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Posts posted by FaSa2008

  1. :dance::dance:

    PERU PEOPLE I GOT AN INTERVIEW DATE OVER THE PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    I CANT BELIEVE I LL BE SEEING MY BABY IN 14 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance::star:

  2. I just read your post and Thank god the days are gettign closer for u to bring him here!

    why 18 hr trip!?!!?!?

    where are u !?!??!?

    peru is not THAT far !

    next time u go u shld check tickets in LAN.COM


    hang in there~!!

    The feeling crazy part is totally normal...despite how crazy that sounds!

    I go crazy for a good week after I see Nick...then it just turns to everyday aching for him.

    Then I think of the future and realize in the long run..this time is just a drop in the bucket.

    You will be together, you'll be with him, sharing each day and all of this will be beyond worth it. Just think of how it feels to be beside him and be thankful each day he is in your life...no matter how near or far he is.

    I wish you both the best.

    Dear, that's sad, we all understand that. u know the way i take to avoid the pain is,i try not to see him, its so diffult to see his leaving at the airport...god, pls move the process faster.....

  3. How do you check DHL without a tracking number?

    I asked the same question to Haonie :P , and thanks to Haonie, here's the answer. :thumbs:


    K :luv:

    Im so amazed it actually worked !THANKS

    I called NVC yetserday and asked regarding my application and they said it was sent yesterday so did the whole dhl tracking reference deal and my package was there so I ve been tracking it since ...

    My Fiance told me to stop checking that when he gets it he gets it ha ha I think Im stressing him out cause I want him to have everything ready already !!

  4. Im so amazed it actually worked !

    I called NVC yetserday and asked regarding my application and they said it was sent yesterday so did the whole dhl tracking reference deal and my package was there so I ve been tracking it since ...

    My Fiance told me to stop checking that when he gets it he gets it ha ha I think Im stressing him out cause I want him to have everything ready already !!

    Try it



    EXP 15 FEB 2008A

    and give it from Feb 1st until the 14 th and tadaaaaaa u will see it :devil:

  5. Hello VJ members!

    Im getting anxious and inpatient how are y'all!?

    I was wondering if anyone had some info regardin ghow long does NVC take to send out ur packet once they have recieved it!?

    I called today and they have it already YAY that was fast, but i was wondering how long does it take them to process it and send it out?!?!!

    Any experiences please share!

    Peru people ! Once this gets to the lima's embassy they send it to ur fiance's from there!? what experiences have u had !?



  6. :dance::luv:

    VJ amigos USCIS Approved our petition! No lawyer nothing and it came in 102 days Just my art work ha ha YAY there where NO previous touches no nada just a surprise email last nite and a change on the update date on the uscis page...

    So exciting no Im nervous for whats to come!

    It says to folllow instructions when we get the NOA2 on the mail.. Do u know what shld we do next just wait until its send to Lima Peru !?!!?

    OCTOBER FILERS YOUR TIME IS COMING SOOOOOOOOON mine was approved a month earlier that what my timeline said !


  7. Hola!! mira te cuento mi historia rapidamente !

    Mi novio y yo comenzamos a hablar de comprometernos un anhio antes de q el me lo propusiera oficialmente! y el decidio q seria buena idea mudarse para USA ya que hay mas oportunidades de ganar mas dinero q en Lima Peru.

    Yo comenze a averiguar TODO el proceso q es largo y tedioso ! Lei investigue pregunte me serciore de las cosas q necesitaria en su debido momento y si lo podia conseguir!

    El secreto es ser obsesivo con lo q piden hazte un checklist de lo q necesitan si quieres te doy una lista de lo q yo mande!

    yo fui bien perfeccionista con mi applicacion la hize linda !

    comunicate conmigo y te doy muchos derroteros para ayudarte a q tu aplicacion tenga exito !

    no necesitas un abogado esto lo puedes hacer tu !

    cuentame quien es la ciudadana americana tu o tu novia?!



    Yo soy el gringo (el ciudadano americano):wacko: y ella es una linda mexicana :thumbs:

    Si no sería una molestia para ti, sí me gustaría tener la lista. He estado haciendo los preparativos para empezar esta jornada pero para poder ir en los pasos de alguien que ya ha hecho el viaje sería mejor para minimizar los errores y el estrés.

    Gracias por el bienvenidos y los buenos consejos de los de mas :yes:

    HOLA aca hya un link q puedes seguir .. Los pasos estan explicados ahi!

    Cualkier pregunta no dudes en escribirme ...


  8. OK OK im stepping in NOW and Im going to be BLUNT ...

    Im a peruvian/American but I grew up in PERU... Someone wrote PERUVIANS ARE VERY PRIVATE PEOPLE?!?!?!! omg A normal peruvian its not PRIVATE at all ... they are so outspoken so when someone its no ttalking to much THERE IS DEFINETALY a problem!

