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Posts posted by KiKi
PlatyPius....have you looked at whyquit.com? Lol
5 days is AWESOME.....you're through the worst of it now.
Glad the Why quit site helped....scared the ####### out of me too.....
The last person I sent it to (a co-worker) quit smoking too after like 30 some years and never went back...lol.....works wonders!
Good job
Have you smelled a smoker now that you've quit???? Disgusting!
The first 72 hours are the worst of it. You are 1/3 there.
After that it's all psychological.
I really suggest the nic gum to take the edge off if you really think you might smoke....but admire those who can do cold turkey.
The nicotine gum still sastisfies the oral part and helps take away the foggy-brain.
Good luck.....keep going.... you're up at the top of withdrawl mountain right now and will be going down the other side soon...it gets better!! Promise
The only thing that helped me quit smoking was getting scared (and nicotine gum)
This site really did it for me.
It's not for the faint of heart, but it works....check out esp the "we died young" section
Good luck, I know just how you feel.......but you can do it!!! I smoked for 20 plus years, and if I can do it ANYONE can
Mags, I KNEW it! LOL
And this site helped me every step of the way through my CR1 visa process...and we sailed through without a mistake...so YES it does promote self help, and AGAIN, if it's sooo bad why trouble yourself to post here?????
I did a search on Yodrak and in this post HE talks about HIS wife...
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Joined: 2-March 04
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So put her signature on the back of the check and deposit it in a free-standing ATM (one that's in the bank parking lot, not in the bank building). The free-standing ATMs are generally serviced by contract companies, not by the bank itself. The bank and your branch of the bank will never see the check, only the record of the deposit transaction.
Related, I changed my checking and savings accounts at one of my banks to joint accounts while my wife was still in her country while we were waiting for my petition to be approved. The bank gave me a signature card, I scanned and e-mailed it to my wife, she printed and signed it, and mailed it back along with photocopies of several of her items of photo ID. This gave them signed photo ID for their file with signatures matching her original signature on the signature card.
I don't believe it either...I SWEAR she's a he!
I thought Meauxna was posting under a different name.....maybe I'm wrong.
For those who don't like what VJ has supposedly become( I've been here over 3 years and it seems the same to me).....if this is such a "horrible" place why do you guys stay around? Why not depart for greener pastures with the others?
Blue Fairy....
I got pregnant with my daughter at 39 and had her at 40.......
you read nothing but scary stuff......but everything went fine for us and she's healthy and happy.
We did opt to have an amnio just to be sure everything was okay.
The biggest challenge is how people treat you over 35 in my opinion....like a freak of nature!
Women are having children in their 30's more and more, I think waiting a couple of years will be okay....then again, can't your husband do his PHD and have a baby?
Hope you guys can come to a compromise. It usually takes a while to get pregnant and, of course, 9 months of pregnancy, maybe you guys can start trying to conceive about a year out from his finishing his degree?
Better quit while I'm behind.....(oh sh*t was that posted yesterday too? Lol)
Losing pictures is the WORST! I've gone back to my good old FILM 35 millimeter after we lost a ton of our daughters baby photos.
I'm boycotting digital.....they NEVER get printed anyhow...at least I take my film in to be developed.
Really? LOL......guess I don't check here enough...great minds though.......haha
Reminds me of that horrible Pina Colada song from the 70's....
I lost all of our early emails....but do have every bit of memorabilia from all of our trips we took meeting each other every 3-4 months or so, matchbooks, hotel keys, maps, Do not distrub signs....anything from our meetings....all the cards he's ever given me, and little gifts etc.
I also printed out some Visa Journey pages, like the day our visa was approved and other important milestones.
Congrats Stina!
I had a feeling it was going to be a boy!!
Good luck Stina!
Let us know.......
We had our baby August 2006, (see signature for pics)
I got pregnant ONE month after my Husband arrived in the U.S!
My daughter started walking about 3 weeks ago...UGH....she is the Energizer Bunny now she just goes and goes and goes........
She wants to walk everywhere now, doesn't want to sit in shopping cart, stroller etc.......I'm exhausted!!!!
His voice was absolutely amazing....I LOVED watching "The Three Tenors"
Such a loss
We only listed our daughter, not my two sons from previous marriage.
Just got Biometrics appointment , so I guess it was okay!
Got our Biometrics appointment for Sep 15th
Still makes me sad
I'm glad it went well
My 11 year old son had appendicitis at the beginning of Summer and an appendectomy at like 4am that morning.....scared the crud out of me! I know how you feel
I am trying to lose weight period right now,
for some reason after the baby I gained ALOT really quickly.
During my pregnancy I actually lost weight by being on the strict diabetic diet, but it was SO hard, I missed milk and fruits etc.
I had my thyroid checked....normal damnit!
I am hoping if I just lose weight in general my blood sugars will come down.
I know that after having gestational though my odds are at 60% of getting type 2 and it seems I'm well on my way
Political Leanings
in Off Topic
Posted · Edited by KiKi
Pro Choice, but not late-term
Gun Control:
I'd be happy if guns were outlawed COMPLETELY
Stem Cell Research:
Strongly support
Raised Catholic but now kind of agnostic with some Buddhist leanings.....I also believe the Sermon on the Mount is a good blueprint for how to live your life. Kind of a mixed bag here.
No Social Service/ government funded welfare programs for illegals.
Governmental duties:
To ensure the health and saftey of our citizens.