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Posts posted by tinkerbish

  1. Update!


    My interview took place this morning. 

    My interview was scheduled for 1045. I checked in at 1040. 


    Was called in at 1045, interview took about 10-15mins total. 

    I let her know that I answered one of the questions incorrectly, that I have actually gotten a traffic citation before and showed her my ticket and court receipt, she said oh, I don't care about those. You're fine. 


    Was asked if I was available on 10/31/19 to attend the oath ceremony, I said yes. And that was that. 

    She was very straight forward and made everything simple. 

    There was a big file in front of her, about an inch and half thick. I said "boy is that my file? It's thick!!!" To which she replied, "oh yours is nothing! Sometimes we get boxes!!!!" 😂😂😂


    I'm surprised how smooth and easy this whole process was. 


  2. My GC is expiring August of 2020 so I decided to apply for citizenship. 


    I filled out an online application on August 20th. 

    Biometrics scheduled on August 24th. 

    Biometrics done September 9th

    Interview scheduled on September 12th

    Interview to take place October 17th 


    With an estimated completion date of December 2019. 


    Buffalo NY office. 


    I answered no to q23 at the time I filled out my application, and Ive just now realized(after reading these forums) I should've answered yes,  as I've gotten a couple traffic tickets over the past 17yrs Ive been here. Whoops. 


    Don't know if that will change my completion timeline... Fingers crossed that it'll be no biggie as long as I correct myself at the interview next week. 


  3. So I never thought of it before until I was browsing through this forum....


    I answered no to q23. 

    But I have gotten traffic tickets before!! WHOOPS. 

    My interview is scheduled for the 17th of October. 

    Do I correct myself at the interview? And if so do I need exact dates and what the traffic citations were for?(to fill out q29?)

    Will this end up delaying my approval? 






  4. hi kitty, hi inna!

    I am also in the same position as you guys. I graduated in May of 2007. Married my husband in march of 2008 whom I dated for 5 years. Now almost 2 years have passed since we got married, and I'm finally getting the courage to apply for AoS. (I have been out of status since May of 2008)

    I haven't been working or anything because I dont want to do anything illegal. I have basically just been chillin for almost 2 years now. I should've filed earlier, but I went through a bit of depression of feeling worthless b/c I can't work with out the proper paper work and also being away from my family for so long(came here aug 2002, and only visited my parents overseas twice the past 7 years). I've been meaning to visit them but because I have been out of status from my F-1 visa for so long I couldn't leave with out risking not being able to return back to my husband.

    I have also had the fear of rejection from the USCIS I guess. I've had my SSN since 2002 and had a valid drivers license and everything. We've been living together for 6 years and have joint accounts and insurance. No red flags for me other than me being out of status and in a way "illegally" being here. There are days when I get the courage to fill out the forms and mail them in, but on some days I get anxiety attacks over it.

    It gives me the courage to know that there are others that are in the same boat as I am, and are doing something about their situation. I love my husband dearly and I think it would ease his mind too once I get all this paper work done. If any of you two could be so kind and keep in touch with me so we can go through this process together, I would greatly appreciate it.

    thank you :)

  5. First of all, congratulations on your graduation and marriage.

    Regarding your question, that is a toughie. I think you are F-1 out of status but not sure, once again.

    Your I-20 doesn't stand any longer if your Internation Student Office reported you out of status.

    I would put F-1 out of status but an immigration lawyer will have a better answer.

    Can you just pay for an initial consultation and just ask the question?

    You will be out of couple of hundreds dollars but will have a sure answer. That is what i did.

    Did an initial consult and filed all the paperwork by myself with hubby.

    Good luck.

    thank you lili <3

  6. Oh, i see. :)

    I think you will be fine. I don't think it is going to affect your status whatsoever but not 200% sure.

    Pure curiosity question...You took your last class during the winter quarter right?


    what do i write for my "Current USCIS Status" on the I-485 form?

    i still have my I-20 and it expires may of 2008. but i dont think its valid anymore because the International Student Office reported me to the USCIS for being out of status.

  7. The international office is wrong.

    If it is your graduating quarter, you are allowed to take less than a full time schedule and still be considered in status. They just have to notify the immigration that it is your last quarter.

    From my own experience, you are not out of status. Your internation office is misinformed.

    Forgot to add:

    You have two months from your graduating date to leave the country. Graduating date being the last day of your fall quarter. So you have been out of status for about a month. I do think overstay is forgiven if married to a USC.

    i forgot to include additional information.

    i walked last may. i had 2 classes left before fall of 2007, so my department let me walk.

    for some reason i guess the international student office wasn't aware that i've walked in may. i was supposed to take my 2 remaining classes in fall of '07 but was only able to take one. when my advisor from the international student office called me, i told her i was currently taking one of the two remaining classes. she told me to keep going and get my final grade for the semester. i completed that class.

    anywho.... i am currently out of status. and my biggest concern is would it affect my AOS process. i went to see a lawyer for a free consultation and his asking fee was 4000 bucks!! so my hubby and i decided that it'd be better to file things on our own.

    p.s) if any of you las vegans are out there and know a good immigration lawyer, please let me know :)

  8. i entered the US in august of 2002 with my student visa.

    since then i have attended school full time.

    but last fall, i only had 2 remaining classes. the rules are that in order to maintain my student status i had to take fulltime classes.

    i got a call from my international student office advisor last october and she said because i wasn't attending fulltime, that i was out of status.

    i told her i was getting married to my boyfriend and she said that things would be fine then.

    it is march, i am married, and we've been working on our AOS forms. i was wondering if my 6 months of out of status would affect AOS process.

    if there is anybody that was in a similar situation, was out of status, or has any advice for me, i would be more than thankful for your input.

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