    Now for future references your fiance its not a Chola she is a Serrana..Cholas are from Lima... In peru they use it to denigrate people that have darker features as CHOLAS ...

    My Fiance is in Peru, and our secret to success its COMUNICATION .. thats all u really have when theres a long distance relationship! AND you shld ask ur fiancee if everything is OK...

    I agree with most people you shloud pay her a visit and see how things are .. and u guys feel abt eachother!

    i go to Peru every 6 months and talk to my fiance every day every hour almost, we see eachohter on the webcam most of the days!

    If u have a gut feeling follow it, Go to Peru and see ....

    As far as Visa fraud yes in MANY countries not just Peru people look to escape form their poverty and "be saved" and be brought to America... one has to be certain BEFORE you apply that this person in not using u to come to usa...

    when was the last time u saw ur serranita?!

    This is kinda long:

    So, I am trying to distinguish what is cultural misunderstanding and what is not. My SO is from Lima, but originally from one of the mid Andes-Jungle provinces - i.e, not quite from la sierra and not quite from la selva. She moved to Lima right after high school to work, because her family needed her to.

    We have a basic connection that I can't explain, and that I have never had with anybody else. I am sure that's why all of us here are with our SO's, right? Any way, I lived in Peru for just over a year, and learned Spanish and the culture for the first time. We started dating a few months before I had to leave. She is very much like alot of the young women you will meet when you go to the tourist Peruvian handcraft markets that are peppered all over Lima, and to whom alot of Peruvians refer to as "Cholas". Please, let's keep this to the Peruvian understanding of "Chola".

    The problem? I know, I know: The communication, almost entirely via phone, for hours almost every day, is wonderful, untill recently. But I am almost always left with contradicting statements to ponder about, or to wonder why she has answers to everything. And then, the dreaded Peruvian habit of not being forthcoming with information. A questions is only answered exactly to its required answer, no more, and no less; so there's no expounding (spelling?) beyond the minimum, which was one of my frustrations while living there. Here you are taught that every statement is a mini-thesis, with introduction, body and conclusion (there abouts), and so when you talk, you kind of talk in a similar manner; it is not what I have experienced in Peru. I guess we Americans always reveal so much info in our conversations, eh? So, lately I have been pointing out the contradictions, and she obviously denies them. So, the communication has gone down. I will call, and we will be on the phone a few minutes before she comes up with an excuse why she has to go. It has seemed pretty evasive.

    Now, with Peru being known for high visa fraud, of course this is setting off all sorts of alarms in my head about the "validity" of the relationship, and whether this woman is playing me for a visa. Yes, I know, if that's the case, it won't be the first or last. But I would rather try to understand this further than just cutoff the process because I may have suspected wrongly. The K1 was already filed, so if worse comes to worst, I would be looking at canceling it.

    Has any body else had similar experiences with their SO's? How have you handled it?

  9. Hello I made the same mistake OOOOPPSSS but i know that they do not require it at the embassy !

    I m just gonna recreate it when the time comes! =)

    if anything u have al the originals with u so u can just make copies !

    I wouldnt worry to much im not so its all good =)

    just bring the necessary to the embassy when u get approved! :thumbs:

    Hi all,

    My fiancee sent our I-129f package off last week and it was received by Vermont on Monday. I obviously was not there to check over the last steps but I compiled as much info as I could and sent it over to her so she could put the package together and send it on.

    However, before sending it off she only made copies of the actual I-129F and the G-325A (the copies were made before she signed them). She did not make copies of the pictures, passport photocopies, emails, boarding passes etc.

    I only just found this out and am a little worried as, although she knows what she included in the package, if she tries to recreate it now, there are obviously going to be minor differences between the original package and the recreation (where she signed her name in the box, description of photos and photocopies etc) as she has no original to work from.

    Will they pick up on these minor differences in my eventual interview? There is not much we can do about it now as it is already submitted, I was just wondering if anybody had encountered a similar situation and what the outcome was.


    Hopefully someone else will be along soon that can better set your mind at ease.

    Please fill in your details, some things DO depend on the Embassy you are going thru and people will be better able to answer your questions in a specific way if they have more detailed information. :thumbs: In other words...if you tell us where you are...another member may be along that can tell you if their copy of the petition was ever even looked at.

    While it is not ideal, what's done is done. You know the petition has arrived at USCIS, that is the most important thing!My feeling is that the exact copy is more for your peace of mind, in case the petition gets lost...that's why it is best to keep your originals. But you already know it is at the service center!

    I have read on VJ that after the NOA2 your entire packet is forwarded to the Embassy, so they will have the original and I don't think they are going to nitpick when it comes to your having an exact copy.

    Just My Opinion

  10. Hola!!

    mira te cuento mi historia rapidamente !

    Mi novio y yo comenzamos a hablar de comprometernos un anhio antes de q el me lo propusiera oficialmente! y el decidio q seria buena idea mudarse para USA ya que hay mas oportunidades de ganar mas dinero q en Lima Peru.

