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Posts posted by beans

  1. I called NVC yesterday due to being anxious to see if I got an interview date (extremely early I know) and they said that they don't have access to the Embassy's system and the only people who can advise of interview dates is the Embassy itself. Now, I see people who call DOS (who I assume is NVC) and ask for interview dates and have received that information. So 1. I'm mad that someone is lying to me and 2. is this correct? lol

  2. I'm having pizza for lunch too!

    I know this isn't a vent but since most of my grievances ended up in here anyways...VANCOUVER GOT OUR PETITION FINALLY YAY. I e-mailed them today and they said they sent packet 3 on the 20th so I immediately printed off the checklist did the DS-230 and faxed that sh*t back. Hurray!

  3. The mail came YAY <3 Ironically enough I was at yoga last night, and at the beginning of class they ask you to ask yourself you are dedicating your practice to for that session. I said to myself the delivery of my USPS doc. package and here it is. lol I also redeemed my visa points for a starbucks gift card on the 5th and that came today too. Good mail day!

  4. Remember my vent about USPS' tracking number not working. Well guess what kids I still haven't received Jeremy's tax docs and remaining packet 3 contents. I've decided we are cursed when it comes to this process and its frustrating. I'm mad.

  5. Firstly, I am sorry that you are going through this and you feel the way that you do (I want to say that now because what I generally comes out as blunt and people take offense)

    You have already stated that you may be too quick to the draw on this one and you are correct. As irrational as your husband was with his anger, you do need to see where this is coming from. In his mind, he packed up and left his friends and family to be with you and that is a very huge sacrifice. He has been there and with you for nine months.

    Due to your recent break-in and attempted rape you are feeling vulnerable and that is okay and you are entitled to feel the way you feel. However, your husband is homesick and wants to be with his family. In my opinion, it is not solely his responsibility to keep you safe. In the time that he is gone (because he will go back to Canada again) have a friend stay at the house, or go to your Mom or Dad's. A therapist is a sound idea and can help you come to terms about what happened.

    I think the worst thing you could have done in this situation (which you have done to an extent) is the following: 1. ask him to cut his trip short or not go at all and 2. making him feel like you can only survive with him (this can cause anyone to feel overwhelmed)

    9 months is a very young marriage, and problems will arise on a daily basis. You both need to learn how to handle them as calmy as you possibly can. I know this is easier said than done BUT you do need to work on it.

    "The easiest part of marriage is falling in love and walking down the aisle. The most difficult part of marriage is 10 years later when the problems have ensued and issues have come about and you still find love. Marriage is not about the beginning, marriage is about the process and still being able to love through all things."

  6. Well I can related to all of this. BUT does your f*cking boss go all around your work place saying you met a boy on the internet and that I have cyber sex and thats all I do in my spare time. Or does your boss say he's going to write a letter to immigration saying what a terrible person you are? When you hit that stage let me know what you do. Because I'm thinking assualt is the only solution.

  7. lol You are a wicked mom. I don't think any of my parents were aware of any testing I had (my fault) but even if they did I don't think they'd feed me so well.

  8. And now we have 2 out of 4 servers crying due to said mob...that makes me mad. I wish the restaurant was my department, I'd handle it ;)

    Haha oh how I remember those days. Sometimes we'd get an entire bus tour at the hotel I worked at in Canada with NO warning at all! And they always ONLY spoke German. It was the worst!!!

    They never tipped either because in Europe tipping isn't common. So whenever they'd come in I'd add the tip to the bills automatically for the servers. That was always an added bonus.

    No offense to the German's out there but...THEY ARE THE WORST! Every year our hotel hosts the German's in for Folkorama and wow. They're rude, pushy, and don't understand the concept of licenced areas.

  9. I don't like mobs of angry marathon runners. This woman just absolutely lost it because it took the kitchen an hour to get the groups food. But when you walk in with a group of 24 people with no warning thats what is going to happen. So rude, its your fault for not planning ahead.

  10. quick vent:



    Len wakes up.

    Len is pizzed.

    Len needs coffee.

    Bren is afraid of Len. :angry:

    Bren should be nice and go get a Len a superb coffee from Starbucks!! :devil:

    Agreed that would make me purr like a kitten if I was angry lol

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