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Posts posted by shiri

  1. :blink: Holy Moly! I got a CASE COMPLETE! I forgot to ask what day it was actually completed. I was in shock! :blush: But they told me that all they are waiting on is the appointment to be scheduled! :crying: I am so happy! :dance:

    Congrats! Hope our interviews come soon ;)


    Shiri & Sly

    Haven't seen any new Montreal interviews for a while so I hope you both get good news soon. Keeps my hopes up to see others making it to the end. Good luck guys :thumbs:

    Sly- Thanks, me too!

    OBX- thanks! I read on another thread that someone got an interview date of Feb 25, so my question is are the interview appointments made by visa type? I was so happy to get the case complete and was thinking we'd possibly get a late Dec or Jan interview. Is it really possible we may not get one til the end of Feb or even March? :blink: My fingers are crossed and hoping for earlier! :thumbs:

  2. thank you, shiri! your baby is just too cute! i have baby on the brain, can't you tell? :blush:

    Thank you! I love my little guy. He was 3 months old yesterday. In the next 3-7 weeks you will have an ultra sound, will you find out the sex or be surprised? Babies are such sweet blessings. Pregnancy isn't always though. I had hard pregnancies, but I loved feeling them kick inside of me. Zach is my fourth child and Richard's first. I have two boys and two girls. My oldest will be 10 in March. How is your pregnancy going?

  3. Congrats to all completed. woohoo :dance:

    Congrats to Khaleda for her husband getting his visa, double woohoo :dance::dance::dance:

    My case is still under review, still waiting. i will call again tonight. :innocent:

    I am right there with you. However they are telling me that I didn't send in the original marriage certificate, when I sent a certified copy. So it's under supervisor review still. :blink:

    ...and congrats daboyz, WaitingforRakesh, ynatots, for the case completes and Khaleda for the visa! :dance:

  4. :dance:

    VISA APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you guys!!! i can't stop smiling and crying!!! he said it was pretty simple.. they asked a bunch of questions that we already went over.. i will go into detail in the Philippines thread since it will be beneficial to them there.. all in all, it took about 3 1/2 hours from the time he went inside the embassy until he paid for the visa delivery fee...

    THANK YOU, LORD!!!!!

    but guess what? he doesn't want to leave until Dec 8 BECAUSE, he wants to watch the DE LA HOYA vs PACQUIAO fight with his friends on the 7th in the Philippines! boxing is more important than seeing me! hahaha! but i'll grant him that last request but i am aiming for a Dec 8 flight.. i hope his visa arrives way before that!

    KAHM!!! how is life? have you adjusted yet? the jet lag sucks the most..

    :dance: That is FANTASTIC! Congrats! :thumbs:

  5. ok - this is good to know that they won;t be sending me the I-864 - I was thinking maybe it was lost in the mail or something. :wacko: i will print it out on Monday and send it in - my documents are all together for that. Govi still need to get his BC translated(I think?) and get his PP photos. My vision is not so bad at this point that I am unable to work on the computer - i just need to sit very close to the screen and use large font. I am still keeping up my eBay business. My biggest challenge now is distance and night vision though I am still able to work and get around. I am trying to get everything to NVC by the end of the month before my Dec. 1 appointment - I still need to get my evidence together to send to Govi which i will probably get done over Thanksgiving. According to my astrologer FIL he says I should have my surgery before 1/15 but i will follow my doctor's advice. As much as I wish he were here for moral support it would be more difficult to deal if he were here since at this point I don't even have the apartment set up for his arrival yet(no place for us to sleep) - my brother will be with me during the surgery if I have it now and my ILs and Govi will be doing puja at Pashupatinath on that day.

    Hang in there! I am having some health problems too, so I totally understand wanting/ needing him here! Good luck with it all! Keep us posted.

  6. Thank you guys!

    I needed my spirits lifted! :dance:

    Hey Pattu Rani! I will pray for you. Do you have a friend that can download your I-864 and I-134 and help you fill it out? Is your husband going to or has filled out the DS-230. I wonder if you can get your case expedite, perhaps showing the NVC your documents and recommendations from your eye doctor that it is an emergency that you need your spouse with you at this critical time?

    Hey anyone, do you know what she can do? Has anyone been it a similar situation like hers?

    I haven't had the medical part. I will be praying about that too. However, because the fees were paid online, they won't be sending the I864, at least they didn't send me one. They didn't send me the DS230 either. We downloaded them from the computer and sent them in with the printed out coversheets you get when the fees show PAID.

    As far as my status with the RFE...I sent them the original certified copy of our marriage certificate and they signed for it on Nov 3 and they are saying they don't have it. :blink: So as of this evening my case at the NVC is under supervisor review. Has any of you went through this before?

  7. Update, called again today..and was told that they did get my papers on Nov.14th but I guess they're not being reviewed yet..i'm gonna call on Monday again to check whats going on.

    It has been difficult to get ahold of an operator at the NVC lately. My case number still shows as they don't have it in the Automated System... Anyways... I sent them the original certified copy of our marriage certificate and they are saying they don't have it. :blink: So as of this evening my case at the NVC is under supervisor review. Has any of you went through this before?

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