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Posts posted by yabasta

  1. Well today has been my busy day for Visa stuff. I went to the doctor`s and got my TD and MMR(which baffled the community nurse but there ya go). She was reading up on MMR while i was there and she read that America had all but eradicated Measles or something. I guess they don`t want it coming back. ha.

    Then i called the embassy and spent aabotu 10 minutes and lots of money on the run around with them on various premium rate numbers. I got through to an operator at one point who transferred me back to a machine before i could plead to her humanity.

    So then i came back to the compute to email them again. I am also going to write to them i think. They need to send out the packet again.

    Then i called for the medical again. This was something i have tried before and i was told i needed the packet 4. I was not optimistic since i still don`t have packet 4 but i kept talking and the girl on the phone seemed to back down and changed "you can`t" into "we don`t encourage" or words to that effect. I pointed out that i had my interview soon and needed to get the medical booked at least. She said how there were things in the packet that she had to go through etc etc. I explained that i had my case number and all my shots were sorted. So she booked me an appointment. Hooray.

    So i just need a passport photo and directions. Should not be a problem.

    So yeah monday i am off to London.

    Hopefully this is near the end of the journey.

    I swear they make it as hard as they can.

    Oh yeah and i called the agency i am currently working for(i do agency work as it allows frequent trips to USA etc) and they offered to write me a reference which was nice of them as i had not even thought about it.

  2. Yeah just hang in there. Take my advice thoguh and never call the embassy. I have called all 3 numbers i have found. One was in Glasgow and one was totally automated. The main Embassy number got me a human briefly but she said "well you need immigration then" and transferred me back to the automated bit despite none o fthose automated bits being of any help with my problem.

    So yeah i am pretty annoyed right now too. I have my interview date but can`t get my medical. The line is busy. What fun.

    Chin up though. :P

  3. I was just wondering if some one knows the answer to this question. My file is in DHS hell and I have no idea when it will ever surface. So lets say that I have to resubmit the whole application again. When does it expire so I can begin the process again without the useless expensive lawyer. Thanks

    Not sure what you mean but the CR1 is i bleive valid for 6 months after being issued so i assume if your visa has been issued then you have 6 months before you can resubmit an application. Not sure if this is what you mean but i figured i would try and help.

  4. Euro`s idea was good. Just book the return flight for as far in the future as they let you and make it a time when flights are cheaper so then you can maybe save too.

    scratch the above as it seems they charge a fair bit more for such long times between flights. It is actually cheaper to get a one way ticket in my case at least.

  5. question 16 i would put unknown

    question 21 would be NONE

    question 22 it just says list employment so i would just list employment and not worry about gaps.

    Question 23 i think they are mainly concerned with education that gave you any qualifications. I think i just put my secondary school and college.

    Hope this helps but remember i am not an expert.

  6. Governments and the military purport to protect the public from enemies, and if there were no enemies they would have to invent some, for the simple purpose of rationalizing their existence ....

    Laurance Labadie

    In 1903 the United States Congress passed legislation that banned immigrants who advocated the overthrow of government. Wouldn't that include the Founding Fathers?


    The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.

    Albert Einstein

    I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?

    John Lennon

    Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.

    George Orwell

  7. YEah cost of flights is the worst thing about getting a visa in summer. I usually just look on expedia but no doubt there are other places. I usually check all different dates etc until i find the cheapest.

  8. They said they mailed it on the 14th. I emailed them after about 4 or 5 days and have not had a response, not even the standard we will reply one day response.
    I am wondering about what I was told on the phone, if perhaps our package (packet 4 not 3!) was to be sent on the 12th since that is when they claimed AP was completed. If this is the case makes since yours is missing and we can't get an answer and no packet either.

    Have you been given a date yet over the phone or via email?

  9. I hope it is the classic left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing scenraio. Hopefully at some point this all sorts itself out. I guess all we can do is keep trying and keep emailing until we find the person who makes it all fall into place. I am rooting for you both. I feel like i should complain but don`t want them to add malice to incompetence. :o

  10. Firstly isn`t it cool that this disease is not available int he U.K.?

    on a serious note though.

    On mondya i am meeting with the community nurse at my local GP and she was very helpful and said she could sort out my Tetanus and said i should bring anything else i might need and she would see what she could do. I figure anythign she does will save me money. So it says on the vaccine chart that i need MMR and Chicken POX.

    If Chicken Pox is unavailable int he U.K. then how do they expect us to get it? and what usually happens?

    Is this a dumb question?


  11. O.K. i will thanks. I am just really stressed out and pissed off. It is getting close and i am worried i won`t have my letter or my medical by the 10th and i just spent a few quid to call a woman in Soctland who knows nothing. She was very helpful but she couldn`t help. :-s

    Thanks to VJ for your help everybody. W eneed to get the best people from VJ working for the state and then the state will be like a super efficient helpful system, well maybe.

    I have an appointment with the community nurse on Monday so i have the day off. I don`t suppose anybody can guide me to the vaccinations i need? I can`t find them anywhere. I know somebody posted them aswell.

  12. Whoever told you at the medical that you needed the letter lied to you...

    All you need is a case number to go to the medical.... I booked my husband for his even before we sent packet 3 (look at my timeline), they asked me if I had an interview date and I said no, and she said that's not a problem, she then asked me when I wanted the appointment for, so I said when is the nest available date, and she told me, and I could even choose the time!

    If I was you, I would call the doctor's again and try to book the appointment.

    When did you email the Embassy? Best is to wait for their response, I found that the DISinformation line was just a very expensive JOKE... I have read that they are taking their time in responding, think is their busiest time..

    Good luck...


    The person who anmswered the phone in Knightsbridge told me that i could nto book my medicla so i pretty much have to go by what they tell me. The Glasgow call centre was a joke as she didn`t even have a record of my interview date.

    I emailed London some time ago now. I have emailed them before so i know they are slack as hell. I just would have expected a response by now. I think i will call the actual Embassy on Monday morning and hope that London number doesn`t divert to an Iraqi call centre or whatever else is next in this messed up system.

    Thanks for your advice. I will call the medical centre again on Monday.


    Call DOS...202.663.1225 Tell them what's happened, and they can contact LND to perhaps get another one sent out.

    I wrote you regarding the medical on another post...but, all you need is your case number and they will book it. They did it for my hubby 2 weeks ago, and he had his on Wednesday. We didn't have an interview date when we booked it. All we had was a case #

    Call central booking and they'll set it up.


    I swear the medical centre in Knightsbridge told me that i could not book a medical with them without my letter from the embassy. I am not lying.


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