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Posts posted by imailin

  1. Man, NSC Losers who got RFEs from CSC after being transferred there in early April are now being approved, too! What is going on up there in Vermont, has the whole place just succumbed to inertia or something?


    I would like to write to the Senator as well... Please tell me to whom and where you send these letters if you dont want to disclose this info here please send me an email at im_ailin@hotmail.com



    I go to the Miami Dade Senators and there is not only one but more... I dont know who to pick!!!!!!! Help me!!

  2. Man, NSC Losers who got RFEs from CSC after being transferred there in early April are now being approved, too! What is going on up there in Vermont, has the whole place just succumbed to inertia or something?


    I would like to write to the Senator as well... Please tell me to whom and where you send these letters if you dont want to disclose this info here please send me an email at im_ailin@hotmail.com


  3. Hi everybody!!!!

    I repeat the beginning of my topics all the time because I have not filled out my timelines yet.

    I am a conditional permanent resident.

    My permanent residency status was granted in Nov 2006 and so

    my conditional green card expires in Nov 09/08.

    We need to file the I-751 petition to remove the conditions on my permanent residency.

    I am a housewife.

    Last year I tried to work as a dancer at a night club in FL (I was told that I can make a lot of money very fast).

    The club required that I would get an

    Adult Entertainment Identification.

    I worked only one night and quitted.

    Is this on my record?

    Does CIS have access to the information that applied for this kind of ID?

    I have a copy of my application. They did not require my SS#, but I gave my visa number.

    A year later my husband and I were in Las Vegas.

    I decided to try to work at a night club (again) for a couple of days.

    I had to apply for a sheriff’s card. This time I definitely gave my SS#.

    Is it on my record?

    Does the immigration have access to this information?

    Is it bad for my immigration case?

    Who else has the access to my record?

    Can I have any problems with getting a job because those IDs on my record?

    Can I seal this record? How? :blink::blush::innocent:

    Thanks a lot:)))))

    I dont see why would this affect your immigration status.... you did nothing illegal, tons of people work as a night club dancer, you weren't selling your body for money on the streets.. so I dont think you should worried... as long as your husband agreed....

  4. Hello!

    Followed up with USCIS again today and they will be sending me a letter requesting additional documentation.

    I called the hotline again today and at first she told me nothing had been sent to me, but when I asked why the officer at my recent INFOPASS appointment had mentioned that something had/would be sent out she put me on hold for 15-20 minutes and then said that I should receive a letter in the next 2-3 weeks.

    It sounded very much to me that the officer reviewing my case had requested that a letter be sent to me, but that for some reason it was pending in the system and hadn't actually been sent out. Nobody pressed "print" I guess. =O)

    My case shows a new touched date for today, 05/12/2008 in case someone wants to update the list. Guess I'll wait and see what they need from me.


    P.S. Anyone with upcoming INFOPASS appointments should perhaps really question the officer about whether there is anything outstanding with the case just to make sure there aren't any hiccups holding things up like with mine.

    Well, it's too bad you got an RFE but at least now you know that this is what the hold-up has been. It's actually not a little scary. If you hadn't pushed them (or if the officer at the InfoPass appointment hadn't mentioned the letter) you would conceivably just have been left waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting.

    My wife has an InfoPass coming up, I'll make sure she quizzes the officer. Although the second level customer service IO I spoke with last week didn't say anything about an RFE.

    In one way they are good news and in the other way bad news…. I mean, what about if they are holding all of us for interview or RFE???? I do not want to be negative but it is a possibility….I have more stuff to sent if they want, like taxes and bills, etc… but it pisses me off that we still have to wait!!!! Came on!!! Should I call on my case or should I wait????

  5. :rofl:

    I got my stamp yesterday. It wasn't a big deal. I was in and out in 20 minutes.

    I am sure it is not a big deal to get the stamp, I just didn't want to have to go get the stamp. IE. Approve me already!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's an unnecessary, pointless hassle in any event, even if a minor one.

    I can't even make the InfoPass now -- I get the message "At this time, there are no information appointments available for the office in your area. Please try back again later." I've heard elsewhere that one sometimes gets that message later in the day, and you have to try first thing in the morning.

    Last year I made an infopass... cause I tried to get my passport stamped... (Which they refuse since they said it was enough with my NOA) I remember trying for a couple days... and one afternoon after trying all morning: I got it!!!.... So keep trying.. And James Good luck with the ####### at the Miami Office, cause for my infopass (September) I went to a different one (not the building on Biscayne BLVD) and the lady was the biggest ###### ever!! Sorry for the language... but SHE WAS!!!!!!! :rofl:

  6. So instead of getting transfered like everyone else to the VSC on 1/31/08 My wife's notice came in the mail and said her file was being shipped back to the local Atlanta sub-office. The NOA (notice of action) went on to say we would be hearing from them soon.

