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Posts posted by maliciant

  1. For the k-1 visa you will need a few original documents from here, some American Style passport photo's (there is a pdf file around here saying exactly what that is), the G325 forms filled out with her original signature, and recommended by this site a letter of intent to marry with an original signature. That'll save you some postage when you get home and the time it takes to be shipped. The k-1 guides on this site will give you all the information you need, I just point out that one part because it's easier and faster to take care of those docs while you are there instead of having them sent to you after you go home.

  2. Hehe, I wish I had trouble gaining weight, for me that is easy to do... losing it... that's a persistant grind and even then I'm not always winning. I did manage to do really well for a while and dropped a lot of weight, but haven't been able to repeat that success lately. I have gotten in the habbit of running every day which is good, but wearing my running shoes to work isn't intentional... I am just becoming a space case with the shoes.

    I could go for some good old fashioned filipino cooking right about now myself... of course the best place to get that kind of food... costs a bit too much for my budget hehe, but in a few months I'll be sure to get some serious filipino food! I'll also try to pay more attention to how it's cooked if possible, there are a few seasonings or ingrediants that were distinct that I don't know what they are (sure I could look them up online now... but I'm just going to assume wing of bat, eye of newt... and tiger balls...).

  3. Diarhea... this thread just took a turn for the worse!!!

    I have been kind of forgetful lately... or maybe it's more not attentive... I've had a few occasions where I wore my running shoes to work instead of my work shoes, the other day I managed to make it to the end of the day before I realized I had done it. My sleeping schedule is pretty screwy so that's probably related.

    I'm not into checking USCIS that often because I don't expect it to change... but I'm an igor addict... I DO expect it to change, when it doesn't it sucks, one of these times I might have to put my willpower to the test and try to avoid all my K-1 related bad habits... one of them... reading these forums!

  4. For those of you actually having stress related hospitalizations... this won't cure being lonely and missing anyone, but get some exercise, it really does do wonders for stress... find something you like though, don't pick something grueling (unless you have the willpower to stick with grueling exercise).

    The election is over, and I'm seriously hoping to see a LOT of NOA2's flying, so far this is one of those weeks where watching igor's list is just down right depressing, it's wednesday noon and only a single NOA2 shown for the week (the plus side is that single NOA2 went up right away at the start of the week but it needs friends, it's a very lonely NOA2). Harsh: That's entirely possible that there just wasn't many filers during the time period being processed now leading to this little dead zone, I think we'd still see a few here and there since the NOA2's are processed in exact order, there is kind of a shotgun of dates that get approved together.

  5. Yeah... but immigration doesn't affect many american's... voting problems on election days does... if there is a problem with elections you better believe something happens as a result of it (even if that something is just a lot of news coverage of people being irritated by the whole thing). The first day or two of the week is usually pretty dead on igor's list, not really anything special about this week so far, just slow like usual, until saturday there really is no telling what the heck is going to happen during the week, friday to saturday is by far the biggest day for NOA2's to show up on igor's (even if they happened earlier in the week).

  6. Yeah, I liked the obama one better, I think that's probably because they have a lot more to work with in the ludicrous claims department... the mccain version was possibly more realistic... if it had started off with mccain dying immediately and focused on the palin future, it would have easily been funnier than the obama version... I wonder what the heck people will talk about in off topic once the elections are over...

  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Not the wedding discussion again!

    A courthouse wedding, pretty much we'll get off the plane, go to the court house, I'm hoping they have a midget there working, that can do cartwheels or something while we fill out whatever paperwork, that'll make it super romantic. Basically I figure the sooner to get the legal marriage out of the way the sooner AOS and other things that tend to hold people up can be completed.

    But then one year later, about, we'll fly back to the philippines to visit and have a beach wedding, not a huge one apparently, but a nice one, my fiancee is in charge in the philippines so it's up to her to work out the details hehehe... the scale of big and small are different in the philippines than in the US, so I might still be surprised when it happens.

    Also, there seems to be a lot of November birthdays among august filers... my B-Day is the 26th, I like video games, sex, and noa2's, so keep that in mind when shopping for a present for me, I'll be insulted by anything with less than a $25 US value, I WILL HUMILIATE YOU IF YOU DON'T SPEND ENOUGH MONEY ON MY PRESENT!... Fred: From you I will accept two things, first you must check USCIS, you *COULD* have a NOA2 waiting for you right now that the physical mail lost and you won't know for another month if you wait when you could find out right now by looking online!!!! and you have to give me your plane tickets for just after new years, I know, you probably don't want to, but my birthday is all about the spirit of giving *expensive gifts* to me.... Anyway, I don't have any plans for my birthday, my fiancee thinks I should go out and celebrate or something, but who cares about birthdays when it's right next to thanks giving, the most delicious of all american holidays!

  8. 247 or 248 here on igors, seems like it started somewhere around 347... I'd like to see it moving a heck of a lot faster than it is. I see references to how CSC is busy with election related things vs working on k-1's so hopefully they'll pick up the pace this week, I'm still officially predicting horrific NOA2 approvals and I win this last week because it turns out I was right... next week maybe I'll win because there'll be a lot less people waiting in line ahead of me... but I'll set for just being right about it being another slow week (for CSC anyway, VSC seems to just be trucking right along).

