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Everything posted by skyline385

  1. I filled it online and received confirmation that the request was submitted just like last time. But this time i am wondering if i should also send the PDF version of the online form to USCIS to make sure its processed because simply submitting online didn’t work last time.
  2. Any recommendations on if i should mail the form filled online as well? USCIS says to not mail forms already filled online but it seems the online AR-11 tool causes issues.
  3. Yea I am going to fill it again today. Is it recommended that I file another AR-11 online with my I-751 receipt number and then mail the PDF to USCIS or I download the empty AR-11 form and fill it up manually to send to USCIS?
  4. I filled two AR-11 forms for my i-751 and other previously open cases through the online portal on Jan 20 and received confirmation from USCIS regarding the submission. However, its been over a month now and I haven't got a confirmation yet that the request was completed. I spoke to an agent on chat who said that since its been over 30 days already, I need to file the AR-11 again. But I am concerned as to how that will help? If I file it again I have to wait another 30 days and if its not processed again then its 2 months since I have moved with my address not updating. Has anyone dealt with this before?
  5. Makes sense, definitely will do it online then. Good point on the confirmation with online filing too, that would be helpful if for whatever reason they mail it to my old address.
  6. Thanks for the USPS link! Will use that to abbreviate it, PALM BEACH GDNS should fit into it perfectly. I also read that you can call USCIS on their toll free number and change address, would you happen to know anything about it?
  7. I filled my I-751 last year and got a NOA for it. However, we recently moved to Palm Beach Gardens and when I tried to update my address on the Change of Address AR-11 Online Form, the city tab does not let me enter the full city name. The spaces are limited to "Palm Beach Gard" so I am not sure If I just abbreviate the Gardens part so that my city reads "Palm Beach Grdn" or file a paper form for my change of address which would be much slower than the online one ☹️ Anyone here experienced something like this before where your city name was too long for the online AR-11 form?
  8. Has anyone used the AR-11 online form to update their address? We moved to Palm Beach Gardens and the City tab does not let me enter the full name, the spaces are limited to "Palm Beach Gard" so I am not sure If I just abbreviate the Gardens part so that my city reads "Palm Beach Grdn" or file a paper form for my change of address which would be much slower than the online one ☹️
  9. Update on my timeline, got 24 month extension in mail on 10/31, now the waiting begins! Good luck to everyone!
  10. Yep I am aware that it takes 1-2 years for ROC but what I was actually asking was if this means that they accepted my case for review? I actually did check out some of the other posts here afterwards and looks like my case was accepted for review and the receipt they mailed should contain the 24 month extension...
  11. Sent on 10/18 through USPS Next-Day Priority Express, delivered to Illinois Lockbox on 10/19. Got a receipt number through email/SMS on 10/24 and myUSCIS shows as "Case Was Received" on Oct. 21, still awaiting physical copy of receipt. Does this mean that my case was accepted or will they be another update in my case history for it?
  12. I have the 2019 jointly filed taxes too, just printed them today to include with the package. Regarding the old lease documents, i talked to my community manager today and they will provide me a letter stating our residence here since Jan 2020. I will include the letter with the 2022 lease, i think this should be enough right?
  13. I already tried that actually, came across some posts about name change but couldn't find one which had both names on the evidence. I too think that providing both SS cards should serve as reasonable proof in my case.
  14. The name on the marriage certificate is still her old one. We were able to change her name on the SSN by submitting the application along with the marriage certificate and then once we had the SSN updated, we got everything else slowly updated.
  15. When you say "include name change evidence", what would that be? I am including the form for changing name on our bank accounts along with the statements but does that qualify as name change evidence for other items? I am not so sure on this... We do have both of her SSN cards (one with the maiden name and other with the married name), would these be enough for the name change evidence if we include them?
  16. Its not a matter of $$ but rather trying to not send too much unnecessary stuff that's it. I figured quarterly bank accounts of both savings and checking account would be enough for proof of finance and residence. Regarding the electric bill, I added my wife to it in Q1 2021 after her name change so I can only send it from there. Regarding the lease, the 2020 one uses her old name and so did the 2021 since they didn't let us renew in the middle of it. We changed it for the 2022 lease so it wont show the name change until the current lease. Both of these could cause confusion regarding the name change thats why I am trying to avoid sending unnecessary stuff which wouldn't help my case.
  17. Thanks for confirming! Do you have any recommendations for the evidence I am submitting?
  18. Hello, I am filling my ROC with my wife and was hoping to get some input on how to proceed with evidence, particularly with respect to her maiden name in some of the evidence. We got married in December 2019 and we changed her last name in Q1 2021. So I have some concerns regarding her name changing midway through the evidence. I plan to write a cover letter explaining it but was looking for some input from the excellent community here as well. Following are the documents we plan on submitting, I would really appreciate it if the kind folks here can offer me suggestions on it. I have also read the ROC guide on VJ and it was extremely helpful, most of my evidence below was prepared from reading the guide and the multiple posts on this forum from folks before me. 1. 2.5 years of Checking and Savings account statements (one for every quarter so 10 of each, total 20). This is where the name change happens from her maiden name to my last name about a third of the way into the statements. I was able to procure the application we submitted to the bank for her name change and plan to include it, however the application does not mention her maiden name anywhere. Will this be fine or do I need to include anything else with it? 2. 4 x AMEX credit card statements (1 for each half of the year) showing purchases both from her and me under our card, I only included 4 because I am already submitting 20 Banking statements. If more are needed, I can add them. 3. High Yield Savings account statement which we opened 3 months ago showing the full duration. 4. 2 X FPL Electric bill, one from last month and the other from June 2021. Here too, I only added 2 statements as I think it should be enough in lieu of all the evidence above. If more are needed, I can add them. 5. 2 X Tax returns filled jointly for the year 2020 and 2021. 6. Apartment Lease for current year starting in Jan 22. With all the bank statements showing the same address, I figured just the current year lease would be enough? 7. Both our car licenses for the state of Florida. Honestly not sure if this needed? 8. Latest Car insurance for two of our cars and Renters insurance. 9. Latest mobile bill along with a printout of the page showing the leased phone for my wife with payment completed. 10. Printout of my 401K and Life Insurance Benefits summary, I can only get a single page summary here which lists my enrollment and my wife as the primary beneficiary. 11. 12-16 photos total from our trips around the US and to Canada & India. I have marked my concerns in red above, please let me know your thoughts on them and If I need to add anything else in here. Thank you in advance for your help!
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