    Yo comenze a averiguar TODO el proceso q es largo y tedioso ! Lei investigue pregunte me serciore de las cosas q necesitaria en su debido momento y si lo podia conseguir!

    El secreto es ser obsesivo con lo q piden hazte un checklist de lo q necesitan si quieres te doy una lista de lo q yo mande!

    yo fui bien perfeccionista con mi applicacion la hize linda !

    comunicate conmigo y te doy muchos derroteros para ayudarte a q tu aplicacion tenga exito !

    no necesitas un abogado esto lo puedes hacer tu !

    cuentame quien es la ciudadana americana tu o tu novia?!


    Aparte de los puntos que mencionas, hay que poner mucha atencion al aspecto burocratico - --- este asunto de la visa pone un buen de estres en las parejas. Familiaricense con el proceso, los documentos, los lineamientos financieros, etc. Mas vale ser obsesivo y estar preparado, a no tener ni idea!

    Saludos y buena suerte, L.

  11. however many people have been approved without their cases being touched on the system so do not folllow that to the T :whistle:

    First you must have an USCIS account. If you do, go to the "last updated" and if the date has changed then your case was touched.
  12. Tengo una preguntita! todo eso vino en el paquete 3?

    Esto le pediran a mi Novio el dia de la entrevista!? Antecedentes judiciales y penales?!

    Tu crees q lo deba ir sacando ya!? para tenerlo listo !? cuando expira cada documento? . yo se q el de antecedentes penales expiran en 90 dias!

    Todo esto debe ser hecho para el exterior ahi mismo no!? o se tiene q ir al ministerio del exterior a legalizarlo !?

    Sorry por tanta pregunta !

    Gracias! :whistle:

    I don't know if this is the right place to post this but here it is!

    Hope it helps! :D

    In case I'm missing something please correct it :D

    No se si este es el lugar indicado para postear esto pero aqui esta!!!

    Espero que ayude :D

    Si me estoy olvidando de algo, por favor, corrijanme :D



    -Poder Judicial: Av. Abancay en Lima.

    -Copia y original del boucher de pago al Banco de La Nacion.

    -Costo: S/ 52.50 (Banco de La Nacion)

    -2 copias del D.N.I.

    -La foto la toman adentro del Poder Judicial (no aceptan fotos)

    -Motivo: Exterior.

    -Llenar un papel verde que se tiene que pedir adentro.

    -Tiempo de proceso: 40-60 min.


    -Poder Judicial: Av. Abancay in Lima.

    -Original and copy of the receipt from Banco de La Nacion.

    -Cost: S/ 52.50 (Banco de La Nacion)

    -2 copies of your D.N.I (National Identity Document)

    -Don't bring any pictures. They will take you a picture inside.

    -Purpose: To be use abroad.

    -Fill out a green paper that you can get inside the building.

    -Process time: 40-60 min.


    -INPE: Av. Carabaya cuadra. 4, Lima.

    -Original y Copia del boucher de pago al Banco de La Nacion.

    -Costo: S/ 35.90 (Banco de La Nacion)

    -Ellos te daran un formulario, llenarlo y sacar una copia al frente.

    -2 fotos tamaño CARNET.

    -2 copias del D.N.I.

    -Tiempo de proceso: 5 dias.

    -Hora de recojo de documento: 14.00 hrs - 16.30 hrs.


    -INPE: Av. Carabaya cuadra. 4, Lima.

    -Original and copy of the receipt from Banco de La Nacion.

    -cost: S/ 35.90 (Banco de La Nacion)

    -They will give you a form, fill it out and then take a copy of it across the street.

    -2 CARNET style pictures.

    -2 copies of your D.N.I (National Identity Document)

    -Process Time: 5days.

    -Pickup hours: 14.00 hrs - 16.30 hrs.


    -Sede Central de la Division Central de Identificacion Policial de la Direccion de Criminalistica PNP: Av. Aramburu 550 Surquillo.

    -Original y copia del boucher de pago al Banco de La Nacion.

    -Costo: S/ 30.45 ( Ese es el precio para viaje al extranjero)

    -El Banco aparte del boucher te dan un formulario llamado CERAPS que tambien tiene que ser entregado.

    -1 foto tamaño pasaporte con fondo blanco (la toman tambien adentro pero es mas rapido si ya la tienes lista)

    -Tiempo de proceso: 1 dia.


    -Sede Central de la Division Central de Identificacion Policial de la Direccion de Criminalistica PNP: Av. Aramburu 550 Surquillo.

    -Original and copy of the receipt from Banco de La Nacion.

    -Cost: S/ 30.45 (That is the price if you say it's for traveling abroad purposes)

    -The bank also gives you another form called CERAPS that has to be given at this place.

    -1 picture, passport style (white background) (You can have the picture taken there but it is much faster if you already have one)

    -Processing time: 1 day.

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