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Posts posted by maliciant

  1. Yay for november, my favorite month for a variety of reasons... and potentially the month of my NOA2, it's pretty unlikely but I like to pretend I'm a positive thinker... Also, I just saw a late july approval (july 25th for their noa1) and the real shocker, it was at CSC... that's a pretty out of order approval though and CSC seems to be fairly consistant (compared to VSC which has all kinds of really fast oddball non-expedited approvals lately).... there is a good chance this one was expedited or something, either way, it's good to see a july aproval up there. The anticipation is going to be brutal when we start seeing regular 7-20 to -7-30 approvals on igor's, I'm looking forward to it.... anticipation torture sounds almost like it will be fun...

  2. Back in January 2005 I mailed my I-129F shortly thereafter I received my first NOA. This application was caught in security clearance. Well, today I received a request for more information. Being that had mailed an old application, I was sent a notice that I had to answer a few more questions that are on the new applications. I am in shock. Three years later and they have touched this application again. Wow!

    That's insane... so um... after 3 years of waiting, are you still with your fiance(e)? Have you been waiting apart all this time? It's hard to imagine that after 3 years this would even be the right petition anymore (somewhere around the 2 year mark I'd think relocaiton from the US and marriage would have happened or something). I see you had a post about a year ago so I'm guessing this is still a petition you are pursuing, so good luck, hopefully it'll be smooth sailing from here, 3 years is an insane wait time :(

  3. I don't think that the june filers will care that you posted there, unfortunately smelling like june won't get your NOA2 any sooner... otherwise I'd have been hanging out with those feb filers months ago! Nothing can get the stench of june off you now though... except maybe halloween candy, or maybe a shower or something, no one knows for sure....

    I was actually coming to post that I saw two new VSC july filer approvals, CSC is not far behind even though it's consistantly had poor noa2's lately, either way, it makes me happy to see approvals for one month ahead of us starting to roll in more. It's still early and usually there have been a large number of noa2's posted on igor on friday's so who knows, also being halloween in the US... might cause a slight slowdown in the noa2 postings (I don't care what holiday it is when I get mine, I'm postin it right away haha).

  4. I was originally under the impression it was always 3 months, and then I saw posts from people who said it was good 6 months. I think it depends on the country, probably anyone in a visa waiver country gets a 6 month visa, those not... 3 months. So philippines get's 3 months, the uk 6, etc. This VW bit is just a guess on my part, don't take it as gospel.

  5. That RFE might be your lucky day, it seems like there would have to be some indication of your case number in there somewhere. I know when you get an RFE there is something extra you put on the address to indicate that it's an RFE so it goes directly to where it should, so maybe it's not all bad. Watching igor's though I noticed most NOA2's with an RFE end up a month behind the processing date of those who didn't have any... There is a good chance I'll get an RFE for US Passport style photo's (my fiancees passport style photo's were the dark blue used for filipino passports). I'm hoping to avoid the RFE and just provide the proper white background ones during medical/interview but oh well.

    I'd love to go to the philippines, but I pretty much just got back 2 months ago, I can't take that kind of time off from work, and more important... I'm can't afford those $1600 plane tickets too often, I pretty much have to stick to payin my bills, payin down my debts... and expecting to owe a big chunk of change on my credit cards in a few months once an interview date is set. I'll book a flight so I can be there for the interview and ideally be with her on the flight home with visa, it's a LONG trip and having some company would be nice.

    The background behind the UPS rape that occured on monday... I bought my fiance a silver necklace, with a pair of pendants, nothing too high in price but nice. One pendant is a bright blue heart and the other is a copper heart with a silver box that says Love, I wanted to get her something that'd make her think of me whenever she saw it, and who's going to say no to jewelry! I picked the blue pendant purely based on my liking the color, but it happens to be her birthstone as well. The day before I was going to send the package, I also started asking her various food preferences, beef or pork, fish or chicken, green or blue, dark chocolate, or light chocolate, comedy or horror... I learned a few things but mostly I just wanted to make sure my suspicion she'd like dark chocolate more was right and didn't want to give away that I was planning anything... After looking at prices of package types and weights online, I came up with sending a package ups or fedex in an envelope was significantly cheaper than any kind of package, and would have plenty of room and weight allowance for what I was sending... except that I'd have to settle for something small and flat for chocolate... so I went with a single hershey's dark chocolate bar, anything more would probably be a problem with package dimensions or weight... so I bought that and created my letter... on one side, was the letter... I had also traced the edges of the hershey bar because I was going to tape it in place and wanted to mark where it'd be... I wrote something in the space under it, but I don't recall exactly now... I should have scanned the letter before sending it... but whatever I wrote I'm sure it was funny, and probably had the word delicious in it (the mosquitos in the philippines thought I was particularly delicious so I found myself saying that a lot as I rubbed the bites on my legs because they itched... anyway... it's almost a catch phrase now). And on the other side of the page I drew a waterfall with a man fishing and a bunch of other little details to fill it in etc... I'm not an artist by any means... but people can generally recognize whatever the heck it is I drew, but basically this was somewhat of a recreation of a homework assignment of her nephew's that she and I had helped with while I was there.

