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Posts posted by KiKi

  1. Agreed about the alcohol thing, having grown up with an alcoholic Mother who did downright DANGEROUS stuff with me in tow. Would have MUCH rather she be stoned.

    I was a HUGE pot smoker in Jr. high and high school, getting high two and three times a day every day.......until it started making me really paranoid......I quit doing it my Senior year.

    I can say firsthand it does make you pretty unmotivated, at least when you do it as much as I used to.

    The year I quit I went from F student to honor roll...LOL

  2. Most of these people have no education or training and they can get a minimum wage job with no health insurance and have to pay $800 a month rent and lose housing and food stamps and medical.......what's the incentive???????

    We have to help them gain marketable skills so they can get the jobs that will sustain their families......and remove the barriers (drugs, domestic violence etc) to making that happen.

    The whole "not in my backyard" thing SUCKS

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