    Four months later we received a letter telling us to appear in Atlanta at the sub-office for "A matter Concerning our I-751 Application". Not knowing what this meant or what to bring with us as proof, I decided to error on the side of caution and bring it all once again. So, I made another packet like the one I sent with the original 751 only with more recent information and some minor changes. On the second packet (more like binder) I left out the picture part only to be asked by the interviewer if we had any pictures to show her, but I'm skipping ahead here.

    We arrived at the sub-office almost an hour before our appointment time with my wife's parents in tow. It just so happens they were here visiting when the NOA arrived at the beginning of April and would be here when the appointment came rolling around. We sat in the car for a few minutes talking and looking around before I notice that everyone was getting a little nervous as the time ticked away. After about five minutes of talking and smoking we decided it would be best to go inside and get signed in.

    After waiting 10 minutes to get through the security measures put in place by the USCIS (had to remove all metal, belts, charms, rings, glasses, etc) we made out way up to the third floor and got signed in after presenting out appointment notice to the receptionist.

    After waiting 45 minutes we were finally called back to be interviewed/interrogiated....

    To Be Continued!

    Sorry it has taken me so long to finish this post but as I said my wife's parents are visiting at the moment so I haven't had much time to do anything other than entertain. They are leaving tomorrow....

    OK so we get called back by an older lady (maybe in her mid 40's) whom was very professional. I cant honestly say she was nice, but considering what she does everyday her professionalism outweighed any monotony she may have been feeling.

    Once we made our way down a very long hallway we came upon her office. Inside her office we found yet another person whom was going to sit in on our interview. I was later told that the second person (another lady) was training. Before we were able to sit down we were made to swear in by raising our right hands and repeated after the interviewer (anyone who has been to an interview will understand this).

    Once seated the interviewer (lets call her Sarah) retrieved my wife's file from one of her drawers in her desk. I would like to say the thought of my file being in that drawer for the past 15 months didn't cross my mind, but I think even JAMES would agree that was not the case. Once our file was opened I immediately noticed that the application (751) was on top of the file followed by the contents of the evidence binder I sent in with the 751 15 months ago.

    Sarah started off by examining all of the information in the 751 application and then she had us verify if all of the information was correct. Sarah went over every line and every box and every field of the 751, even asking us to verify that our signatures were in fact our signatures.

    After Sarah was finished reviewing our 751 application with us she asked if we had any other evidence to submit to the file. I turned over copies of our past tax returns from 03 through 07. At that time she looked surprised by the pile of paper and commented "you've been married quite a while". You can only guess what I was thinking at that moment...

    I also turned over copies of bank statements from the prior two years up to the most current. After, I turned over two more affidavits (from the same people as in our first binder but updated). Sarah asked for other things like rental agreement and joint account statements. As my wife and I have no rental agreements or mortgages, I supplied copies of past car insurance policies and SSA statements as well as equifax credit reports showing shared accounts.

    After Sarah was satisfied with our evidence she asked for my wife's drivers license, passport, and two year green card. While we were gathering these things Sarah made some small conversation with my wife and I. Her first question was "so hows the marriage going"? My wife and I both stated good (being too nervous to really speak freely). Sarah then stated "so no fights then"? I immediately opened my mouth and said "now I wouldn't say that"! (Can you see trick questions as well as I can?) After we answered Sarah even came out and said that was a trick question. Anyone who is in a real marriage fights at least some.

    At that point we had the documents Sarah asked for and she took them to get copies made. I had extra copies of those identifications with us but she said no thanks and went to make her own copies. So there we were, in Sarah's office with the trainee, alone. The awkwardness quickly set in. My wife began rambling on about her dogs (something she does when she gets nervous). I began offering more evidence to the trainee as a way of showing we were not nervous and were LEGIT!

    Once Sarah came back into the office she gave us our Id's back. She then calmly sat down and began hole punching all of the evidence we had given her to add to our file. Once finished she calmly said "I don't think we'll have any more problems approving this application". She then stamped my wife's passport with a 6 month stamp and told us we would receive my wife's green card within that time frame. After all of that was over I asked Sarah if I could now ask a couple of questions of my own.

    My first question was "why was our file picked out of all of the others for a second interview"? Sarah answered by saying "all 751 applications are given interviews prior to being approved/denied". Even thought I knew this to be not true I went along not wanting to jeopardize my wife's green card. I then asked her to verify the length of the new green card and she said 10 years.

    After my questions were answered we were kindly escorted back out to the waiting room by the trainee. Maybe 10 feet down the hallway my wife turns around and jogs back to Sarah's office. At that point I was panicking thinking "you cant do that in a federal building without someone thinking the worst". As it turns out my wife just wanted to put the icing on the cake. She asked Sarah if she would like to meet her parents whom were waiting in the waiting area.

    So, my wife, myself, Sarah, and the trainee all walk out into the now packed waiting room to talk to her parents who do not speak any English. At that point I was really shocked by what I heard next.......Sarah spoke German! Sarah and my in-laws had a nice little 3 minute conversation while standing out in the waiting area. At that point I noticed that 99% of the people in the waiting area were staring at us!