    Now for the actual rape part, when I got to the UPS store it turns out that because it's international, it had to be shipped in a package, not an envelope... in retrospect I am pretty sure that isn't right, it might have been because it wasn't just papers in there and wouldn't have been as flat, I'm not really sure, he said it just like it was a policy for international shipping that you can't send an envelope (the UPS envelopes, not a regular mail envelope), that's not what the ups website said since I had used it to check prices, so I don't know, I just know it raised the price of postage about $30 to 83.25... of course now if I had a bigger box of fancier/better chocolates, I had room for them, but I didn't want to go hunting those down at this point and goof up the package... so they made me pay for a lot of extra shipping I didn't need... this is a surprise letter I was sending and UPS got me again when they had to call to ask for directions, my fiancee was at work and they also said that the package was a high value item so she had to sign for it or have some authorization thing for someone else to sign for it, so she found out that the package was being sent the day before she'd get it... even more torture though is she'd be at work when they tried to delivery again so her mom would sign for it, so she had to know it was being delivered and wait two days anticipating it, and of course now UPS saying it's a high value item raises the expectation a little... she got the package today and all is well. I actually found an online site for a store based in manila that could have gotten a similar necklace and the same chocolate! and not had the huge UPS shipping cost... but on the other hand the carefully hand crafted letter wouldn't be with it, and as it turns out that is her favorite part of the whole package, the necklace and chocolate a close second (turns out she has some ear rings and bracelets that match). Also the necklace fit well, I was worried it might have been too tight, I'm very stocky and she's petite so it's hard for me to gauge things like that. Anyway, this is either the most boring dribble you'll read all day (seriously, who needed all the details I provided lol), but it meant a lot to me to get to send her something nice while while waiting for the noa2.

    Anyway, on the plus side the delivery time to the philippines was pretty good, it's just really expensive, if it weren't for the signature thing, it'd have been a 2 day mailing basically, I was hoping that having that shipment to watch would distract me more from igors... no luck haha.

  6. Both VSC and CSC seem to be working mostly mid june still, so unfortunately we still have a solid month buffer between us and our noa2's, at least for most of us, there's always room for an oddball out of order approval. There was a july NOA2 but it was apparently a fluke and not because VSC was up to july yet, we're still looking at probably another month before we start to see some things happening for us. What's worse is neither VSC or CSC has been doing too spectacular of a job with approvals lately, they're overdue to break 20 approvals for a few weeks in a row.

  7. Haha, there is actually a party... but I'm not going (someone at work is having a birthday and her husband invited the rest of us to surprise her).

    A friend of mine will be sleeping over for the weekend.

    That sounded like a totally awesome slumber party with potential for girl on girl hawtness and then...

    We are going to gather some ideas for his wedding.

    You ruined it with one word... his... (forgive me, being crude is one of my good points...).

    In other news today the weather is is incredibly nice today, nice sun out, an even 68F, slight breeze, it's wonderful, I can't wait to go home and sleep (thereby missing it completely... but I'm just that tired today)!

  8. I don't think you'll need the total deposits, as long as you have paystubs and the tax return info for the past 3 years (which I've seen frequently requested). I'm not an expert though, the more you have the better.

    I don't know how I missed this before but... august already had an approved filer (from VSC of course) and they are actually having an interview nov 4th.


    *sigh* a few more months.

  9. When a divorce is based on the grounds of one of the people not being mentally fit, then maybe... and for those on their 4th marriage... seems like maybe they need someone to take a closer look at why they are racking up so many spouses...

