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Posts posted by Precious

  1. Ola Gente...

    Meu noivo e' americano e aplicaremos para o K1, ja preenchemos os fomularios e ja estamos enviando-os para o devido lugar. Minha duvida e' a seguinte: Ja faz 3 anos que nao vou ao Brasil portanto faz 3 anos que nao voto, nao mexi com nada disso, so meu CPF que eu regularizei todo ano. Estou temendo que por eu nao ter votado e nem justificado meu voto durante este tempo que estive fora, venha me causar algum tipo de problema no decorrer do processo de pegar o K1. Estou equivocada? Minha outra pergunta e' eu ainda estou fora do pais, moro em Paris e estou esperando eles marcarem a data da entrevista pra voltar pro Brasil. Seria melhor se eu voltasse pro Brasil faltando uns 2 meses para a entrevista? Talvez antes disso? E sobre os exames que tenho que fazer... Quais que eu posso fazer para adiantar as coisas?

    Desde ja obrigada pela forca, qualquer informacao ja me sera muito util.

    O único problema de você nao ter votado ou mesmo justificado o voto eh que, provavelmente, o seu titulo de eleitor deve estar cancelado. Mas você so vai precisar regularizar sua situação com o TRE se precisar renovar seu passaporte brasileiro. Caso contrario, nao vejo como isso lhe causaria algum problema com o K1.

    O que o Joe disse eh verdade, sobre o certificado da policia frances. Deve ser um que seja pra immigration purposes. Isso eh melhor voce providenciar estando ai, pq depois complica muito.

    Boa sorte!

  2. i would bf any baby without a problem but i wouldn't let someone bf my baby just because i couldn't bf him that night, no odffense, precious, i would allow someone to bf if i didn't have milk or he didn't respond well to formula.

    None taken. I offered to do it just because I knew that she needed some rest. And if I was in her shoes, I wouldn't mind asking for the same favour. I remember those days when sleeping all night long was a luxury :rolleyes:

  3. When I was breast-feeding my baby, there was a friend with a baby the same 'age' - 3 months old. She is a doctor and at the time, she was studying for her residency and had a very important board exam coming up. I figured that she would need a good night of sleep, so we arranged for me to sleep over the night before the exam, and I breast-fed her baby during the night so she could be rested in the morning to take the board exam. All went very well, her baby girl did not complain, my baby boy was waking up in between and I managed to breast-feed both of them during the night :yes:

    I guess this is how mums with twins have it going. ;)

  4. Thanks for the info. My fiance has to fly to Rio for the medical appt. and for the interview, so we were planning to have them done at the same time. (ie: the medical a day or two before the interview). Is that going to be possible? Maybe the doctor could send a lab request, and my fiance could have the labwork done in his city before flying to Rio? That might save some time.

    Menina, I don't think the time frame is feasible. It takes some time for the blood tests to come through and then he will have to deal with the vaccines etc...And there is also an Xray for TB and other issues.

    I guess 2 days is very tight.

    As for the doctor's request, you can call him up and check. He was always very helpful.


  5. How long did it take for the results? I hope that I don't have to fly my fiance to Recife just to pick up the sealed envelope.

    Well, I'd say around 2 weeks? Not sure. The blood test came back in 2 days. Then I had to take the shots missing - MMR and so forth. That was quick, you can have that done in any public health centre - SUS. But I had to go for mammography and the rest, which took longer. With the results in hand I went back to the doctor.

    As for the sealed envelop, I'm not sure if the doc would mail it to you. You should check with the doctor's office and see what is the procedure. I remember having to sign one of the forms.

    Good luck! :yes:

  6. I had my medical done in Rio with Dr. Alexandre Boescu - he is on the consulate list. If I can recall, I went to see him right after receiving the letter from the Consulate in Rio with the instructions. I then made the appointment and sent the paper back to the consulate saying that I was ready for my interview. Meanwhile I went to see the doctor. (The consulate usually schedules the interview with a 30 days window, so he will have plenty of time).

    Dr Alex did the general check-up and request for a bunch of lab work, which I used my medical insurance to pay for, all right. I guess it doesn't really matter where you have your labs done, as long as you have the doctor's request and the results are accurate.

