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Posts posted by Serendipity_

  1. Good morning everyone. Okay, we went with the marble. Hubby is very happy now. Keeps talking about how this was the right decision and the best pick. I'm so glad he's so proud of himself :lol: Well that's a big load of anxiety off my chest :dead:

    Seren, totally true...I mean some men have great design ideas, I'm sure...but his tastes tend to be more from his homeland and they don't agree with my tastes.

    I told him no more decorating decisions until the flooring is laid down. After it's down then we can decide on paint colors, etc. So last night he says, "Do you have any work for me tomorrow?" I think he gets anxious when he doesn't have a project to keep him busy. I told him, "Take the day off" :lol: He didn't look too happy so I told him, "You can caulk the tubs and the windows"... He asked me "What's caulk?" I shook my head and went to bed :lol:

    Poor Man :lol:

    Hubby & I are celebrating our 1st wedding anniversary together today!! :luv:(L)(F):) Just returned from dinner @ TGIF ..they have the best flat iron steak everrrrrrrr :P

    Congrats and wishing you a very happy and blessed married Life :dance::dance:

  2. I have a questions about Vaccinations :help:

    I was told by Dr.Siden office that I need to show record of MMR vaccinations - Is the vaccination Yellow Card enough for this??

    About the Tetanus and Diptheria: I was the told that the records need to show history of 3 shorts and the last one being in the last 10 years. - My deliema is that I do not have records of the 2 previous shots ( As there were not given in Canada) .....WHAT DO I NEED TO DO NOW?

  3. Good morning everyone :)

    Feeling sleepy and groggy today. Don't know how I got to work. Had one of my "cocktails" last night. We put our furniture back in to the living room. Everything looks nice but now the end tables don't match. I am going to have to do something with those. We also gave up on cleaning the carpets. We're going to look at prices for stone tiles. My husband and I both came to the conclusion that it's a better investment than carpeting. We want a light color on the floor, but our white carpet in the house is already destroyed after 6 years. So we decided to do away with carpeting all together.

    Question for you about your spouses and driving...I lose my patience every time husband drives. I'm like, "You're the worst driver in the whole world!!!" and get like :girlwerewolf2xn: with him. Poor thing. I am wondering if you are having the same problems? The irritating thing is that my husband finds a way to blame everyone (mostly me) but not himself for his mistakes. It's like he won't just confess to not paying attention and not listening to directions. I totally lost it with him yesterday and now he won't drive with me in the car :lol: I don't know what to do! I tried to sit with him in our driveway, explain directions before hand and then leave (hoping that if he listens before he starts driving he will pay more attention)...but that doesn't work. I will tell him at a previous exit "take the next exit that is coming up" and he'll be approaching and I will say, "Turn here. Right into here..." and he keeps going straight. Then I'm like, "What are you doing???? I told you take this exit!" Then he'll say, "Oh, I didn't know, you didn't tell me till late." Then I just wanna kill him when he drives!!! :lol:

    One solutions would be to use a GPS...that way he is getting directions from the GPS and can't blame you. Try to be a silent observer and critic in a positive manner.

    Hey everyone!!! Just wanted to give you a little update...

    The wifey got her 2 year Green Card yesterday!!! :dance::dance::dance::dance:

    Congrats :dance::dance: ....I was just gonna ask you about it today :)

  4. Whoa CnT, you were busy this weekend! I am soooo jealous of the hot weather. It has been chilly and raining since Diego got here. Tomorrow we leave really early to go down to PA, and then fly down to Miami on Wed. morning. We're helping a friend move from Miami to Baltimore, so we'll be doing that fun drive over the weekend.

    :dance: BTW- happy dance b/c I finally got back my tax refund today. I am soooo glad I realized I could file 'married filing jointly' thanks to VJ.

    Anyone heard from Steve or Jen?

    Congrats! More spending money....or was the refund already spent on the TV :P

    Florida should be warm and sunny....atleast Diego gets to see different places.

  5. We ended up not going anywhere. It was very hot here also. We ended up renovating the living room/dining room area. We spackled and repainted (new colors too). Re-upholstered the chairs and washed and restuffed/rebatted the couch cushions and pillows. Put up new drapes, etc. A whole new room! :lol: and it wasn't too bad. Although when my husband knocked over the paint can (thank God I put down the plastic all over the floor) - he laughed and I didn't think it was funny one bit! Today we'll be God willing, steam cleaning the carpet and then putting up the pictures and some different area rugs (since we have new colors). Hopefully by tomorrow we'll be able to put back the furniture where it belongs.

    Wow! a total makeover over the weekend :) Do we get to see before and after photos?

  6. Oh You poor thing.....If you are tired and not getting enough sleeps, doc usually come up with sleep Apnea. Good idea to get it check out ad a CPAP machine is a quicl fix for sleep apnea. Now quit the smoking!!!! :unsure:

    I can't believe that CA will make you take your lic again too... :ranting: I guess they need some avenue to make income.

    Hey Seren...I will see what they say, but eventually I will make someone order a head scan for me. If they had done so for my aunt, she might still be alive. This all started when my aunt was still here with us. I'm just concerned I may have caught an infection or virus from her. She did have multi-drug resistant infections on top of her condition. Since I also recently had my radioactive shots, my immune system was not at its strongest. I don't know...it could be just the hot weather. But sometimes you just know when something isn't right...and I feel like something isn't right inside.

