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Posts posted by Poguesy

  1. Hi all :)


    Me and my partner (US citizen) are soon going to be looking at me (British citizen) applying for a visa to come live with her in the United States. At present, we are still deciding on whether to go for the K1 route or CR1 route but are more concerned about the impact my police records may have on the visa process/outcome.

    13 years ago I was arrested for breach of the peace and possession of an offensive weapon (an air rifle) with intent to cause fear of violence. I was drunk at the time, going through a rough path in my life and made some stupid threats through text messages. After going through the police interview, I was cautioned under the Malicious Communications Act and no further action was taken.

    When it comes to providing a UK police certificate, my feelings are it will come back as 'no live trace' as the caution is now considered spent - it does not even come up on enhanced CRB checks here now. I am, however, assuming I will have to provide a subject data request?


    The thing is, I am quite concerned about how much impact this may have on my future visa application. I have done nothing since, have spent many years working with vulnerable adults/children and really hope US immigration will just see it for the stupid mistake it was. I also have a good travel history of entering and leaving the US without incident. 


    Basically, does anyone here have any guidance or advice for how best for us to proceed? We were originally going to go the K1 route, though we feeling getting married and going the CR1 route would help strengthen our case if any issues arise from my past.

    Would you recommend we hire US-based private attorney to handle our case?

    Yes, I was arrested for possession of an offensive weapon with intent to cause fear of violence but that's all it was, an arrest. The caution was for the stupid drunken texts.

    I would really appreciate some help and advice with this.


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