    It took a while to get the lab results, but everything went smoothly. I went back with the results, he filled out the forms and gave me the sealed envelop to take to my interview.

    I guess they can't charge over U$ 100 for the appointment and he never charged me for the second visit.

    Hope this helps. :energy:

  7. I didn't get the specific call, but back on the days when my AOS was being processed, I got a letter here in the US - addressed to my husband saying that the K-1 visa was going to be cancelled since 4 months had passed and I've never had my interview, blah, blah, blah.

    I made my husband call the Consulate back in Rio to ask what was going on, since I was already in the US, married and applying for AOS.

    They apologised for the "computer" mistake and told us to disregard the letter.

    So much for customer satisfaction.

    I almost had a heart attack! :bonk: :bonk: :wacko:

  8. Many questions indeed. It seems to me though, all this situation is a confusing because the place you are in now IS in itself confusing. It seems to me that you are missing one very important point in this whole thing: YOU.

    I understand you may have the best intentions and so forth, but due to the circumstances, it is always better to stop and breathe. You have a failed marriage to deal with now. You have to give yourself time to get over that, face your own feelings and lick your wounds. Give yourself time. If you don't want to do anything else to save your marriage, file for divorce. Go back home, stay close to your family, try to get your life back on track, give yourself space. After a while, if your feelings for guy #2 are still there and strong, THEN you can think about doing something to be together and build a relationship from there.

    But in my opinion, your biggest problem is not the USCIS or AOS papers or staying in the US. You should focus on regrouping yourself and heal.

    I wish yo the very best. (F)

  9. When I applied for my K1 visa, I had my 13 yo son included on the DS230. At the time I knew he was going to "follow to join", so that was I checked in the form. Before my interview, I emailed the Rio consulate, asking if my son had to be present at my interview. The reply was, "no, as he will follow to join there is no need for him to be present at this time". My other question was about his medicals, and again, " no, he will have to bring his medicals with him at the time of his interview".

    I came to the US, he stayed behind and when the time came, I prepared his paper work and emailed the consulate to ask for an interview date for him. It was very easy and they got me a date pretty quick.

    K2 visas have a 12 months window. That is, you have to send the paper work and request for an inteview before your K1 visa completes 1 year of issuance.

    If you still have other particular questions on your case, email them. They are very prompt in replying and in my experience they were realy helpfull. :star:

    To update you on my case, my son decided to stay in Brazil and I missed the K2 visa window. Now, when he decides to come to US I will have to apply for an I-130. Bother. :bonk:

  10. Sad. (F) I once worked with the Conductor Silvio Barbato, who was in the plane.

    I emailed a friend in my former job asking if the French I used to work for were OK. She told me they were all safe. She also told me that, an ex-colleague was saved by having a travel authorization denied by my ex-boss, who said he had to fly with Swissair instead, because the fare was cheaper than Air France

    As they say in Brazil, he was saved by the bell.


  11. I can only guess that if the certificate is good for 12 months for K1, why should that be different for any other type of visa?

    I got my police certificate from UK and all the other states I once resided in Brazil after my 16th b'day, and for what I can recall, they were all good for 12 months. I guess this is just a fair window they came up with as a general time frame for anyone already going through the visa process. If I were you I would not worry about it.

    Good luck ;)

  12. Yes, I could. The problem is that according to DMV they only accept translations from the University of Louisville or Indiana University Southeast.

    I was trying to get a translation from other institutions as I wrote before but the lady told me that it would be a waste of time and money. They would not accept.

    Unbelievable! :blink:

    Sorry you have to go through this.

  13. My experience with the doctor assigned by the Consulate was similar to julis, however I did get my own gynecologist for the paps and other female tests, using my own health insurance. I don't remember if the consulate doctor asked for specific female tests, but I do remember the blood test for HIV and syphilis and the x-ray of the lungs (which, by the way you don't have to take to the interview with you) and TB. I also had to update my vaccines - tetanus and MMRs

    I've never seen anybody getting denied for having back problems - I myself have arthritis in one of my lower back vertebras.

    I guess all they are looking for is contagious diseases and possible threats to public health. Relax, and good luck! :star:

  14. Take a look at this link Embaixada - exame medico and you will find the names for the docs in Recife. Why don't you give them a call, see the availability for an appointment and ask what should you do?

