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Everything posted by AndiB

  1. Oh my VJ estimate starts in Oct now. We're so close to them starting Oct, I can't believe it 😍
  2. We have a trip booked 3-13nov, hoping at we see an approval by end of trip. Never thought I'd see it in 2023 so exciting (and scary)
  3. NVC is taking at least 2months I believe and then embassy is prob at best another month.
  4. As others have said only an issue if you were found to be a danger to yourself/others. Agree that you should take a letter from doctor/therapist stating that you are not.
  5. Hi sorry, I kinda made this and then life + work got crazy and I didn't have enough time to properly reply. I may be addressing some things that are now 'closed' so feel free to ignore but - For a lot of us we don't want to just leave because we know VJ is a great resource and many people benefit a tonne from this website and it would be a shame to just leave without at least trying to discuss things. Sure if it's a deadend, no one is forced to stay here. - I get the 'I'm out' now, I never took part on forums where people felt they had to announce they were disengaging. I think generally it's assumed people come and go, only person I feel that really needs to announce they're done is OP but each to their own. The 'I'm out' def feels a bit abrupt and when it's used by many and usually coupled with a lot of questions then 'Im out!' it feels more like storming out than disengaging politely. - I'm glad to see some mod changes. One thing I think gives a bad vibe, confusion and maybe stirs drama is posts being removed, esp constantly without any notice it's happened. We had a lot of confusion and bad vibes when a bunch of messages were being removed on the processing thread and no mod contacted anyone or even put a message saying x topic/thread was not allowed and posts would be removed until they realised people wouldn't stop unil told. So we were just confused. I think mod action should be transparent. Especially if possible to put more clearly what context caused a message to be removed. - I agree maybe if it's possible to separate immigration and off topic searches maybe the issue that was discussed can be avoided and can also in general help people find relevant posts more easily. There are def numerous trans members, I know a few myself. Maybe they're just lurking, maybe they don't feel comfortable posting or maybe they just haven't had a question related to their gender. - I haven't had time to find examples, if I get a longer period to sit with this I will! I find 'rudeness' tends to mostly be picked up when someone says something 'wrong' and everyone jumps on it. Most people asking a question are completely new to the process. They're going to say things wrong, there's going to be english translation issues etc etc. You are in no way required to correct them or engage but if you do it'd just be nice if it was with more grace and patience. I had zero idea how strict CBP was on using 'wife' etc so jumping on people like they're idiots for the mistake is a bit much. I think that's generally the issue...the vibe is 'you're an idiot' instead of welcoming. Not always, maybe not even mostly but there's def occurrences of make a mistake and you get a pile on for it. To end a long post, in the brief moments I've had to glance into threads, things seem to have chilled out and I am not seeing a lot of what caused me to start this thread to begin with so I'm thankful that this was taken seriously ❤️
  6. You don't need to wait for a letter from London. They do send one but it's so slow some people have visa on hand before they see the letter. You just need ready status then book your medical and interview yourself. You need at least 10 days between medical and interview else you may be refused pending medical results.
  7. Sadly there's nothing you can do. Can you contact vendors or whoever you're booked with, explain situation and ask if they can do a later date? Some places are okay to reschedule if you give them plenty of notice and explain. Ours is flexible like this. Depending on embassy, you could potentially still make it.
  8. Ah that's rough. I've seen UK people have same issue you two had but that's just because EU citizens could live here without citizenship so didn't bother and yet embassy doesn't say you need a police check if you're a citizen of another country 💀 Glad you're close to being together ❤️
  9. Ah wasn't sure if she'd obtained citizenship since moving. Like I have citizenships for UK but only moved here age 15 Thanks!
  10. Congrats! Im curious, does your fiance have thai citizenship? I see similar requests for my embassy but usually only if they're not a citizen of where they interview so trying to work out if that's why (for my sake)
  11. I can't link to outside of vj sources but you can also know by following when they start a new month, they start a new month every 3weeks, ie they're speeding up by a week every month so RIGHT now the timelines are similar but projected K1 is faster. Obviously this can change but same can be said for cr1. I just want people to acknowledge the k1 is speeding up and likely to be faster than cr1 when somebody asks which is faster They didn't ask which is better...obv they should be informed of pros and cons but the k1 is almost certainly faster for new filers
  12. Also been though immigration twice now, people don't need to be rude to 'prep you'. That's just an excuse
  13. Lol asking people to be courteous is not censorship....
  14. Agreed, wouldn't wanna DM someone who probably doesn't wanna hear it. Reporting seems safest
  15. I would just want people to be more courteous. What mod action, if any is taken is not for me to comment on
  16. It'll be this. People were (i think rightfully) upset they couldnt share the website or screenshots from it whereas you seemingly can for lawfully
  17. The replies I am refering to are not misreading tone, using your imagery does not change things. My culture is very blunt and to the point, I know comments like that can be misread, I'm not mixing them. This is in reference to 100% rude and unhelpful commentary and pile ons. I hear numerous members with these complaints and see many OPs nope out if a thread or say they're not appreciating rude ess only for the rude person to double down If mods want to sweep it under rug of 'theyre just busy/blunt' then enjoy losing members you could have kept
  18. waiting for work and travel etc is def not a joy but personally being apart from my partner is worse. For many it may be the other way around but being apart from your partner longer so you can work sooner may not be a fair trade for some. I dunno how many times I can point out your timeline example uses an old timeline for USCIS which is now 2months+ faster than it was in those timelines bringing them closer in time. For a march 2023 filer, it is highly probable a K1 will be faster than a CR-1 but yes there are other factors to consider.
  19. were you still registered at your current address during 2019-2020? If not then as Redro suggests. I move a lot so I stay registered at my parents address despite living elsewhere, I list both addresses. I've done this numerous times on security checks with zero issues.
  20. Not sure where to post as not really K1 specific but this is where I spend most of my time and can't comment on other forum topics but I assume it's common in others too. I feel like attitude in answers have been getting worse or maybe I just notice it more. People piling on OP for misspeaking, ESL errors, minor mistakes about a process and being stressed/nervous. This is supposed to be somewhere to get support, yes people may need to be corrected or get clarity but surely we can do it without being rude? People are quick to say 'i'm out' and 'your immigration journey is over' or some version of you ###### up so bad which is not helpful and generally hyperbole which does not help. I'm a blunt person but there's being blunt and there's being plain rude. If a post or question annoys you, maybe just move on instead of leaving a rude response or piling on. People come here for help and support and they should feel safe to do so, not get attacked.
  21. if you main goal is to be together asap, the spousal is not likely to win here. If other factors sway your decision (like cost, paperwork, ability to work/travel) which I believe Cat outlined well then potentially the CR1 works better for you. I assume you filed in March? Currently you're looking at a NOA2 in early Jan (could be a lil earlier or later) then a couple months at NVC and then interview at embassy. I am not familiar on the Manila embassy timeline, so I could be wrong but I think it's a couple months to visa on hand?? You're looking at being together summer 2024. If you did a CR1, I guess Feb 2025 or later (allowing for time to marry and refile). This is a significant wait difference but as I say, maybe the other pros of CR1 matter more than 'speed'. When people quote VJ timelines, remember the K1 has been speeding up, the VJ timeline is looking at NOA2s that took 14-16months whereas they now take 12-14 months and speeding up.
  22. cause the long wait is to get to NVC, not for NVC to process.
  23. Difficult to be 100% but yeah I'd say at this point they're starting aug
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