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Posts posted by KiKi
Oh, I know how you feel. my "baby" is turning 15 next month, just a year away from driving. I panic to even think of it!!!!!!!
Here is my BIG baby, medium baby and my real baby (LOL) at Christmas:
No problem
Good luck!!!! Let us know when you get the job!
Yep been blue.
Weather not helping either, just day after freakin' day of rain here in Oregon.
Missing So. Cal
Like I do every Winter when my S.A.D kicks in....I'll be better by Spring.....arrrgghhhhh
How about instead of "more than confident" you say , "I am extremely confident"
It shoud be, "I am a team-oriented person
My resume highlights my expertise ...etc
Instead of "the ability to help your company succed", it should read
the opportunity
Thank God my co-workers were VERY sweet nurturing people.
My daughter wasn't a crier anyhow, but my co-workers loved her and held her and played with her.
Guess I was just lucky to work with such nice people.
I was lucky to be able to bring my daughter to work 2 days a week (I could have brought her everyday if I had wanted to)....until she got too mobile.
I brought her playgym, bouncy seat etc and she just hung out with me.
I worked for a very family friendly social service agency, and my boss was a great guy.
When she got really mobile it no longer worked, but it helped me SO much when i went back to work to be able to have her with me a couple of days. My heart was breaking to leave her.
Now, thankfully, my husband got a better job, so I'm home with her.
It was hard, but thank God, I had great support.
Saw Atonement last night.
SO heartbreakingly good
WORST movie I saw ths year was Evan Almighty blech!
I'm so sorry Marilyn for your loss
I hope the Drs. can figure out what's going on.
You're in my prayers.
Thanks Steven, it is tough, but I just was able to quit my job in September because My Hub got a better job, so I'm not complaining.
I had to go back to work when my daughter was just 20 weeks old....THAT was tough.
I hope to stay home until this summer when she turns 2.....
The cultural norm these days is for women to be in the workforce,eriod, ESPECIALLY women without children.
I'm sure by "weird" Steven just meant that you don't see a stay at home wife much anymore.
I barely even know any stay at home Moms, let alone stay home wives.....reminds me of "I Love Lucy" Lol
I'm a stay home Mom right now and it's kind of lonely....all my friends are at work
I'm a California refugee....left So.Cal (born and raised) 13 years ago for Oregon, and would NEVER go back.
Sometimes I miss the weather, but that's about it.
Sooo much prettier and greener and AFFORDABLE here. Way less superficial and "keeping up with the Jones'"
I like having seasons too.
No pics of my decorations yet, but here is my daughter NOT enjoying Santa....LOL
My Dad is a German immigrant and I have always STRONGLY identified with that part of my heritage.
Probably because he made sure to take us to Germany several times, tells us hundreds of stories about growing up there and shares the cultural traditions of his country with every holiday.
I hope our daughter can feel proud of BOTH of her cultures (although, I agree, they are far more similar than my experience with European/American cultures....speaking firsthand)
Just out of curiosity, has anyone had invasive pre-natal testing in this thread? Amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling? I'm just nosy cause that's what I used to do for a living.
Mags, I had an amnio (because of my age).....it wasn't bad at all...the waiting for the results was the WORST
I wouldn't scrimp on a crib either.
here have been ALOT of crib recalls, best to go with new........
We have a Britax Roundabout car seat and I love it. My MIL got it for us.
Ahhhhhh, I actually miss MISSING my hubby.....LOL. Sounds nuts, but such a bittersweet time it was!
EX: "I need some advise"
Why are (MOST) Northern Germans such snobs?
My Dad is Bavarian and not a hillbilly in any way shape or form.
My husband's best friend's wife is from Bremen and she is the MOST tedious snobby P.I.T.A.
I'll take the beauth of Bavaria ANY day.......
Paulaner Hefeweisen is my fav German beer.
I'm so glad you've found happiness again after all you've been through and OMG...you look AWESOME!!! Soooo skinny!
Well if you're ever in Oregon, there is a wonderful German restaurant called "The Rheinlander"
My Dad is Bavarian, and I've been to germany many times....this food is VERY good and very authentic.
It is true,
last year at my son's school a 14 year old boy died this exact same way.
So sad, but a real wake-up call for the other kids at the school
My baby is 16 years old today
in Off Topic
No permit yet, THANK GOD. He will turn 15 on Feb. 20th, I guess he can get it then.
In California, we had to have Driver's Ed first, but here in Oregon they don't even OFFER it in the schools. Weird!