  9. Illegal immigration shows up in politics all the time... once and a while some crazy manages to ask a question about legal immigration which usually causes whoever the politician on stage is to stutter and then you hear something like "Don't taze me bro!" and the next question is already being asked... legal immigration, america's secret!

  10. i know i read that and ended up crying a lot cuz its been over a year for us so im wondering that kind of RFE they will send us just to make our life more stressful

    Your RFE... "Are you still alive?" End of RFE... yeah, USCIS are a bunch of pranksters like that... but at least you don't have a gaurenteed IMBRA RFE, those happened in 2005 some time and your petition is new enough that it won't be a problem... so yeah, you'll probably get something like this RFE... "Requesting Further Evidence you are still waiting for us to send you a NOA2." Then rimshot plays and they do a quick dance, yes folks, USCIS has a million of them! (Or perhaps they would if I was working there and in charge... every NOA2 comes with a whoopy cushion!).

    HD: I finally gave my fiancee your information so if you had any weird yahoo adds this morning one of them was her.

  11. like what kind of documentation do i need to get for the baby if in case i give birth here in the philippines?by the way do u happen to know if i will have my medical exam at st lukes medical center am i going to inform the doctor that i am pregnant and then ofcourse it will show at the record that i am carrying a child so defenitely the embassy at manila will know that i am pregnant.

    I'm not in your situation so I don't really know any of the answers for certain, you'll need the birth abroad stuff already mentioned by someone else to indicate that the baby is a USC, and a passport for the baby? There may be a provision that children under a certain age do not need a passport but I'm not sure, that's about all I know. I've also seen reports by people that were pregnant during their medical and they still passed the medical but were not required to get the vaccinations (they'd have to get them before AOS though is what I understood). I only know what I read here so all my information is mostly second hand, and I tend to focus on the things that directly affect me which means I know very little about divorces, annulments, children and babies, born or not, etc.

  12. Well hopefully this will help at the interview... If you can wait 3 years, you must be a real couple! :blink: You had better be put on the top of their stack!

    While any real relationship that can last despite the seperation is probably golden... a marriage that was setup just for the sake of getting a visa, assuming both sides realize that in advance, could probably wait indefinitely, someone in it purely for the visa doesn't have their life on hold while waiting for the person they love to finally be able to live in the same country, they can go on dating whoever, and living their life normally and one day there is their chance to move to america... in those cases all the delay really means is not getting married to someone else. This is not in any way intended towards the OP here, just my theory on how the long delays don't weed out fraud in any way, as some people may have thought... I do think it weeds out weaker relationships or impatient people on a regular basis though.

    And yeah... after waiting 3 years when they ask for proof of a relationship you should just be allowed to say Look at my NOA1 and NOA2 dates, now shut your hole and give me the visa.... that's what you should be able to do anyway...

  13. Bearcat: The baby would have dual citizenship and could travel to america freely with passport, a friend of mine was born on a US base in the philippines and has dual citizenship (I don't think he has filipino ancestry, though I could be wrong about that). Being pregnant and close to due or just having had a baby will most likely affect any plans for travel, if you just had the child, there is at least some risk of complications caused by flying, especially if there was surgery involved (c-section etc) but possibly even if not, if you haven't had the baby, then there is hte possibility that flying could cause you to go into labor, either way you may have to get medical clearance of some kind to board the plane. Also it might take some time to get the documentation for the new born baby before travelling, I don't think it'd take long but you'd need it done before travelling.

  14. She is not a prisoner in her country, she is simply not welcome in ours... she *CAN* go to some other countries. I wish it wasn't next to impossible to get a tourist visa from the philippines to the US, I'd almost certainly be with my fiancee right now if it was, unfortunately I just have to wait until the NOA2 shows up to schedule my next flight over.

    Many countries can come to the US much like we can travel to the philippines, basically any country which is significantly poorer than us, represents too high a risk of illegal immigration (or people adjusting status from visitor visa to marriage).

  15. Another aug filer and new to VJC joining the party. Does anyone have any news on how the snails are moving in vermont ?.

    This process is killing me. When i was first informed about the k1 peition. I was told it would take a total of 6 months from start to finish (HA). From the information i have gathered in vjc, i guess i was miss informed.

    I'd recommend going here http://cse.ssl.berkeley.edu/igor/vjdata/stats.aspx

    You can see the dates of people recently approved, based on the timeline data of this site. The snails in vermont are just now starting on july filers it seems, but probably will have as many or more june approvals in the next week and even some may filers, especially those with RFE's...

    I don't know the specifics of the dominican republic, but *MOST* countries 6 months - 9 months is fairly typical, with of course the 4-5 month wait for that NOA2 step which kicks off all the fun, that said I also know that some places like china have extremely long waits at the embassy there, an extra 3 months apparently, you'll have to look in the regional forums and embassy reviews on this site for more specific information once your application reaches NOA2 and NVC which is likely to happen in about 2 months.

    Welcome to VJ, it's definitely a valuable resource, especially if you find it before actually filing your petition.

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