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Posts posted by John&Juvy

  1. I work full time before in a restaurant of a hotel, but since I went back to work from maternity I work now only during weekends when my husband home where he can watch our baby. I work total of 12 hours in a week lol. Thought better than not working at all and just home. It's hard to find a job right now, so I thought I want to keep my job even just in less hours. Works for me, still making little bit of money and still more time with our baby.

  2. I dont think your neighbor is a racist. She just doesnt like noise. I dont like those loud motorbikes too, but I just have to live with it, otherwise I would have to isolate myself in the wilderness if I could not tolerate them. :-) I have a 17 mons old baby. Sometimes, he wakes up in the middle of the night screaming for "baba" but Id rush to the windows and close it so he wont wake up the neighbors but I know there are times that even if the windows are close, the neighbors maybe still hear him. Im just probably lucky that our neighbors arent like yours. :-)

    Btw, your baby is beautiful. If ur husband decides to accept a job offer in albany, and u want to make friends let me know. :-) wla me filipino friend dto. (Kung gusto mo lng hehe...:-) )

    How's the weather there during winter ? Husband still undecided coz of some few reasons.

  3. I dont think your neighbor is a racist. She just doesnt like noise. I dont like those loud motorbikes too, but I just have to live with it, otherwise I would have to isolate myself in the wilderness if I could not tolerate them. :-) I have a 17 mons old baby. Sometimes, he wakes up in the middle of the night screaming for "baba" but Id rush to the windows and close it so he wont wake up the neighbors but I know there are times that even if the windows are close, the neighbors maybe still hear him. Im just probably lucky that our neighbors arent like yours. :-)

    Btw, your baby is beautiful. If ur husband decides to accept a job offer in albany, and u want to make friends let me know. :-) wla me filipino friend dto. (Kung gusto mo lng hehe...:-) )

    My daughter actually sleep already through the night, she sleep from 9pm-6pm. She's actually a happy baby, and I guess she can laugh out loud anytime she want in our own property. Just too bad that our neighbor across the street can hear her and hates it :) .

  4. I don't know, I would care if i were stupid and be proven to be so in a simple chat. But then, that's just me.

    You mean grandpa? :lol:

    And yes you are stupid for expecting me to care of what "you" thought or said through post site. No grandpa yet, still younger than my dad. Hey but guess what ??? He has a life and way more educated and 10 times interesting that you are. And 100% that his wife love him... what about you ? My husband probably older than you but how do you look and how's your hygiene >? LOL

  5. Not really, however, I expect the thread to be locked -- that tone is in the air. The folks that don't ride or don't like HDs for whatever reason(s), seem to have a need to make disparaging remarks about the brand. Even some HD owners do the same #######, I have never understood why it matters what a person rides, as long as they ride and ride safely. I would rather encourage more folks to ride instead of propetuating some silly 'my brand of bike is better than 'X' brand.'

    Like what my husband always tell me about his harley " IT'S NOT JUST A BIKE " lol. It's loud but it's fun when you already riding it. And agree, if someone can lock the thread, please do so. Thanks to Peter_pan lol.

  6. Can you be racist and tolerant? :wow: Yay, logic.

    Seems you respect her as much as she respects you. So why the surprised face?

    You seems like the type of mother that would let her child run amock in a nice restaurant, disturbing everyone's meals and not undestanding why there is a problem.

    And btw, I don't care if a child screams in pleasure or because it is mad, I care that it screams. You didn't even try to make it stop.

    It doesn't, it is just fancy to call someone a racist nowadays.

    Excuse me ???? Now you are judging me ??? LOl. You are a I.D.I.O.T. Not gonna explain my self to a low life like you. I posted what happened, and want to hear some experiences of other people, not a judgement from a scam like you. But like I said again. YOu can't control anybody's action towards you.

  7. Can you be racist and tolerant? :wow: Yay, logic.

    Seems you respect her as much as she respects you. So why the surprised face?

