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Glyn and Kathy

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Posts posted by Glyn and Kathy

  1. It took us several weeks for the NVC to contact us with the case number. We got the notice that it was being sent to the NVC at the beginning of August. I think we received the email with the case number on September 30th. It will come! It's definitely a hurry up and wait process. We started to fill out the Affidavit of Support after paying the fee and realized that the form was going to expire on October 14 so we decided to wait till tomorrow to print out forms and such. We've already uploaded all the documents they need.....I hope :)

  2. So, I haven't been here for quite a while. I think I came on a couple years back asking for advice just in case. Our just in case is actually happening now. My almost 19 year old step-son desperately wants to join his dad, my husband (permanent resident) here in the US. I've gathered all the required supporting documentation that is listed for the I-130 and have filled out the paperwork. I will be going to get the check for the fee this week. Matt is still living in the UK, but this is a bit different than when I filed both times for hubby as I was with him in the UK. I'm trying to read it all but my head is just spinning with information. I just file the I-130, supporting documentation and a check correct?? I have a feeling I'm going to be here a lot soon. I have to try to guide my step-son while I figure it out myself. Would you suggest him possibly joining the forum?

    Thanks for your time,


  3. Thanks! No, he definitely wants to be a citizen, he becomes more American all the time lol...and I love to tease him about it. It's just something that we've put off because of the money (there is always something else that comes up that we need to take care of) but he got a new job last Sept and makes really good money now so it won't be as much of an issue. So it looks like we'll go that way...file the I-130 and then apply for his citizenship. I really appreciate your help!

  4. Hello Everyone,

    My husband is a permanent resident and has been here since Nov 2013. He is eligible for citizenship, we just haven't done it yet. We found out that his almost 18 year old British son would like to come live with us. Should he file now for the I130 or wait and become a citizen first? Obviously being a citizen would speed things up, but if he files the I130 and then becomes a citizen down the road a bit, will it be detrimental (cost more (other than the citizenship cost or cause more complications) or just helpful? We've been out of the immigration loop for a bit and with the new US administration I wasn't sure if things have changed in a crazy way.

    Thanks for your help!

  5. I'm going to offer this advice from personal experience. If you save up for things you need, or have a large enough down payment on something like a car loan or a house, you don't need a credit score. Having credit cards can lead to large amounts of debt that can put stress on you and your family from not budgeting expenses properly.

    However, if you still want to persue a credit card do not let them increase your credit limit beyond something that you can't pay off in a month. If they approve you for more just call them and tell them the amount you want it limited to.

    You need a credit score for many things...not just credit. Many jobs check your credit score, car insurance companies, landlords, etc. And if you want to buy a house....you do need some type of score, doesn't matter how much of a down payment you have. Unless you have the entire amount, you're going to need to take out a mortgage, which will need a credit score. And then homeowners insurance, which will also check your credit score. I don't think anyone is advocating getting a credit card to charge them all up. But a credit score is a fairly necessary thing for most adults. Can you live without one? I suppose...but life is a heck of a lot easier with one.

  6. I got a Capital One secured card back in April. Yes, I am the USC, but a past bankruptcy (exhubby was terrible with money) and being back and forth living out of the country left me with very spotty credit. Back in Sept, I was approved for a Kohls card...and just approved for a regular Capital One Card (unsecured). Keep your balances low....and pay your bills on time. Those are the BEST tips I know of. Also, every time someone does a hard inquiry on your credit (when you apply for credit) you lose points on your score...so be careful applying. I use credit karma to keep track of things...its free, and although it doesn't give you all your scores from the different agencies, it does give you an idea of how you are going in building your credit.

  7. http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/subwayhalal.asp I am remember hearing about it while we lived in the UK. I would assume that these Subways (the 200 or so) are in neighborhoods with mostly Muslims living there and they are catering to them to stay in business. Makes sense to me. They are in business to make money, and if they are located in an area where Muslims won't come in if pork or non halal meat is served then of course they are going to change those stores. I don't normally agree with bowing to pressure of others to change (we're too damn pc in this world) but a business is entitled to do what they need to make their stores profitable.

  8. Doesn't sound like they were working much over time, let alone straight time.

    "Johnson's two daughters, a niece and two grandchildren, ages 1 and 3, live with her in their Tarrant home. The kids' mother gets a welfare check - $120 a month - but that check was lost in the mail. Johnson herself gets a disability check, which is set to come this week."

    And where's the dad and grandfather then?

    Probably absent like many parents. Sad that a grandmother is put in the position of having to steal to feed her family. Hopefully someone has put her in touch with a food bank.

  9. If you figure it out, let us know ok?? LOL....we don't have insurance through the marketplace (Obamacare) as hubby as it through work. We pay 167.00 a week for the two of us and have a 2,500 deductible for each of us. Its better than nothing considering I have a chronic illness that requires long term medication and lots of medical tests and doctor visits.

  10. Things happen that we don't expect. What if in those 3-4 years he has a family member become ill or God forbids, dies...and he needs to leave? I know you're main concern when you're in love is you just want to be together and not be separated, believe me when I say, we ALL get that as most of us have been through it. But you really don't want to have him out of status for that long. Too much can go wrong. Not to mention the toll it would take on his mental health having to stay home and not work...not drive...not help support his family??

  11. Awww, you poor thing! I can completely relate, but my overwhelming experiences were when I was living in the UK with hubby. I had a completely melt down in ASDA. I had been feeling really homesick and hubby thought, well, ASDA and Walmart are or were owned by the same folks so maybe it will help. Nope, I walked in all excited and it was NOTHING like a Walmart and I made it about 3 aisles in and hubby had to take me out of the store I was sobbing so hard. You'll be ok! It does take lots of time to feel like "HOME". And don't let the jerks get to you...they're everywhere!

  12. Well OP, I would give it some time. It must be a really hard thing to leave a mom who isn't well when you are an only child. Not a lot of time, but see where it goes over the next few months, and then do what you feel is right for you. LDR's are hard as we all know, but what would happen if a child were involved? Its not an easy way to be a family. Again, give it a bit of time and see if she has a change of heart.

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