    I'm not for USCIS or SLEC doing psych evaluations on everyone who goes through the doors, but when an official document says "declared psychologically incapacitated" it makes sense to possibly screen those people a little more. I assume that the wording is overly strong for the typical person getting an annulment but american has enough crazy people, we don't need to import any more, crazy people is our chief export of the future! Also, I've never been divorced, so it wouldn't bother me personally if they were to do that, other than if such a thing added more time to the process due to extra work done by USCIS (and it'd definitely add some extra cost to the process since the petitioner would surely have to pay for any medical costs of getting the evaluation).

  10. I'm surprised no one posted that the lady admitted she made it up (she got caught in a lie as a result of some blog posts she made etc). The theory is she did the B herself looking in a mirror, but I'm curious how she got the black eye exactly, if she managed to get that before coming up with this idea or what... did she fight club herself because if so that's a pretty impressive self inflicted black eye... or more likely she just tripped while extremely drunk... last I looked there was not explaination of her injuries, just that she had admitted the story was bogus (it's possible the only bogus part was about how the B got there, it's totally possible she was mugged, I hate incomplete news stories).

  11. I'll pass it along happydancer, I'm sure she'll be interested in meeting at least a few people in the states who are from the philippines, and there really doesn't seem to be any filipino communities in missouri... I did see that there was at least one cable channel that was either called the philippino network or something like that (maybe it was pilipino?) but an actual community doesn't seem to exist... I live really close to a small asian market (not like an actual market, more like a store that sells rice paper, and strange looking *food?* in jars and stuff like that)... we might have to stalk that place once she's here looking for other filipinos who've immigrated here.

    Fred: Your ticker is almost down to 60 days until your next visit... I need to renew my plans to convince you to lend me those tickets for new years... It's almost to the point where it'll be worth counting the days to your flight... once you hit the 30 days to go point I'm really going to start getting jealous. You'll probably have your NOA2 before the trip happens, I'm hoping most of us have our NOA2's before you trip happens though. My birthday is nov 26 and I'm hoping for a birthday present from USCIS, it's pretty unlikely but every time I open my physical mailbox I hope that I find a NOA2 there, even though I've received no email notification or seen any touches... but either way I'm hoping the holiday season will help keep us all busy so as not to spend all of our spare time wishing we were with our SO's, of course... when I do get free time I know next year she'll be here. My new years resolution (besides swiping fred's ticket) is to spend more time with my fiancee mwuahaha.

    For those of you using yahoo, have any of you messaged with the IMvironments much... that doodle one is quite a bit of fun.

  12. Daylight saving time might be nice for a change... the philippines doesn't have that so my fiancee will be on an hour sooner... unless I'm getting confused that is.

    I meant you smelled like you had invaded an october filers thread, but maybe you also raided a november thread... I spy on the other threads now and then but I skip postin, once I post in a thread I'd feel obligated to continue to pay attention to the thread cause it'd have that dot on it and any month of filers thread is going to get big... I already spend entirely too much time here just reading the 2 or 3 forums I do.

    Fred, you should give in to more impulses, you know, things like checking the USCIS site and being dissapointed, eating when hungry, things like that, it's good for ya. Also, eat spicy food, it's great for killing bacteria (aka ulcers) and I'm pretty sure it's going to be better for your health long term than repeated use of antibiotics, which should really be a last resort or used in cases of surgery etc. Not saying you shouldn't use antibiotics to cure the ulcer you have, but should make a point to eat foods that will help prevent them in the future. Last thing we want is some super boogey ulcer that turns people into zombies or something (any super disease is bound to create at least some zombies).

    But heck, yay for november, only my favorite month ever... it's got thanksgiving and my birthday in it, it don't get much better than that!

  13. Man good thing he is ok!

    for me Emilia has to go see a doctor, her ulcer is back due to the stress of waiting and such. Its hard to take care of someone when you are 7000 miles away from the person you trully love. I am strong but I did crumble lastnight, staying up all night knowing that my soulmate is in pain.....

    SUCKS BIGTIME but I still have to be strong for her and our kids.......

    Goodluck to everyone, keep your heads up!

    Most ulcers can be cured with antibiotics these days, is that not the case with her?

    Yikes, car accidents too now, this really is turning into a rough week for august filers...

    But I've got a few things to look forward to later in this week, nothing as great as a NOA2 but more later.

    P.S. Fred smells of October!

  14. Being deployed can be grounds for an expedite it seems, which is why I said mostly military get them, just being in the military doesn't do it alone. Basically situations that expedites are granted for are much more typical for people in the military, for someone not in the military it does pretty much have to be life and death.