    It's not a surprise to me that she hates us.... What surprised me is when she slammed her windows and shut the blinds when my 4 months old daughter was making all those noise that she can hear from her house. But I guess your right, what happened today shouldn't also be a surprise to me, knowing that she is a nasty b**tch. She dont care even when my daughter is just 4 months old lol.

    It doesn't, it is just fancy to call someone a racist nowadays.

  8. Why? Because I think your rights end the moment mine start being disregarded? The humanity! We live in a sociery and we should respect each other - and yes, that includes not driving a loud car in the middle of the night, and not allowing your child to throw a temper tantrum in the middle of a shop.

    Do you want to scream every night from the top of your lungs? I'm sure there is a tundra or a desert for you out there. If you are in the city, expect to be fined.

    I would be may get mad too If it's in the middle of the night. Luckily to us our daughter dont really fuss alot, once in awhile like what all baby is. But I'm not gonna cover my baby's mouth with my hand or shut all the windows coz I be worried that our old fat bitter B*tch neighbor will get upset ! She's no queen of england nor a queen of the neighborhood.

  9. I hate people with louds motorcycles/cars, absolutely hate them - they are so loud they wake me up at least 4-5 times a night, and I suffer from insomnia too. They are so loud you actually have to cover your eats. I wish they would all crash into each other and spill their petty useless brains on the sidewalk.


    I personally don't like Harley motorcycles because of the fact that they are too loud (Harley lovers please don't hate me :)) but your neighbor seemed to be angry about anything(motorcycle, baby crying, loud Mexicans). Don't let her get to you, she probably has a miserable life.

    I cannot really tell if my neighbors are racist or not. I have only been here for 4 months and I barely go outside the house.

    P.S: Your baby is so pretty :)

    Aawww. Thanks !

  10. I'm living here now for 4 years and I'm not really friends of any our neighbors, which is I honestly dont care. I am not in this country for them LOL. But we say typical " Hi and Hello and how are you ? :-h " everytime I seen them outside of the driveway. But we have this one neighbor across the street that so different. Never ever talk to her even ONCE. She is living by her self, driving BMW car and about in her late 50's. My husband told me that the first day that he moved in this house, this woman yelled at those mexican guys that he hired to help him move the furnitures, coz they talked loud and joked with each other. My husband also have a Harley Davidson bike that he ride during summer time only. It's understandable everytime she shut her garage, front door and windows of his house when my husband ride his bike coz it's really loud.

    We have a 2 story house, and its a nice day here today. So I open our windows in our room, happened that it's facing also in to the windows of her room. Anyway, our 4 months old daughter already start rolling over from back to her belly, but can't roll yet from belly to her back. I dont want to leave my baby in alone for more than 5 minutes when she's up coz I am worried that she may start rolling over and god forbid burry her face in a mattress. So anyway, I took a shower and I put my baby in her bouncer and took her with me in a bathroom. We have this glass door in the shower room so she can actually see me while I was taking a shower. She started screaming and babbling alot and loudly, and lot more of screaming through the entire time that I was in the shower. She love water, so thought she may also want to take a bath or shower with me. SO I took her out of her bouncer and gave her a bath in her small bathtub in same bathroom. She scream more coz now she's happy and enjoyed the water. So when we finally done got out the shower and dried up, I put down my baby in our bed, and I went to her room to grab a clothes for her. My daughter still babling and still screaming, not a crying scream, but a happy playmode scream lol. So I guess our neighbor across the street had enough of my baby, She slammed her windows down, and shut the blinds ! ####### ! I have no control of her action and dont give a f**ck if she hates us, but with my 4 months old daughter ???

    Sorry, just venting ! I guess I am upset... even if I call my mother about it, she wont understand. Coz in my country almost all neighbors there is like your all extended family lol. I may will just sugest to my husband to accept the offer the job that he got in Albany, NY and MOVE.

  11. Seriously, who really cares if what your wife like and dont like to it ? And why is such a big deal to you ? Let her pick whatever she want to it and dont argue and make it a BIG DEAL of what she doesn't want to eat. And why it's always an issue to you about everything about your wife. She is twice or three times younger than you but she is not a child or your child. Give her a rest !

