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Posts posted by JillA

  1. Take out tonight from Wild Ginger, a vegetarian chinese restaurant around the corner from home. They make the best EVERYTHING so not sure what to order.... then gonna veg out in front of the telly and watch the Phillies game :D

  2. They changed the airport name about 2-3 years ago now to PET, caused a big uproar in Quebec but that's a whole other story why.... Canada Customs stamps still say Dorval on them

  3. Just be careful with street parking, my car got hitched to a tow truck (directly across the street from the medical place) and I ran out in my paper gown to beg the driver not to tow my car :lol: just read the signs carefully LOL

    :lol: Front Street is notorious for towing, it's even worse than University. Lots of side streets though, arrive early and have piece of mind. If not, go to Medisys which only has afternoon appointments and is in the Deer Park area. You aren't likely to be towed if you park on a side street.

    ??? This confused me.

    LOL, instead of Sieden, he's saying go to Medisys who has afternoon appts. Sieden only has AM appts

  4. I think the letter from the doctor was a great idea.... It really shouldn't be an issue, as they are mostly concerned with contagious diseases, I.E. HIV/TB. I had serious high blood pressure when I went for my medical, I had a doctor note about my meds, etc. It was perfectly fine. I'm sure others may know specifically for diabetes, someone may have specific experience with that but I doubt it would be a big issue!!

  5. Or the "Buy before date"

    I don't want to know when I should buy the milk, I want to know when it's okay to use the damn thing!!!

    YEAH!! That's on yogurt too, and alot of stuff here. "Sell by" date. It should be "use by" date. I don't care when I need to buy it buy, how about using it? In Canada, it's simple. EXPIRATION DATE

  6. Milk in bags in amazing. I miss bagged milk. Here I buy those stupid plastic jugs, and you know what always happens? When I go to twist off the lid after using it a few times, there is crusty dried milk pieces that fall off into my tea/cereal/etc. It SUCKS. I hate milk here, or the cartons that is.

  7. Well, things were getting desperate so we ventured outside to see if we could fix the water situation (in the pitch dark). Ashamedly, we brought two buckets, and we were going to fill them from the horses water trough so we could flush the toilet. Yes we live in the sticks. . . . . .

    So as we were walking with our lone flashlight and two buckets we heard some water running. We searched through the 8 foot high grass and found the leak. Fixed that. And ta-da we have water at the house.

    Apparently, our plumbing is tied into our landlord's horses plumbing and if they get most of the water, we get none. Yup, we live in the sticks. :thumbs:

    That's too funny. I thought you were going to say, you got the buckets to poop in :lol:

  8. I think its because penises aren't like the nicest things to look at... I mean they are, but its not like they get the same attention as breasts... you know what I mean? I mean a guy will stare at a girls chest... but I don't go staring at crotches.

    This is hard to explain.

    Okay well sometimes I stare at crotches... but its more of a quick glance.. and only if the guy is wearing tight pants...

    Not that I find tight pants sexy because I don't... but it's like right there.

    I (L) you!! I am so on the same page.

    I often wonder... people that don't use curtains? Really? What? I never get that. I like my privacy and if i'm walking around nekid in my pad, I'll do so but none of you all will be seeing me do it!


    I dunno, sometimes I don't even think about it, in my old apt I was on a higher floor and doubt anyone could see in, even now I'm sure I've been nekky in front of the window a few times, it never crosses my mind to close them :lol: Plus, I never think someone may be peeking it to see me

  9. I wonder if the same reaction would have occured had it been a nude female. Highly doubtful about that.

    It's quite true. Penises must have the tendency to scare people more than breasts.

    :lol: They don't scare me at all :rofl:

  10. This country is so whacked. Sometimes I hear stories, that really make me shake my head. A man in VA was arrested for indecent exposure. The cops busted down his door and arrested him in bed. What did he do, you ask? He was making coffee in his kitchen at 5:30 am in the buff. A lady happened to cross by his lawn (trespassing, I may add) and saw him thru the window. She called the police on him. For being naked in his own house. I guess I would get arrested every day then, as I frequently walk around naked when getting ready, etc. I'm sure I might have walked by a window at some point, sue me. This man was accused of being a perv, pedophile (there was a kid with the lady) and been let go by his work and it is in jail now. All because he made coffee in the nude. :angry: He had NO CLUE someone could see him in the window, he wasn't even standing against the window

  11. I drink Twinnings Earl Grey or English Breakfast tea here in the US. I used Kcups because I drink so much tea and I just get sick of putting the kettle on.

    I don't know, Sapphire, I think I'd rather lick my dogs bum then drink Lipton tea. It's awful. (but then again, I'm really british so..)

    :rofl: I was dissapointed when I first tried "Tetley" Tea here and realized it wasn't the same at all. So ever since my first trip home, I bring back a jumbo box every few times, it has 350 teabags in it so lasts me quite awhile. It's the only tea I like, Lipton doesn't taste the same to me.

  12. Something happened in Toronto last night that really upset me.... A friend of a friend (I didn't know the victim personally) was beaten to death and run over by 4 men in the Entertainment District. He happened to be gay, and it could *possibly* be a hate crime but the police will not yet speculate that it was in fact a hate crime, but it's possible. To hear about something like that in TO.... I mean you hear about hate crimes against gays in the Southern US, but rarely in Canada. It really made me so sad :( and for my friend too, who lost a good friend.


  13. :lol: Yeah at my old job I couldn't access VJ either. They blocked alot of web pages with message boards, chat forums, etc. as they didn't want people wasting company time on the internet. Same at this place. Oh well, I guess I have to make a living LOL

    You need a smartphone!

    That way during lunch breaks you can catch up. :P

    Oh! Good idea for a Christmas present, a smartphone!

    See how addicted I am, I check VJ before I leave for work at 6:55 am :lol: Have a good day all!!

  14. :lol: Yeah at my old job I couldn't access VJ either. They blocked alot of web pages with message boards, chat forums, etc. as they didn't want people wasting company time on the internet. Same at this place. Oh well, I guess I have to make a living LOL
  15. Oh my cousin got married this weekend... and everyone but me was invited to the big day.

    They just ASSUMED I wouldn't be able to make it.

    I am so sick of people assuming such things. :)

    Even if I know someone will likely not make it to my wedding, I'm still inviting them. That's rude to assume otherwise and not invite the person

    So I've called 1 civil surgeon about the I-693 and I'm already frustrated! I got "ummm, I think we do that... want an appointment or something?" Like, buddy, you tell me, what do you want me to do?! I was transferred to 3 different people, and had to explain the situation 3 times. Finally I got transferred to an appointment line and nobody answered the phone! :angry:

    Have you tried Dr. Arnold so you don't have to go in person anywhere?

  16. I can't keep up with VJ anymore :crying: I'm jealous of you guys that get to be on VJ all day at work, not me! Anyway just popping in to say hi, you probably won't see me around as much :( But I hope everyone is doing great :D

  17. OK you know what really annoys me.... all the erectile dysfunction ads on TV. They are on at all hours of the day, every day. They are SO annoying! I think any man with ED knows what drugs you can get if you have that problem. Enough of the damn ads! Then I get them in my e-mail box too, I am soooo tired of hearing about "if you have an erection lasting 4 hours or longer contact your doctor" NO REALLY!???!

  18. Here are a few more :D Even though I don't like football at all, it was a fun day!!

    Look at the first pic and then the last pic. I think everybody went to the bathroom. :lol:

    :lol: That was the halftime show, everyone went to pee and get more beer LOL

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