    When I had my medicals, it was maily blood test for HIV and other stuff, paps and other feminine concerns - things that you might want to take under your medical insurance. Tell them your situation. I had to make two visits, one for the general examination - like blood pressure etc and to take back the results for the other exams requested, so he could fill our the paper work and give it to me (the misterious sealed envelope you have to take to your K1 interview).

    Give them a call. It won't hurt, but be prepared to make the trips.

    Good luck!

  15. Hello all,

    My wedding is set for 04/25 and after a short honeymoon, I plan to submit the petition for my wife on 04/30. I have a doubt about what name she should use on all of the forms. Should she use her married name or her single name? The reason I ask is because if she uses the married name, the visa/green card is not going to match the name on her passport. The consulate can't expect you to get a new passport, right? Probably a dumb question but I want to be sure...


    I don't know how it works for CR1, as I came to the US under a K1 visa. When adjusting status, we filled out the forms using my married name, which, at the time, did not match my passport, of course. With the marriage certificate in hand, we went to the Brazilian Consulate in Houston and asked them to stamp the passport with the new name, as my passport was still a valid one. They gathered all the docs and I left with the stamp saying "name changed due to marriage, bla, bla". Now I have my GC which matches my passport ^_^

    My guess would be to submit the forms using her married name and check if the use of the passport under maiden name + marriage certificate is OK.

    Hope that helps, but I'm sure someone who has gone through the same process would come forward with a clearer answer.

    Good luck and congrats! :star:

  16. I want to be honest, but also do not want to include something that there is no official record for.

    I guess you answered your own question. It is always better to be honest and truthful, but at the same time, I particularly don't see why being honest and truthful has to make you harm yourself. That said, if there is no official record (bearing that it was a police misunderstand) and his name is clean, and the police certificate shows nothing, so I don't think there is anything to be afraid. But this is me, and I hope you will make the best decision for yourselves.

    Good luck!


  17. Hi folks,

    I have a K2 interview scheduled for my son, 13, on April 14th. Due to his school curriculum and other issues we decided that he will be staying in Brazil with his dad to finish his school program and is not coming to US permanently anytime soon - just to visit mama, of course :rolleyes:

    I sent an email to the Rio consulate asking them to cancel his interview.

    Has anyone done that before? Is there any other action I should take to make sure they know he is not attending the interview?

    I dont want this to be an issue later, in 2 or 3 years, if we apply for him to come and live with me in the US. I understand this is going to be a whole new process :wacko:

    Thanks for your input! :thumbs:

  18. Do you have a log-in name and password? You need one to check your case on-line. Just go to the USCIS webpage to sign in for that.

    If you already have your log-in, it might be that their server is down or something. Sometimes they do some maintenance and the system goes blank. I remember once it took me weeks to be able to check my case on line again and I was not alone, many people were having the same problem.

    Then again is not a such a bad thing. It keeps away the anxiety and then you realise that there is life beyond USCIS after all B)

  19. You will need to submit the whole Divorce Decree - all that paper work stating who is divorcing who, who gets what, if there are custody issues what was the final decision etc. Include also a copy of the Affidavit of Final Dissolution of Marriage. I guess that's what they are looking for.

    Maybe someone more familiar with the issue can give you more info, but I guess this is it. Good luck.

  20. You would think that cultural differences would not be an issue between brits and americans but unfortunately they exist. Nothing that has been a problem or caused arguments but the adjusting to the new culture still has its issues. Mainly just the outlook on life and the rest of the worls is so different here. I seem to meet so many ignorant people in my day to day work. People without basic manners and good ol' common courtesy. I found myself complaining to my wife about it but I realized it made her feel bad. I feel she would have a harder time adjusting to england though so we will wait a few years before moving to england.

    I get the same impression fozzie. Americans seem to misunderstand courtesy and politeness with being 'weak'. So using terms like madam and sir seems to be polite enough. In the beginning I use to make some comments about my own observations and comparison between cultures was almost inevitable, but my husband seems to understand that this is also a part of the adjustment. Sometimes he even agrees with me. :)

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