    Good Call :thumbs:

    Better be safe than sorry :)

  7. My wife entered the US at Newark this past Friday and everything went very smoothly. Since I was traveling with her we were able to go in the citizen's line which was considerably shorter than the one for non-citizens (the wait was hardly 5 minutes long). The immigration officer took my wife's fingerprints and photograph and opened the mysterious brown envelope. He handed it to another officer who asked us to follow him to a secondary checking area. We waited there another 5 minutes before my wife got her passport back stamped and with the I-94 attached. No questions asked throughout the whole process.

    Overall other than the long wait at USCIS I would say that the K3 process has been a lot smoother than we had anticipated. Hope that the rest of the journey goes smoothly as well (we will be filing AOS papers soon).


    Great Roodee. How does your wife like it here? Poor thing she must be all jet lagged.

  8. I'm so darn tired! I told my husband I want a maid! :angry: I don't know how my grandmother did it. She worked full time in a factory and raised 5 kids. She also cooked every single day and did the laundry and major cleaning.

    I can barely walk to the door of my home after work is done :cry: I have a migraine almost every day :cry:

    I finally went to the doctor (because I felt paranoid as my aunt was always tired and headachy before when she was still alive). Doctor thinks I might have sleep apnea. I don't snore or anything like that. She thinks my breathing might be too shallow. I have to do a sleep study. They were going to schedule me the same day, but I couldn't bear to part from my husband this soon. It's like I don't want to sleep alone again!!! So i scheduled it out into July.

    I'm so tired that I am down to like only 3-4 cigarettes a day! :lol: Because when I get home I'm too tired to make a pot of coffee and I can't smoke without coffee :( I also figured if I'm not getting enough oxygen, I should probably stop smoking. Even with this decrease over the last several weeks, I feel even worse! Lisa, what do you think? Should I start smoking more again? Maybe my body is rebelling? :lol:

    Seren, sucks about the test. That is so stupid. Then again, California is one of those states that always makes you take things over. I know for my work license, California does not reciprocate and I would have had to take the tests over again. They also don't accept higher degrees from our state either. It's weird.

    Waving (tiredly) hello to everyone :D Hope all is well!

    Oh You poor thing.....If you are tired and not getting enough sleeps, doc usually come up with sleep Apnea. Good idea to get it check out ad a CPAP machine is a quicl fix for sleep apnea. Now quit the smoking!!!! :unsure:

    I can't believe that CA will make you take your lic again too... :ranting: I guess they need some avenue to make income.

  9. Hi, my wife (US Citizen) and I (UK Citizen) were married on August 8th 2008 in the US, sometime after I returned home our immigration lawyer filed an I-130 and I-129:

    @ VSC

    I-130 received on December 10, 2008

    I-129F received on December 30, 2008

    My wife called the USCIS customer service centre today to ask if there was any information on our application (nothing mentioned online) and she was told by the guy that they are now processing January 11th for the I-130 and that our case is outside of processing dates and that she will need to make a Service Request and wait 45 days to find out what's going on.

    What should we do - is it true we are going to have to wait a further 45 days just to find out what's going on with our processing? :unsure:

    You should file a service request as well as an request an expedite.

    Good Luck

  10. That $ucks!!! You will most probably need to reapply for K3 or CR1..

    Hello everyone,

    I am looking for some advice please, not looking for opinions or nastyness but kind advice.

    I applied for a K1 Visa and moved over to USA back in 2007, my Husband and I got married in the April and I had my green card by the end of Aug 2007.

    Unfortunatly due to many many reasons we decided to seperate and I moved back to the UK September 2008, I returned my green card in may and recieved my paperwork regarding this a few weeks ago.

    Anyway my husband and I are talking again and thinking of giving it another go, we havent decided yet on what we will do, but he might come and live in the UK or I may go back to US.

    I just want to know, how and what I need to do if we did decide I would move back to USA?

    Thanks in advance

  11. I called CA DMV and was told I need a SSN but the girl on the phone wasn't quite sure.

    CA DMV extract:Exception to the SSN requirement:

    If you are legally present in the US, but ineligible for an SSN, you are exempt from SSN requirements. However, you must still provide an acceptable birth date/legal presence document for any DL/ID card application OR provide a valid SSN.

    I think I am just gonna go to the local DMV office and see if I can get my DL transferred to CA

  12. CnT I can totally relate to all the cooking and cleaning....goodnes I am pooped by days end. My husband is being spoiled rotten, I do just about everything around here. I feel guilty going shopping now, my husband can't understand this change :P I am used to making money and then spending money, as I am making none I don't like spending any :unsure:

    Hopefully I will have a IR1 interview in August and be able to WORK and SHOP :devil:

    I do miss my friends and family, they have been very good with calling and emailing. When I think about my life in Canada, it's always hard giving up a career which was headed in the right direction and a lifestyle one was used too...but the thought only lingers for a few seconds and then I reality sets in I am in Sunny California with my husband, what could be better :)

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