surgeon, and I have already called the other civil surgeons within driving distance to find the best possible service and price.

    My wife and I don't have a whole lot evidence to prove our marriage is bonafide either, simply due to us being so young, we have opened a joint bank account, and have affidavits of support from her parents, and I was wondering if anybody knows other things we could use, seeing that we don't have children, or joint property or a joint lease.


    but you have pictures of you guys together and with other people, affidavits, emails, etc etc, right? that will help, hopefully. if not, take a lot now.

  2. try googling "freecycle" as well. you can also try to find needy organizations/people in your area that may do good to use your things. for the things that you do want, and are too heavy to take with you, you can have them shipped via cargo boat. my mom did this this past summer and paid maybe $500 for 4 huge tubs of stuff.

    sorry to hear about your troubles....hope you will find peace and happiness soon enough (F)

  3. thanks to all you suggestions.

    when i flew from IST to NYC this summer, i used expedia like a fool and the only cheapest fare was with THY. i paid maybe close to 800 dollars for it. i had a problem with some beeyotch from THY who made a big deal out of the fact that i had came from Syria to TR and was planning to go home. i even asked her at one point, because i was pissed "do you think my passport is a fake one?" and she was like "uh no but bla bla bla bla bla..." i made it a huge point to ask her name from one of her co-workers, write it down, look at her menacingly a few times while waiting for the flight, and then asking a manager for their customer service number so i can call and complain. i lazily never did, but i won't forget her anytime soon i go back. i was more mad because i have been to turkey 5 times before this and NEVER had any issues. i will try your suggestions, thanks again.


  4. hi all,

    ive posted in here a few times but havent really gotten a lot of advice :( but i do have one question that im hoping people will help me with: recommendations for travel agencies in turkey, preferably istanbul, that i can buy a cheap ticket to the US with for my husband. there are no direct flights to the US from damascus, so he would have to go through their IST or Amman anyways. I got screwed this summer flying with Turkish Airlines and want to look for another possibility. Thanks a mil!

  5. wow i seriously cannot understand how, besides from obvious medical issues, people can allow themselves to get so huge...

    seriously....a little chub isn't a big deal, but 200+ extra pounds? come on....

    i have no sympathy for people like this who eat themselves to death (again, medical issues excluded)

    as for the no medical insurance thing....well, there are free clinics around, no? or at the very very least, start eating leaner foods and doing a little bit of physical activity...i understand he had a bad back...but he could have alternated.

  6. ((((((((((((((((((((Beth)))))))))))))))))))))))

    i'm so sorry for what you are going through, but also highly respect you for the fact that you are choosing to walk away from what seems like a spiraling situation. i hope you don't beat yourself up over this: we all have our journeys in life and this was something you walked in....and at least you got some things out of. please don't leave the forum for now....you are a great person and deserve the best. (F)(F)(F)(F)(F)(L)(L)(L)(L)(L)

  7. It's been a while sense I went on a rant and I'm really feeling depressed tonight. I also miss my husband. Sometimes when I'm looking at his lips on the computer screen I wish I could just reach out and get a kiss. I need one from him so bad. He has started sending me cards in the mail. They are so loving and so romantic. It takes 2 weeks for them to get here. I never felt alone in this big old house until I come home after we got married. I came back from Pakistan in September but I can't bring myself to unpack my suitcase. Everything is still in there except my make-up and wedding dress.

    I live in a very small city. Seems like I would have many friends but I don't. People here are very cold. The only real friend I had here just left her husband and moved to a different city and I'm dealing with that loss. I am sad that she left but I understand why she had to do it and I hope she will find the happiness she deserves.

    I am lucky in that I get to chat with my husband twice a day on the computer and see his handsome face on the cam but still I miss having his arms around me. I miss waking up in the mornings and seeing him sleeping next to me. There are days when I think I'll go crazy from missing him so much but I try to be strong because my little boy doesn't need to see his mother breaking down. The thing that keeps me going is that I know I will see my husband again when it is time for his interview. I have to be there. I wish I was rich and could just jump on a plane and go see him now but I'm not rich and I need to save my money for the interview.

    Anyway I've had my rant and shared this sadness with my VJ family. I feel a little better.

    so sorry to hear about your difficulties :( i am sure that we can all relate somehow :( but hopefully it will end soon....where are you guys in the process btw?

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