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Timothy V

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  1. Just sent everything to Texas for our K1 application. One hundred pages +. Thank you for everyone that helped this website is a godsend!
  2. Under part 4 biographic information is this my biographic information (I am the petioner) or is this my spouses? Any input is appreciated trying to file this today.
  3. Hello all my fiancée is having some difficulty finding her address of the place she lived in UAE (She is a citizen of the Philippines). This is pertinent as it pertains to her 5 year living history she was in UAE from 2017-Jan 2020. Any advice or insights would be appreciated.
  4. Passport 🤣, do I need to provide all pages or just the first few ones?
  5. For my visa ( i am the us citizen), do i need to provide all pages or just the first few ones? Any help would be appreciated.
  6. Hello all been doing research, I have two questions I cannot get an answer too: 1) when I print the 192F off does it need to be double sided or single sided. 2) when filling it out should I put non applicable on the parts that are not applicable? I only ask because the example on the forum does not have NA listed but per the USCIS instructions it's says to do that
  7. CR-1 Requirments: 1. Documentation showing joint ownership or property; or 2. A lease showing joint tenancy of a common residence; or 3. Documentation showing co-mingling of financial resources; or 4. Birth certificate(s) of child(ren) born to you, the petitioner, and your spouse together; or 5. Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by third parties having personal knowledge of the bona fides of the marital relationship (Each affidavit must contain the full name and address, date and place of birth of the person making the affidavit, his or her relationship to the petitioner of beneficiary, if any, and complete information and details explaining how the person acquired his or her knowledge of your marriage); or 6. Any other relevant documentation to establish that thereis an ongoing marital union. It sounds like based on logistics number 5 @ possibly #3 would be the only evidence i would have. I'm not sure how this is weighted trips?, communication over phone, at that point we would have met twice and communicated consistently for 9 months. Again not sure how draconian or not they are on this? Anybody got a foggy idea
  8. Yep got to get that "Nash equilibrium" to ensure a cooperative game lol.
  9. These are good points, truly. This entire process is a bit complex and definitely different (Not to say bad just different). 32: me 30: Her. What I want to avoid is action paralysis while at the same time choosing a good course for everyone involved. I've never studied game theory but this entire thing reminds of these processes. Dont know how nerdy you are, but im looking for that "Nash equilibrium" right now
  10. I looked at USCIS website and its listing similar wait to times to the K1 visa process. My question is the fact that I will only be able to visit my wife sporadically going to count against me? Will they view this as "not a real marriage." The logistical factors prevent me living in the Philippines and or staying very long when I visit. So i would hate to marry her then get denied based on the above listed reasons (logistics, $$$ ect).
  11. Thank you for this 😊. Seriously, thank you all for helping me plan this!
  12. A very practical approach. Goes against some my romantic notions but hell this could work.
  13. Unfortunately not, my x works on the days I usually work. Her family is not present. I think I may approach a few close friends and get a collation together. 2 weeks plus travel time could work with good coordination of multiple people.
  14. My understanding is that CR1 and K1 have similar wait times. The advantage of CR-1 is cost and more benefits given quicker ?
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