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  1. Like
    visaveteran got a reaction from Brad and Vika in Going to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!   
    The Irish and the Darfur tribes do share a common bond...they both seem to enjoy blowing their fellow countrymen up.
  2. Like
    visaveteran got a reaction from bakofoil in Going to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!   
    Gary, I'd like a dollar for every time you've told the forum your wife is the most beautiful woman in the world...blah blah blah. I think it's nice you feel that way but is it some insecurity that keeps you repeating this comment ad nausea? We get it. We hear you. Maybe some agree from the photos you post and maybe some ask what's all the bragging about? Beauty is a subjective issue.
    Anyway, maybe you might be merciful and curb all the bragging and boasting...at least for a few days. It's really getting old.
  3. Like
    visaveteran got a reaction from captainofiron in Moscow Medical Exams - 2010   
    There used to be complaints about IOM but that was a long time ago. Recently things seem OK there and you get the results the same day assuming your lady doesn't have to run around Moscow getting additional tests which is very unlikely. The Filatov clinic used to be hardly used due to limited hours, being hard to reach, and I think more expensive. But recently a third clinic. MOM, was taken off the approved list for some reason. It used to be one of the main clinics. So Filatov has become more used. I'd probably use IOM but I'm not up on recent experiences there and no one has posted much about medical experiences lately.
    I hope those with recent interviews will share about the clinics they used.
    Good luck.
  4. Like
    visaveteran reacted to mox in Russian movies with English subtitles   
    Tough day at work huh?
  5. Like
    visaveteran got a reaction from anka in If you have an accent   
    The real issue promoting this law is the out of control violent crime of a mostly drug related cause...not simply illegal immigration. Tucson has become the kidnap and murder capital of the region. Recently, a popular rancher was murdered by a suspected drug dealer which was, perhaps, the last straw. As other states build walls and tighten their borders, Arizona has become the key funnel for drug trafficking.
    Saying "dark skinned people" will be hassled is not true. Hispanic people solely will be targets. African Americans or Pacific Islanders, Asians, etc. won't be impacted I would think.
    It should be noted that 70% of Arizona's citizens support the law which would include many legal Hispanics.
  6. Like
    visaveteran got a reaction from sachinky in If you have an accent   
    When a younger person tries to buy alcohol, he/she has to show an ID card. If you want to cash a check, you have to show an ID card. When you enter a military base, you have to show an ID card. When a cop pulls you over, you have to show your license and registration and maybe insurance papers. Now, all of a sudden, showing an ID card asking for the moon. Why? Because some people are rooting for the illegals. Because they are seen as good people who just want a better life. And, of course, the millions already here make a big fuss when any law, reasonable or not, is passed. The people who support illegals are Hispanics, liberals, Hollywood and the rich effete who don't have to deal with day to day reality.
    It's not unconstitutional to require people to verify they are legal residents. If this were not true, how can we have immigration laws? Any constitution that allows illegals to not have to prove their status is crazy. And why do Mexicans and South Americans get a free pass when they enter and the rest don't? Isn't that discrimination?
    There's a great opinion piece in the WSJ: http://online.wsj.co...ctions_opinion.
    Read it.
  7. Downvote
    visaveteran got a reaction from Martyshk in Terrorism in Moscow   
    Never let a crisis go to waste says Ralm Emanuel. And so says Mox, our resident liberal America hater.
    The Russians play with fire giving the Iranians arms support and nuclear support. It buys them nothing but cash. Islam hates Russia.
    I only hope the Russians don't screw up again as they did in the school attack and the movie house attack...where the Russians killed their own people with nerve gas.
    This is a wake up call to all the Russo-centric men on here that talk about living in Russia.
  8. Downvote
    visaveteran got a reaction from Cixelsyd in Terrorism in Moscow   
    Never let a crisis go to waste says Ralm Emanuel. And so says Mox, our resident liberal America hater.
    The Russians play with fire giving the Iranians arms support and nuclear support. It buys them nothing but cash. Islam hates Russia.
    I only hope the Russians don't screw up again as they did in the school attack and the movie house attack...where the Russians killed their own people with nerve gas.
    This is a wake up call to all the Russo-centric men on here that talk about living in Russia.
  9. Downvote
    visaveteran got a reaction from mox in Terrorism in Moscow   
    Never let a crisis go to waste says Ralm Emanuel. And so says Mox, our resident liberal America hater.
    The Russians play with fire giving the Iranians arms support and nuclear support. It buys them nothing but cash. Islam hates Russia.
    I only hope the Russians don't screw up again as they did in the school attack and the movie house attack...where the Russians killed their own people with nerve gas.
    This is a wake up call to all the Russo-centric men on here that talk about living in Russia.
  10. Downvote
    visaveteran got a reaction from mox in Happy Day after International Women's Day Ladies!   
    You seem fixated on John Wayne not serving in WWII. Since when did not serving in the military become a negative thing for lefties? Bill Clinton was self-admitted draft dodger...he became the President!
    Oh wait...I forgot, that was the Vietnam War. The war it was OK to skip out on. Excuse me.
  11. Downvote
    visaveteran got a reaction from mox in Happy Day after International Women's Day Ladies!   
    San Francisco used to be a great city but has suffered under radical politics. There are now beggars and street dwellers harassing visitors and locals and a routine basis. It's out of control.
    This is now a ping pong match, so I'm done.
  12. Like
    visaveteran got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Guns and Pie   
  13. Downvote
    visaveteran got a reaction from Martyshk in Guns and Pie   
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