    So that's our story. There are a couple of things I noticed that may be of use.

    1) All forms and paper work are top hole punched. Something you may want to consider doing when sending in large stacks of paperwork.

    2) If you do submit a binder with your evidence like we did don't go all out on the binder. They throw away the binders and put your files in a vanilla folder.

    Thanks for reading. If you think I left anything out or would like to know more about a particular thing then please let me know.

    The Doc

    Thanks for sharing and thanks for asking her questions!!!!! I can just imagine how nervous you guys were.... when we had our interview (back in 2005 for the adjust of status) my husband and I were there for just 5 minutes (not lie) and those were the most tense 5 minutes our my lifes....

    Good luck to all of us!!!

    thanks again

  7. I just got to the website and I was expecting some good news… well I guess all I found was an ignorant writing non-sense which made everyone upset, counting myself. Let him try to get a SS Card and have the SS department employee tell you that for "them" the NOA is not valid…(arent they part os the United States too?). Let him go trough that and fell out of status when you are not!!!!

    And then…. WHAT IS GOING ON??/ IS MONDAY AND NOTHING YET??? This is driving me nuts I was expecting to get my approval by May!!! I have to move and I don’t really want to do the address change!!! :angry:

  8. i guess nobody understood my question.... my friend is already a US citizen (last year she got her naturalization) she is divorced now. My question is: if she gets married again within the next year would she be able to claim her new husband (which lives in USA but has an expired visa) or she has to wait longer to claim him... I don’t care if it looks good or bad... I just would like to know if anyone knows if it s 5 years from the date she was a legal resident or five years from the date she became a citizen...

    Form I-130 says: whish it says 5 years from the green card, i just wanted to know if anyone knows this is certain to advised her.....

    A period of five years has elapsed since you became a lawful permanent resident; or

    You can establish by clear and convincing evidence that the prior marriage through which you gained your immigrant status was not entered into for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws; or

    Your prior marriage through which you gained your immigrant status was terminated by the death of your former spouse.


    Thanks guys anyways...

  9. once a person that got the citizenship trough marriage and got divorce how long has to wait to ask as a citizen a new husband???

    I have a friend that just got the divorce papers last month (after 7 months) and now she is in love and would really like to married her new boyfriend, which he has no status.... how long she has to wait to be able to ask for him???

    I heard 5 years but from where you count? since she is a resident or a citizen?


    I ask here cause dont know where to ask!

  10. Not that this is in the cards now or will be in the future and just out of curiosity, (and this is a bit off topic of the orginal discussion but since it is already started here), if say my wife got naturalized and became USC, could she then petition for her parents to come over here or would she need to wait 5 years. Just distance thoughts if SA ever started going the way of Zim.

    Yes she will be able to ask for her parents at any time after she gets the naturalization..... (that is how my friend did and her parents are resident already.... believe or not was faster to became resident that to clear conditions....... :angry: )

  11. maybe you guys can answer me this question... my friend was married (with an USA citizen) he got divorce right after her naturalization..... I know that she can not married someone and claim that person for a while... anyone knows how long she has to wait until she is able to married another person and able to claim that person???????? please! I heard 5 years... but since she is resident or since she is a citizen???? thanks guys!!!!

    She can marry another person ANYTIME (depending on state law) but for immigration purposes there is a 5 year wait between USC/alien petitions.

    Thanks!!!!! :ot: one more thing.... you said 5 years counting since she is a resident or since she became citizen????? that is what I don’t get.......


    I hope we see same kind of movement today other wise we have a long week to wait (till Friday we wont see nothing)

  12. :ot:

    maybe you guys can answer me this question... my friend was married (with an USA citizen) he got divorce right after her naturalization..... I know that she can not married someone and claim that person for a while... anyone knows how long she has to wait until she is able to married another person and able to claim that person???????? please! I heard 5 years... but since she is resident or since she is a citizen???? thanks guys!!!!

  13. He has lived in this country since he was born? (2008 - 1979 = 29)

    since he is 8 months old

    I really doubt without some sort of an amnesty program he has many options... What was his status when he arrived, tourist? Do the records of initial entry still exist?

    I know he has options because as I said before his oldest sister got the citizenship and her mother and father are resident with the same circumstances.... so;./// my question is if being a son there is more requisites than being a spouse or mother and what form ....

  14. My friend is a legal Us recident since 2006. She wants to ask for her son which is 29 years old and lives in this country since 1979.... I am not sure when but I believed in 1986 they adjust status with an admisty but then they never continue the requirements (within a year thet needed to pay same fees whish they never did and they status expired, but they never had a order of deportation) the question is: what form my friend has to send to ask for her unmarried son (29 years old) and even if he lives in this country will USCIS adjust status again? or they will send him back to his origin country and then after 10 years he will be able to enter USA?

    PS" my friend got his permanent green card trouht her oldest daughter which got married and she is a citizen.


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