    I'm not sure what would be necessary for that. My attorney knew my situation in depth and did not mention it at all. We sent USCIS an official letter from the DoD stating that I would be indefinitely deployed to a combat zone and would not be available for any questioning, RFE, embassy appointments, etc. :blink:

    Then I'd strongly look around the forum for examples of people getting expedites, the question is, are you already deployed now? On a K-1 getting an expedite won't help if you can't actually be in america to get married, but if you are still in america then you may be able to qualify. As for things like the letter of intent to marry... I think it's more a best practice than a requirement... a lot of people recommend sending proof of relationship (not reams of papers worth of course) with the packet because they feel that any proof that goes via the initial filing can't be ignored completely etc... I guess the problem with such a long process where you can't really see what's going on behind the scenes, invites a lot of superstitious beliefs... I'm pretty sure that the order of the packet while not totally arbitrary, is just a general guess on VJ's part, I put a bunch of my packet information together at work (access to a photo copier etc hehe), when I got home and was doing the final checks, I organized it based on the VJ list, my own order was similar basing it on how I though the documents should be ordered, cover letter, 129f, g325... then who knows what... I like to think that the people working at USCIS see VJ packets and appreciate the (hopefully) increased consistancy and it's adopted as a kind of unofficial preference haha.

    Anyway, if you are still in the states you should really look into the possibility of getting an expedite based on deployment, I'm pretty sure I've read a few different stories on this site of people doing so but I can't really be sure where and of all the details... I've read so much that it's hard to recall where I learned some of what I *think* I know. A lot of people who hire attorney's end up pretty dissappointed in the service they receive, this might be your chance to join that club if you find that you can get an expedite (also I think if you get one here after the NOA2 you have to get expedited at each step after... for NVC and the actual interview, but I don't have any details on that, my personal request for an expedite would go something like... Please allow me an expedite, I'm horney! Thanks.

  15. My mom's second marriage was to her highschool sweetheart (or maybe they were just friends, I'm not all that sure, but one way or another they knew each other in high school), and is currently living happily every after about 10 years later. I have a great deal more respect for her current husband than her first (the father of my brother and sisters).

  16. Your post and your title don't match up, your title implies you will get your VISA in 3 months, and your post says just the NOA2 in 3 months... but luckily for you there is a good chance the title is right, you are probably about 1 - 2 months away from getting a NOA2, from there the interview is usually only about 2 months out. There are no gaurentees in this process though, you could end up waiting an entire year as some others have, it's not likely but it happens. I'm an august filer too though I'm late august and filed at CSC instead of VSC so I'm probably 40-50 days behind you in terms of processing times.

  17. Wine and chocolate... I like you better when I see them... and right now I could go for some of that whine... actually I think I will, and I'm going to tie it in with the request for financial forms too... watch the magic people.

    UPS RAPED ME FOR $83.25! Magic completed. On the plus side I have a tracking number I can watch for a few days and actually expect to see regular updates to it... much more fun than the USCIS case number, also not quite as rewarding when it does change, but still, it will change a bunch of times in the next few days, and that'll be nice :)

    I can't imagine why they would need a financial form for the information you are asking about, it honestly sounds like they have no idea what chris was asking for or about.

    This place is a mad house of various random grief's today, we august filers are ANGRY and we're not going to take this... any more than we have to that is!

  18. I have read your threads, all very cheery and helpful :D.......but am at a loss as to what an EAD is :$

    Employement Authorization Document, basically until you get a green card, it allows you to work, and is part of the Adjustment Of Status (AOS) that you do once you are married, it can be applied for seperately instead of as part of AOS but that rarely makes sense and costs more than doing it all at once.

    You smell like July! How do we know we can trust you? :jest:

  19. hey maliciant, I think the reason that couple's file went through so fast was probably because they applied for that "expeditious" thing, thats the only reason I can think of for having theirs done in 15 days, what do u think? :wacko:

    I don't think an expedite is usually even that fast, I know that there have been several other extremely quick processed petitions at VSC *without* an expedite that this happened to, so instead of assuming there was an expedite (which is what seems like it should be normal for such fast processing) I'm assuming there wasn't an expedite, but I don't know for sure either way. I just figure for people at VSC there is always an odd ball chance on any given day your petition gets processed ridiculously out of order, though this kind of thing may only happen with new petitions.

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