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Everything posted by ashleyrenee7

  1. Brilliant, this is the thing that finally solved the issue! Thank you so much!! Funnily enough, the spaces in the postal code were not a problem.
  2. Finally got it solved! It was just a case of adding a "1" into the first address box. Apparently the USCIS website does not like it if there aren't any numerals in an address. Wouldn't you know it, my husband's place of work just happens to likely be one of very few addresses that do not contain numerals, just our luck! 😂 Thanks for the input, and thanks to everyone else who commented on this thread with suggestions!
  3. Lol, you're probably right. I'm honestly at a loss for what else it could be that's causing the issue.. my husband is the beneficiary, that is his place of employment/address of his place of employment. I've tried adding text to empty fields, switching things around, taking the space out of the post code, every single thing I could think to change in there. I'm really frustrated.
  4. I tried that earlier as well, still didn't work. I have tried so many different things to change the address, nothing seems to work. I wonder if I'd be able to get any answers if I called and spoke to someone at USCIS?
  5. Hey there everyone, so my husband and I are in the process of filing his I-130 online, and we've run into an issue that's left us pretty stumped. At the end of the application, there is a section called, "review and submit." We have completed every section of the application, however, an error message has come up at the bottom of the screen saying that there are errors in the "Your Beneficiary: Employment Information" section. I have included screenshots below. We have entered the correct address for my husband's place of employment and, unfortunately, the website does not tell me directly where the issue is. I've tried re-typing the address several times (it's an odd address with no street numbers or anything, but that is exactly how it reads on Google Maps), to no avail. It continues to say that there is an error. I'm not sure what else to do at this point. We cannot continue and submit our application until this is corrected, but we do not know how to correct the issue if we don't know what the problem is to begin with. Has anyone else had an experience like this before? What do you suggest we do? We're a bit frustrated at the moment. Thank you in advance.
  6. So you're saying they will only allow you to do DCF if you need to relocate for a job? There's no other circumstances that they would accept? 🤔
  7. Hello there, I'm having some trouble with finding answers anywhere online about the subject of Direct Consular Filing, pertaining to my specific circumstances. Here is my situation: I am a US citizen, currently living in Scotland on a spouse visa that expires in October 2025 (my husband is a Scottish citizen). We are wanting to apply for the IR-1 or CR-1 visa for him in order to get him his green card so that we can move back to the states together. I know this process can take a very long time, but I was wondering if we would need to have it completed by the time my spouse visa expires over here? I'm not sure what the rules are about that, but we definitely don't want to go through the trouble and the expenses of extending my spouse visa while we are waiting for a decision on his green card. That being said, I know that DCF can potentially save a lot of time, but it seems that you're only able to do it if you have some sort of "special circumstances." Would my situation qualify as a special circumstance? The other thing is, since we are residents in Scotland, I know we would probably have to do everything through the US consulate in Edinburgh. However, wouldn't you know it, that consulate appears to be closed until April 2024 for some unknown reason. We do not want to wait that long to get this process going. Would we be able to go to the US consulate in London in order to get this done? I know these are very specific questions, and we may end up just reaching out to a lawyer who is well versed in this specific type of thing if we can't get an answer here. It's a shot in the dark, but we would really appreciate it if anyone has any insight. Thanks a lot! - Ashley
  8. When you say "put in the work and research," what do you mean by that? My spouse is unvaccinated and we want to apply for the CR-1. What would we need to do?
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