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Everything posted by Vero8

  1. Has anyone received their nvc number? my Noa 2 is May 26.
  2. Would new uscis workers already have to be trained? By the way, I noticed your profile photo and Princess Mononoke is one of my favorite movies. I had to say it.Jajajajajaja
  3. Hello, where have you seen that March has reached 80% please !!! thank you so much
  4. Maybe it's a silly question, but I need help to understand it, I'm following this fantastic work, my NOA1 is May 13, 2022, based on these numbers my Noa 2 can be awarded between 3.2 and 2.8, from today May 4, that means I have What to expect until the end of June? I would appreciate your answers.
  5. Ohh really that great news!!!!! my noa 1 is May 2022, I hope hear news soon and also that all those people from previous and others months receive their approvals soon!!!!
  6. I was born in Equatorial Guinea, my parents adopted me when I was 1 month old, my parents are Spanish and I have all my Spanish documentation
  7. , I have a question. The birth certificate must be issued by the country where you were born, but what happens, for example, in my case. I was adopted as a baby by my Spanish parents, my birth certificate also only contains the country where I was born and the certificate of adoption and Spanish nationality, is that document valid as a birth certificate? It is the only thing that I have. I'm still waiting for my Noa 2, but I want to be prepared.I'm learning to use visajourney and I don't really know where I should ask the questions, I can't find a related topic in the search botton sorry if I'm asking the question in the wrong post, I would appreciate any answer
  8. Of course each case is different and the country also influences, right now on the website it is 16.5 I'm dying!! But thank you for your answer!!
  9. I will follow your timeline to have a point of reference, thank you very much for your answer!!! ☺️
  10. Hello, how accurate is the estimate that Visajourney makes. ?I see that every time my timeline for my fiancée visa approval is shorter, I don't want you to misunderstand me that makes me very happy but at the same time it is generating a lot of hope in me, the process and the wait is being agonizing and this is giving me It gives a little light. Thank you
  11. Could you please send the link for the spreadsheet?thank you Do you have the link to see the spreadsheet? Please
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