  12. We will stick to her 2 names since I already have a problem with my maiden name as my middle name :girlwerewolf2xn: . I know in the Philippines we use our mother's maiden name as our middle name when we are still single, then we just change it when we become married and use our father's last name to our new middle name. Too complicated, specially that you can't do that here in the United States, You can't change your middle name just like that here. Now I'm still using my mother's maiden name as my middle name since that's what it is in my GC and in my Social Security.

  13. I'm sure there is nobody in this country wanna rely the government help. But you have to do what you have to do, if you can't afford it and if there is a help that you gonna get, take a advantage on it no matter how little it is. Hopsital bills and Doctors bills is ssoo damn expensive in this country. After my delivery they sent us our bills, it was scary amount if you dont have any insurance. Our insurance are AETNA and cover almost all the costs but we still did pay $3500 out of our pocket for the rest. Good luck to you and have a happy healthy pregnancy !

  14. I'm not so sure about this, coz the claim that I filed is little bit different than what you want to aplly. You used to work before and paying taxes, try to call them and ask about it. Me my self, is a 10 yrs. GC holder, worked in a hotel fulltime for 2 and half years. I wasn't also sure before when I filed a claim for a temporary disability due to my pregnancy at 9 months when I can't work anymore. I did gave them a call and I got approved. Then another 6 weeks of continued claim after the delivery coz I can't go back to work right away. Then they have this thing family bonding for another 6 weeks for the new mother and the baby. Was eligible in all of it even I'm not a citizen yet. It was a big help. Give them a call. Good luck and congrats to your pregnancy ! Remember the baby inside you is much muccch more important more than anything now in the world, so enjoy and just relax (F) . :)

  15. You omit a few items. Am i correct in that the wife is still in the philippines, waiting for immigration?

    You also don't admit to how you found out this information, Unless the wife, maria, tells you first hand, the information is gossip, or 2nd hand.

    I think the situation is too far gone for you to act of kindness towards him. The husband, thru his courtship, engagement and marriage has failed to see evidence of her possible cheating. Any input/help? from you would appear to be an act of sabotage to their marriage. Regardless whether she is cheating or not cheating, news of infidelity(fact or fictional) destroys trust. Trust takes forever to build but a second to destroy. If this woman is as you stated, the husband will either recognize in the future and act on it, or decide to live with it.

    On your side. its a sad note to hear this farce playing out and it hurts everyone to hear of intentional schemes of scamming for money.

    I find many philipino's are competitive with neighbors. My question for you is: Were you also playing 'competitive-neighbor' when you told her initially of all the material things your Kano provided you? Do you feel any remorse for possibly giving her the idea of fishing for Kano?

    My wife is still in the philippines. She has to deal daily with competitive neighbors. Many of her neighbors ask. How much do i give her? How much is he worth? She, in her better wisdom, gives no details regarding her allowance and benefits of our marriage.

    To answer your question. Unless you know first hand the information. Dont act on it. Secondly, since you dont know the husband. Dont act on it here, even if its first hand.

    :thumbs: Totally...!

  16. Honestly, I would probably just mind my own business, specially if I'm not affected of to their marriage situation. But if the husband gonna come to me and ask me personally, then I will tell him coz I'm not gonna lie for her :devil: . But seriously, for me it's too complicated to get involve to other couples marriage, specially with the problem like this. Just my thought.

  17. Lol sometimes I also disagree of what our pediatrician's advice, specially when she told me feed my little one only every 4 hours lol. SoI asked my husband to change our doctor. Thought I will feed her whenever I think she's hungry or atleast every 3 hours or less. But anyway, I wont give my daughter any solid food other than milk until she reach 6 months. It dont matter how healthy and rich of vitamins that food have, I will still wait for the right time of solid food. So you should probably just wait another more months before giving him again any type of juices, for the safety... just my opinion.

  18. Hmmm... Really? That's all you can come up with? You label and defame a fellow Filipina with only the OP's side of the story to justify your verdict. Do ya need a noose and gallows to make yourself feel better? :whistle:

    lol I'm thinking the same thing about her comment...

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